First Grow(pics)


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow. Day 4. I'm using 6 23w=100w CFL's with a PC fan for ventilation. The only problem I'm having right now is that when the doors are closed the temp. reaches in the 90's. Tell me what you guys think and any advice is MUCH appreciated.



Well-Known Member
looks good... 90s is a bit high but as long as you open the door to give them fresh air a couple times a day they shud be fine


Active Member
maybe a stronger fan is needed to cool the cabinet down. i run a small desk fan on my setup in a cooler and it keeps it perfect all day. they're pretty cheap and readily available at many stores. good luck.


Active Member
yeah I'm going to get a small oscillating fan when I get paid
I actually have mine set up so that it is outside of the box blowing in through a hole. that seems to work better as it allows more fresh air to enter the grow environment. I recommend that if it is possible for you.


Well-Known Member
Ok got some more questions. So far i have had them on a 24/0 light schedule but just got a timer today and thinking of changing to 18/6. Aslo i got some nutrients for veg 24-8-16 but the soil i am using says that it has organic fertilizer that feeds up to 3 months. what do you guys think?

[email protected]

Active Member
Its allways better to suck out the old air and pull new air in. Don't push fresh air in, and just having a fan to circulate the air is not enough.

I would try to set up a fan on the out side and suck air out. If you have cracks and crevest in your design it will pull air in thru those and really cycle your air.

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
They look far too immature to withstand any fertilization at this point. If the soil contained nutes that will feed as long as they advertise then I wouldn't put in anything except water until they should signs of a deficiency, possibly 2-3 months from now. Quickest way to the demise of any young plant is to "kill 'em with kindness."


Active Member
Ok got some more questions. So far i have had them on a 24/0 light schedule but just got a timer today and thinking of changing to 18/6. Aslo i got some nutrients for veg 24-8-16 but the soil i am using says that it has organic fertilizer that feeds up to 3 months. what do you guys think?

im still kind new to this. but my say in it is just wait it out for about a week or two because the plants are too small right now and the might give it nutrient burn. are you planning on switching them to a bigger cabinet or something? or using lst or scrog? i say that because most likely the plants might outgrow that cabinet. and about the heating issue get two or three computer fans and use them to bring fresh air in and hot air out. the fan that takes hot air out should be towards the top and the one that brings hot air in should be towards the bottom of the cabinet. hope this helps man.

ps. dude did you like punch the hole in their to release the heat? lol


Well-Known Member
It's kinda hard to see in this picture but the box I have now does get bigger..right now they are just on a shelf to be closer to the light. I do plan on using some sort of lst or scrog so they dont get too tall. LOL but as far as the hole its not a punch hole but a bunch of drill holes put together to bring fresh air in..looks like crap i know..



Active Member
It's kinda hard to see in this picture but the box I have now does get bigger..right now they are just on a shelf to be closer to the light. I do plan on using some sort of lst or scrog so they dont get too tall. LOL but as far as the hole its not a punch hole but a bunch of drill holes put together to bring fresh air in..looks like crap i know..

interesting.. now that you mentioned it i can actually see the shelf your talking about. it looks like the cabinet that they sell at lowes. doesnt matter how crappy it is as long as it works right? keep us update man ill like to see the progress.


Well-Known Member
Ok so heres an update.. not to much has changed just woke up this morning and they both have sprouted four more leafs.. don't really know why but one seems to be bigger and more green than the other..



Well-Known Member
So i read in a thread that having your humidity around 60-70% will increase your chances of getting females is this true? If so how can i bring my humidity up right now its at 30%. And are their any other things i can do to increase my chances of getting females?


Well-Known Member
Ok so it has been one week and they seem to be doing very well they have grown quite a bit in the last 24 hours. But i was wondering if this is normal for my plant to be reaching for the sky like this and its weird because only one is doing this.

