First Grow(pics)


Well-Known Member
they be looking really sweet. can't help you on your scheduling but good luck with that. they look really nice right now. Walk On!


Well-Known Member
Thats lookin good buddy you got a while still until you flush Id say two or a little more weeks hard to tell until you see it. IDK I wouldnt worry about it yet shes still primin up no doubt.


damn dude i've been following you quietly and now I started to post. im really inspired by you. good work the plant looks like a beauty.

i just wanna sort this out, you've been growing on 2 CFLs, 12-12 hours flowering, for one plant while only seeing a 5 dollar increase in e-bill?

if you can measure it, how tall is the plant and the approximate space it takes up?

shit nvm i see you are using 6 23w cfls.

well since im not even at week 2 yet of the veg, do you think I could pass off with just 2 CFLs?


Well-Known Member
damn dude i've been following you quietly and now I started to post. im really inspired by you. good work the plant looks like a beauty.

i just wanna sort this out, you've been growing on 2 CFLs, 12-12 hours flowering, for one plant while only seeing a 5 dollar increase in e-bill?

if you can measure it, how tall is the plant and the approximate space it takes up?

shit nvm i see you are using 6 23w cfls.

well since im not even at week 2 yet of the veg, do you think I could pass off with just 2 CFLs?
the pant itself is only 11" with the pot and plant its 17" tall and 12" wide.. as far as your lights how many watts are your CFL's? 2 might be enough for just 1 plant while its still young but once it starts getting older you will need more

Fallen Buckshot

for first time id say bravo well done .. looks like i need to invest in a cheap cab


New Member
I have been following this since I joined this site and I must say, this thread has helped me more than anything with my first grow and is really inspirational. All new growers should take example from this. Keep up the fantastic work! I can't wait to see your harvest.


Well-Known Member
I have been following this since I joined this site and I must say, this thread has helped me more than anything with my first grow and is really inspirational. All new growers should take example from this. Keep up the fantastic work! I can't wait to see your harvest.
Thanks! I still don't fully understand why everybody thinks its so inspirational with all those other amazing grows on this site!!! But I'll take it!:joint: