First Grow Pics. (just started flowering under a 150w hps)


Active Member
Hey everyone! This is kinda an experiment so i dont have high expectations of any kind.

they started from a mix of white widow, strawberry cough, and sour diesiel seeds. did a lot of research, had a lil trial and error in the beginning with differnt lights and soils but setteled with fox farm ocean forest soil, and a 150w hps light. couldnt tell ya how long they've been in veg but today is day 4 of flowering. had to start now becuase its getting cold and i dont want to out grow my container. i didnt use any nutes durring veg but when flowering started they got some carboload and bud blood from advanced nutrients. next week they will move onto the carboload and big bud for another 6 or 7 weeks. it is getting a colder here but so far temps in the cab have been between 65 and 75 with 40% humity at the highest.

any input is welcome. ya the one i call the retartd plant got a lil too much water.... but it was a drainage issue that is now fixed so hopfully she perks up. i know 150 is a lil small but its just my first grow. for the next grow i hope to either get a 250 or 400w and get away from soil and move onto hydro. i hope you like the pics, i will try and update as they progress.



Active Member
thanks guys. and yes i was feeling bigger pots for those smaller ones too! im going to get on that as soon as i can.


Active Member
I'm glad someone asked I was starting to feel forgottened.

A quick Update: changed from 150w to a hydrofarm 250w sunburst hood with a MH. The girls seemed to like it a lot more seeing that the flowers were getting bigger quicker.

From looking at it I would say there is a good week to three weeks left of flowering. I was going to start using fresh water w/o nutes to begin the flush. The flowers are really starting to fatten up now. only problem was one of the girls had to be tied down and the string losened up and the top cola caught a lil light and burned. but nothing to really piss me off. they still look alright. ill try to have some pictures up soon..

thanks for stoppin by.


Active Member
I forgot how long its been since I posted so I must let you know 2 were what I saw to be male and got the axe.


Well-Known Member
thats to bad but you did the right thing
nice looking plants
did you say you switched from 150 hps o 250 mh, id say run both, hsp is gr8 for flowering


Well-Known Member
Hey cstyle, congrats on your first grow. Bummer to hear you got 2 males but at least you can count this as a good learning experience....I've been using the 150HPS myself & I feel ya on the need for more wattage. It's not bad but like you mentioned, they sure appreciate all the more wattage you can afford to give 'em. With a 250 on top of those babies now, you should be able to really produce a nice lil stash of "flowers" when you're all done so stay optomistic my friend! Also, get yourself a mh to hps conversion bulb & you won't regret it. MH has a beautiful spectrum for vegetative growth but for flowering, you wanna use a hps spectrum. Your plants will thank you many times over. Are you growing in a cab? what are you using for ventilation? BTW, POST SOME MORE PICS BROTHA!