First Grow, Posting for Input


Well-Known Member
Hi. I have a grow space of 4x2x5 and 1 x 125w cfl and 1 x 65w cfl, 1 x 90w led.
Aware that I'll be most likely recommended to pick up a few more bulbs, two more 125w and one more 65w cfl's and potentially 1-2 more 90w led's is what I was seeing, a few more dual fixtures, and some wireings. I would like to do cfl for veg, and then combo cfl/led or even all led for flower. Totally open to suggestions and help. That's my intent on posting, I have read throughout the forum and will do so more, for similar postings covering related grows.

I have 8 pots, and would love to grow 8 plants organically, most likely all from seed, that part I have. Seeds, organic soil/compost, nutrients, proper ph balance. I am into composting and growing fruits and vegetables as well, so some real nice compost is breaking down right now that I will put into the soil.

The tent is calibrated and so are the two lights I have, cfl's, what I was seeing is three lights hanging, and one on each side in the middle about 3ft down (and adjustable as the plants grow) fastened. Total of 5 cfl's and, 3 x 125w and 2 x 65w, totaling 505w for a desired 8 plants, that is 40w per plant veg.

For flowering I only have the one 90w led, and was seeing either led/cfl combo or just led and getting 1-2 more 90w lights for a total of 270w for a desired 8 plants.

In response, I would appreciated;

1) what you feel I am capable of (how many, and the quality of plants) with what I have currently, 1 x 125w and 1 x 65w cfl bulb for veg, and 1 x 90w led for flowering.

2) what you feel about my seeing the 3 x 125w cfl and 2 x 65w cfl for veg and, cfl/led combo for flowering, or 2-3 x 90w led for flowering

3) what you feel that I would need to successfully cultivate 8 happy plants organically to high quality potent potential, and whether you feel I have the space (4x2x5) to fulfill that desire.

I was told that the current lights were able to help 8 plants grow and a total of 1 - 1 1/4 lb of medicine was cultivated each harvest. from what I have read, it's not quite saying that. i have seen posted that is recommended 100w for plant 1 and 50w per additional plant.

Send me some recommendations. I am pretty clear on the soil blend I want to use, and I have composting that i will add to it, and will test the ph of the soil to ensure its right. all organic, from organic fruit and vegetable peels, and remains.

4ft long by 2ft wide by 5ft tall, indoor closet cfl grow.

current have: 1x125w cfl, & 1x65w cfl bulb(s) - open to getting more, was looking to get 2x125 and 1x65 more for a total of 505w. - for vegitation
1x90w led ufo light - open to getting more 1-2x90w, or doing a combo cfl/led - for flowering
fan, exhaust hose, and air filter
8 pots, will get the soil (fox farm or one that is better suggested), organic compost for nutrients

want to grow all from seed, or open to doing combo seed/clone grow.
let's talk. thank you!


Well-Known Member
Hi, I figured that I would edit and hopefully someone will send some kind help my way before I make any sort of investment I do not need to.

Thank you.

what I have is;

- 4x2x5 tent, full reflective interior three vents.
- One (1) 125w cfl (from hydrofarm) (longer bulb style)
- One (1) 65w cfl (curly bulb style)
- One (1) 90w led ufo (unmarked, just has "led grow light" on back label, along with the power ratings, etc)
- One (1) fan, not sure whether outtake or intake, it has the long tubing that goes out of the tent.
- One (1) air filter that connects to the tubing somewhere
- Eight (8) buckets (they look like 1 gallon each)

What I would appreciate in response is,

a) what you feel I am capable of (high quality organic plant growth and development) with the equipment I currently have, from seed to flower, most likely auto flower feminized seeds for this first grow.

b ) I have found a few more led ufos for $100 a piece (on the site they go for $145), from led wholesalers and can pick them up today or anytime this week, but before I do I wanted to ask whether or not that would be a wise investment. At 90w a piece for 100 each, I was thinking about adding 2-3 more led ufos (along with the one I already have) for flowering would total 270-360w of led for flowering. (I was also thinking about getting some of the cfls that are for flowering and adding them with the led during flowering for full coverage)

c) My desire was to grow 8 plants, then I realized that is only 1sq foot per plant, meaning I could grow a huge cola upwards of 3 and 1/2 to 3 and 3/4 ft, while still getting good light coverage all around as long as I have enough watts going. That would be growing 8 plants and intending on them to all just flower into large 8 - 10 inch thick colas growing upwards near 4 ft. What do you feel about this.

Thank you

In summary and conclusion, I would appreciate some feedback and response to what I asked, and also what you feel would be best for my environment, and where my investments would be best made. Hope to hear from you soon, as I have had this tent calibrated and up, cleaned with organic cleaners, and ready to germinate some seeds for 5 days now, so I am ready to pick out the strain and get the seeds, I just want to make sure I am making choices that will help these ladies to flourish and live happy lives.


Active Member
hey chief,

I am a noob aswell and just about 12 days into my first grow,

i find almost everything by advanced search and post titles... cant recommend it enough.... you will find alot of guides and answers through searching.....

Take your time, learn as much from your own discovery, then hit these nice people on here for their knowledge when you really need... just my tuppence.... coz i really appreciate what people give back in knowledge to this forum.....


New Member
I think with the two cfl bulbs and the one led that you have so far, you could manage maybe four decent plants, or eight that would be fighting for light a bit.
Have you ever thought about investing in an hps light? They do kick a lot of heat off but if you can control that, things will probably work out cheaper and more efficient.

My favourite investment so far: an inexpensive humidifier from a well know auction site, keeps the humidity right, and resulted in me ending up with some nice sticky weed!


Well-Known Member
Hey. I picked up
1 - 125w 6500k lotus cfl
3 - 105w 2700k gcp cfls

Total watt now
315w for veg
405w for flower (90w is led light)

I will do three plants in 5 gallon pots each.

Thank you for the input. I appreciate any more.


Well-Known Member
dude u have a grow tent right go pick up a air cool hood with lights they for $200 (400watt HPS) and pick up a outtake fan($80-100) that fits a 6" vent duct... with that ur set i used to grow 6 plants under that with no problems.... so $300 that u spent guarentee ull be happy in the end yield compare to CFL.