First grow, problems in flowering


New Member
First grow, I’m about 3-4 weeks into flowering. Two days after heavy rain plants continue to droop and looks like leaves are starting to become pale ish. Leaves are also canoeing.
Soil medium; happy frog top dressed with ocean forest halfway through veg.
They’re getting bloom nutes once a week, fish emulsion once a week, and compost tea once a week.

Does this look like over watered from heavy storm or deficiency? Thanks for input


Farmer's Hat

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about. It will bounce back once the soil dries out a bit. You can cover the pot with some plastic if you dont want anymore rain getting into the soil. It might help ease your worries. :cool:


Active Member
A wire rack of some kind would help their bottoms breathe, and in turn help over watering straighten up quicker. I personally am getting these for my upcoming grow.
Plant Caddy! Forgot their proper name. With fabric pots, should breathe pretty good. Help reduce root rot possibility as well.


New Member
A wire rack of some kind would help their bottoms breathe, and in turn help over watering straighten up quicker. I personally am getting these for my upcoming grow.
Plant Caddy! Forgot their proper name. With fabric pots, should breathe pretty good. Help reduce root rot possibility as well.
The pots are elevated, I put rocks under each corner to get them off the ground. Really like that wire thing though


Active Member
The pots are elevated, I put rocks under each corner to get them off the ground. Really like that wire thing though
Right on! I do see that now. Well as long as air can fully get under it, a breeze can fully pass through underneath then that should be good enough. As big as she is, I wouldn't imagine more than a day or 2 to drink the soil some and get back to normal. Good luck