First Grow - PLAN


Well-Known Member
Ok so i've been reading on these forums for the past few weeks and finally decided to register.

My plan is to grow between 3-8 SWAG seeds in my closet when i go back to school in August, luckily for me my closet is a good sized walk in where i can secure off a small section to growing and also keep plenty of room for my clothes/shoes etc,.

My dad has 100% organic compost that he makes himself with a small machine that he just throws in like egg shells, banannas oranges basically just pure organic mulch type stuff right there, and i live in the country so i can easily aquire Horse and or Cow manure "fresh" lol and of course i would go to home depot and get a bag of anything good looking besides miracle grow i would then mix all the soils together to get a good base/medium i guess

next step is to buy either
A) Medium sized fish tank and fill it with the soil and use that light to start my growing right there with watering etc and grow it from the fish tank only

B) Buy a # of pots i am wanting to grow and put each plant into a large pot and grow them there and use the soil that i mentioned previously

Basically, i want to grow my towns swag into my own personal "dro" that i would only smoke with my brother i was thinking that 6 plants would be perfect seeing as how its my first grow and it will be a learning experience...i am going to continue to read

Money is not really an issue but i would like to keep this as low key as possible, i also have 2 mini fans that i would use to ventilate the area and keep fresh air moving

i still have much research to do but i would just like to get an opinion on how this would be...

I think that the soil i am making would provide plenty of nutrients seeing as how its basically ALL organic stuff....manure + home made compost and throwing in a filler of normal soil from Home Depot

And Watering shouldn't be too bad i have read that sitcking my finger or buying a meter to measure my water and stuff

I am not too worried about anyone going into my closet seeing as how its on the complete opposite side of my room and it will be "hidden" becuase no one wants to go into a closet lol...

Any constructive criticism or tips, pointers etc would be great

Thanks for reading about my first grow PLAN i will be starting prob August 20th or so when i get situated back into an appartment at school


Go with B. When you say "swag", does that mean bad weed? If you're starting with poor genetics, the most perfect environment wont make it good, get good genetics. Also "dro" is usually used in reference to hydroponics which is done without soil. What kind of lighting are you going to use? How are you going to vent the area? How big is the area? Just some things to think about.


Well-Known Member
Go with B. When you say "swag", does that mean bad weed? If you're starting with poor genetics, the most perfect environment wont make it good, get good genetics. Also "dro" is usually used in reference to hydroponics which is done without soil. What kind of lighting are you going to use? How are you going to vent the area? How big is the area? Just some things to think about.

Swag meaning the bad weed yes, still gets you high but its basically mexican dirt brick shit crap weed thats sold in my town.... I just want to try it out, i have been trying to find a post where someone started with swag like me but i must be puttin in the wrong keywords

The lighting i have been reading more on the CFLs are on my list, i have been reading about MH (metal halide?) that i will prob be buying from Home Depot

The Venting of the area will be done with some portable fans i have one of them is a mini about 3 inches of fan and pumps a pretty good stream of air
and i have 2 large ones that are about a foot tall These will be used as needed, I figured i would start with the small one before i put in the big boys

The closet space i will be growing in is large enough for a Full sized bed to be put on the floor...thats my refrence right now :/

Thanks for the replys i am here to learn


Well-Known Member
get an hps and a m/h conversion bulb to use for vegging and a hps bulb for flowering. 400 or 600w should work, a 1000w would be nice if you can keep temps down with it. You'll want to cooltube your light so you can get it as close to the plants as possible. you want the air in your grow area replaced 3-5 times a minute, figure out your cubic feet of the area and then compare taht to the fans cfm(cubic feet per minute). How do you intend to control smell? You can get a soil moisture reader or use the lift method, i dont advise you use the stick your finger in a few inches and if its dry water. Your soil needs to dry before watering again and alot of times the top 2 inches may be dry but it doesnt mean it needs watering again, the soil further down could be wet still. Cannabis root cycles need the wet dry cycles for proper root development and its a crapshoot sort of if you just go by the top being dry.


Well-Known Member
You'll want to cooltube your light so you can get it as close to the plants as possible.
What exactly does "cooltube your light" mean?

figure out your cubic feet of the area and then compare taht to the fans cfm(cubic feet per minute).
I will have to move in before i am able to figure out those numbers....I don't move in till August 18th i would like to start my grow around the week of or right after that date

How do you intend to control smell?
I was thinking of possibly blocking off that small portion of my closet that would be growing in with like a blanket hung up but that would probably hurt airflow/humidity
with 4-6 plants would smell be such a HUGE problem? The smell problem is now on my list of worries, question the smell of a plant is just like in the bag...but would it smell like that 24/7 since the source of the smell is RIGHT THERE ?????


Sounds like everyone giving him good advise but that's not what he is looking for. Sounds like he wants to grow a plant or two of shit weed to test the waters... I'd say grow one with what ever money you are willing to put into it, keeping in mind lighting is #1. Sure you may get a shitty yield but you will see if you want to continue growing. If so then go buy all the shit you need. But don't run out and spend $500 to grow the dirt that comes from mexico.

p.s. I am new to this and still planing my setup so no knowledge went into this post.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like he wants to grow a plant or two of shit weed to test the waters
100% on the money right there.....i am not expecting Tich rich weed, but i would love to see what i could turn my towns "swag" into...

