First grow plant problems....


Hi this is my first grow and I am having a couple problems. My tallest and oldest plant(2 months) is showing yellow fan travis' pics 017.jpgleaves.travis' pics 016.jpg My 6 week rocklock is showing rust colored spots on some leaves. I am pretty sure the rust colored spots might be fungus or mildew and the yellow leaves are from N def. Can anyone please try and confirm or deny my speculation? Let me kno thankstravis' pics 015.jpg!travis' pics 014.jpgtravis' pics 013.jpg


Active Member
what are you using? soil with nutes? what kind of nutes?

in order these are my assumptions...

1. nute burn...
2. ph fluctuation or too low or high...this locks certain nutes out and doesnt let the plant get what it needs so it can start doing funky shit to your girls. CHECK AND MAINTAIN YOUR PH! how are you doing this?
3. some sort of Def...just give them some water and lay off the nutes if your using any until they look healthy.

ME personally if theres a few leaves with problems, i take them off....water with clear water once or twice balance shit out and clean up any build ups that can be burning the plant and than i go back to normal feeding. Its a weed, one or two fucked up leaves is ok especially 2 months in....a whole plant, your doing something wrong.


Hi umphreak420,

The first 2 pictures of the yellowing fan leaves appear to be near the very bottom of your plant. That being said, it is not uncommon for a 'healthy' plant to have 1 or 2 of these off colored or dying leaves, it is old vegetation and generally not something to be concerned about. If it becomes abundant, and seems to be moving upward the plant, then you should be concerned. If this seems to be the case, it is likely to be Nitrogen deficiency, or nutrient lock out --caused by improper PH. My first soil grow, when i saw yellowing leaves near the bottom, i would panic and add lots of N. Come to find out i was only hurting my plants more by building up toxic nutrient salts and making my soil to acidic..Do you monitor PH at all?

As for the spots, I'm not positive what that is but it looks very similar to Magnesium deficiency. This can be remedied by adding a teaspoon of Epsom salts to your water regime.

A good rule of thumb Ive been told is:
NUTRIENT DEFICIENCIES generally affect the LOWER growth first, as the older vegetative material is 'robbed' of nutrients to nourish new growth on top.
NUTRIENT TOXICITIES generally affect UPPER newer growth first, as the newer vegetative growth cannot tolerate such high nutrient concentrations
PH problems affect the entire plant.

Anybody please correct me if I'm wrong!
(which I'm sure someone will, lol)


what are you using? soil with nutes? what kind of nutes?

in order these are my assumptions...

1. nute burn...
2. ph fluctuation or too low or high...this locks certain nutes out and doesnt let the plant get what it needs so it can start doing funky shit to your girls. CHECK AND MAINTAIN YOUR PH! how are you doing this?
3. some sort of Def...just give them some water and lay off the nutes if your using any until they look healthy.

ME personally if theres a few leaves with problems, i take them off....water with clear water once or twice balance shit out and clean up any build ups that can be burning the plant and than i go back to normal feeding. Its a weed, one or two fucked up leaves is ok especially 2 months in....a whole plant, your doing something wrong.
hahaha we pretty much said the exact same thing.

Personally I think your fine too myself but maybe someone else has a better educated opinion


I'm no expert but i believe little small spots can mean calcium def. Someone please correct me if i'm wrong


Thanks for the replies guys. im using ffof soil and the fox farm nutes. I started with 1/3 strength and moved up to 2/3 last feeding and will probably try a full strength dose next feeding. I am pretty sure they are 2 separate problems. I did foliar spray with a strong epsom salt solution when the rust spots first appeared but it didn't seem to do much. I bought some fungicide 3 spray with neem oil that I am gona spray once a week for awhile and see how that helps. Once again thanks for the replies. This site has been helpful and its good to know there are other people out there willing to try and help. This first time experience has been somewhat easier than expected but I am making mistakes and learning from them.


Active Member
I dont want to scare you but have you thought about bugs? some of the spots on your leaves in the 4th picture look like a shiny silver almost which is indicative of thrips. (thrips peel back a layer of the leaf to suck the juices out) leaving silver spots which can eventually start to die off and kill the leaf. It may be a stab in the dark but its worth a look. (I just recently eradicated a thrip infestation)
Thrips are tiny, the size of a pin head and u can usually find them running in groups of 2 or more. I would start looking in the center main vein (things that sound dirty that arent har har). Hope you dont find anything. Thrips also love the live in the buds.


Ya there is shiney residue from the epsom spray. I tried spraying with water but it didnt get rid of it all. Don't scare me like that screamin! lol I checked for mites and thought it might be the root gnats but never thought of thrips!


Ok so rust spots have somewhat subsided now, but last night I just fed the rocklock it's first full 3 tsp/gal of ff grow big and its showing some nute burn with what almost looks like scratches in the leaves. The funny thing is that when it was a seedling I burnt one of the first sets of leaves with foliar feeding grow big in direct light (one of my first lessons learned, even tho it did say not to on the label!) I think i might have even dropped it when I transplanted it and was scared I fucked it up totally but it is one strong ass plant. It turned out to be the healthiest plant and started smelling scrumptious and showing preflowers b4 all the others. I want to take some clones from it but I am scared to due to my total lack of experience but I do want to keep it's genetics around for sure. It was a freebie from DNA genetics but their marketing tactics worked because I will definitely be trying them out again in the future with either L.A. Confidential or Chocolope. But I will keep u guys posted on how it does once I start flowering.


be sure you do half the amount that it says on the FF grow big to start off with. i believe that is a chem fertilizer so be very careful with it


ya when I started using the Grow Big I only used 1/3 of what it said to. Should I do the same when I start giving them Tiger Bloom?