First grow plzzzzz HELP !!!!

okay guys here is my set up

DRII 60 , 60x60x160
extract: TT 125 fan
intake: small 125mm fan
2 clip fan

okay i have 2 auto ( auto mazar and auto blueberry ) from Dutch passion seeds they just sprouted today and i have transfer them into my propagator my proplem is first of all i didnt attach my carbon filter yet but my temps is 26.3 c lights on with no propagator but humidity is ZERO !!!!!
if i put the propagator under the light my temps is 28.5 c and humidity is 45

my seeds didnt pop out of the soil yet but i have placed thim into the propagetor under my 250w sun master dual spectrum as am out of budget to get any flouro lamp i know ppl will say its cheap bla bla bla but not from the place i live in its at least 50 euro and i dont have this money now !!!

so i dont know what to do !!! should i remove the propagator cover and have no humidity or should i cover it and face heat ???

please guys any help is appreciated !!

hoi hoi guys'
thanks alot for the comments , i have done that at the moment my temps is getting down as well as my humidity i have aproplem adjusting my legrand mechanical timer but i hope i solve it out before they pop out ,
we will see how it will gonna go and i will let u updated thanks alot
bye bye.
okay guys cant say No here is some pics i will appreciate any comments thx..
i got pics for the timer also plz any help with it guys i know its looking dump from me but sorry first timer ha ;)
i wanna the lights off at 12 and on at 5 so i sleep feelin alittle bit safe ha :)


Well-Known Member
i personally left mine in a heated prpergator....the roots like the heat to get em goin iv heard...mine grew big very fast and after 7-9 days in the prop i had to take em out and pot em,i didnt plant strate in soil tho...i used the paper towel method to get my beans goin and had 100 percent success,every1 tho has there own way that works for them...all i used was a 125 watt was right above the prop lid....if i were u id ask some one with allot of xperience on what to do...b careful who u listen to on here as there a ton of bullshit flyin about...check out the big threads with alot of posts and ask them guys,they mostly cool and will help
hello tiltswitch
thanx alot for your comment man ,
i have used the paper towel also at the beginning and it worked great
the first they open and i have seen the little white hair comin out :) i just put thim in putting soil upside down the hair is up and the helmet is down as i read that this is better than puttin the root down ,,
i have raised the light so high at least at the beginning its around 90cm above the plants we will see how it will go with me and ill keep u updated,
i water thim now with aph watered with some fertilizer i think it have came with the propagator
i can see now the hilmet of the mazar comen out of the soil the other one i saw the root but i put i have covered it with some soil hope to see this helmet above by the end of the day
thx again guys for all the help xxx

Tran Dinh

Well-Known Member
okay guys here is my set up

DRII 60 , 60x60x160
extract: TT 125 fan
intake: small 125mm fan
2 clip fan

okay i have 2 auto ( auto mazar and auto blueberry ) from Dutch passion seeds they just sprouted today and i have transfer them into my propagator my proplem is first of all i didnt attach my carbon filter yet but my temps is 26.3 c lights on with no propagator but humidity is ZERO !!!!!
if i put the propagator under the light my temps is 28.5 c and humidity is 45

my seeds didnt pop out of the soil yet but i have placed thim into the propagetor under my 250w sun master dual spectrum as am out of budget to get any flouro lamp i know ppl will say its cheap bla bla bla but not from the place i live in its at least 50 euro and i dont have this money now !!!

so i dont know what to do !!! should i remove the propagator cover and have no humidity or should i cover it and face heat ???

please guys any help is appreciated !!

haha fuck man just make sure they survive.. relax. Its like having kids your first time with 'real' beans hehe.
Trust me in a year youll be tossin them like tomato seeds. keep it up good work.
Good answers here, i will say keep as your doing, keep your lings somewhere between 20-30c with some fresh air like any new seedling.
When they pop up just a slight breeze from a fan to reduce the stretching and promote stabiliser roots. Even if you do get some stretch dont worry and just plant the stem deep down at pot-up time.
hay train
thx man for ur comment it was really funny i hope i do this tomato thing man haha :)
about my lights i put it reall up at the beginning and ill lower it few cm every day am afraid just to toast thim in the begining u think its bad idea ?


Well-Known Member
if ur using 250w id lower them right down mate otherwise ur gonna get stretching big no xpert but i had 125watts about 2inch from my propgtr lid so i reckon ur safe with about 8inch away with a 250...dont take this for grantd tho id speak to the experts and leave a comment on one of the big hitting posts like doggies nuts,put ur hand above ur pot if it dont burn ur good