It might not be the BEST genetics, but hey its weed, and i really just want to see what i CAN grow to see if i will like it and I just would love the feeling of lighting up a bowl knowing I put my time and effort into it

You never know...the weed that they send from mexico gets barely any water probably heavy on the fertilizer....when i go to the city to get chronic and when thats gone and smoke the can even SEE how BAD the weed actually is....

I think given the right conditions i can grow the "swag" into some good stuff, and that owuld be great for me

Must i still worry about smell though?


Well-Known Member
What exactly does "cooltube your light" mean?

I will have to move in before i am able to figure out those numbers....I don't move in till August 18th i would like to start my grow around the week of or right after that date

I was thinking of possibly blocking off that small portion of my closet that would be growing in with like a blanket hung up but that would probably hurt airflow/humidity
with 4-6 plants would smell be such a HUGE problem? The smell problem is now on my list of worries, question the smell of a plant is just like in the bag...but would it smell like that 24/7 since the source of the smell is RIGHT THERE ?????
It sure is a problem, you need to use odor control even with 1 plant, they smell ALOT, lol, if you dont have odor control in place they will smell up the whole room for sure and most likely the whole house, anyone who came over will be able to smell it pretty easy. Look into carbon filters. I should of said air cooled hood, sorry, they are airtight fixtures that are connected directly to the outside on one side and directly out of the other side with ducting and a fan to suck the hot air out of your grow right away.(in addition to your exhaust fan. the tempered glass itself also helps reduce the heat you get from it and that lets you get the plants get closer w/o burning them.


Well-Known Member
Well sheeit...

I need some time to think because i sadly AM living with 3 other of them i have never met before, and another is cool and the last guy is a straight douche a lot of the times...

Im pretty sure im the only one who smokes weed out of all of them too and the stench of a plant would KILL them prob.... gonna get stoned and think more about the smell problem tomorrow....i don't know how to get out the smell , and i have read on the carbon filters but i don't know where i would make it exaust into therefore creating a problem

Thanks a ton for the replies ...i will be thinking/reading more on stench problems ill check back in after i hit some sleep and some weed then back here :p


Well-Known Member
This is what ive got, filter and exhaust fan combo 400w hps w/the growbright high output bub and euro reflector upgrades. ducting for the reflector to hook up with. Fan for the aircooled hood. Black white poly
and some other things, but i figured i'd cover the main points you dont have covered as of yet.
You need to look at it as an investment my friend. Think about how much bud you'll have and how much you would of payed for it and it becomes clear how much better off youll be with all your equipment and just how much you'd save over the next 10 years compared to if you didnt.


start with one plant and a diy carbon filter. The shit seeds you plant are going to grow into shit weed but at least you can see if how it worked out. if it went well then buy good seed from a seed bank and you can be a god in your town. But ya its gonna smell man... diy carbon filter and some ozone get should keep smell to just that one room i think from the grow rooms I've seen.


ya man with 3 roommates and none of them cool with it then good luck hiding a grow from them no matter what you do... when I had roommates I couldn't even hide a $20 from them.


Well-Known Member
wow, did your friends find it and smoke it? I will see what will happen i know this is a good investment if all goes well in the end...

Even 2 budding swag plants would smell terrible...well i will have to figure out some sort of way to filter immediatly withouth doing anything drastic possibly cut out a whole and filter to the attic and save the part i cut out and poxy it back up there and paint if needed that souldn't be a problem right now in my head...but in the attic would it smell and stink up the entire house? my closet is nowhere near a window i think not sure

Thanks for all the posts guys keeping me from dropping a possible good hobby


Well-Known Member
Dont give up if you mess up the first few times, i would be more surprised if you actually have no problems, its part of being a noob, you'll still have all your gear to start over with if need be and youll start getting accustomed to your investment setup right away and get it dialed in instead of doing a few grows w/ a different system then having to re-dial in a whole new grow setup and re-master it when you get serious. In my opinion and from my experience if you dont go all out from the start your going to be kicking yourself in the ass later on when you do go all out on your system and you see how much more you get from it. Might as well get your good grow setup dialed in so its right where you need it., I know i regretted it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the positive info dark destruction

How does this plan sound? I got pretty sonted and i think this could work...but i need to ask some questions first

A) How much sound does an exaust fan with a carbon filter make?
B) if i build a STEALTH grow box where its completely built inside say a bookshelf with doors will a filter and lighting with circulation be good enough for this?

The stealth grow box could be enough to grow 4 plants max prob that would be perfect with me...

Any more ideas would be great i need to read more still but thanks for all your guys help/comments


Well-Known Member
a. You can do things to muffle it some if noise will be a problem but i dont think it should be unless you gotta go 100% stealth.
b. Should be good.