first grow pics buds?


This is my first grow I am growing under 2 4' fls and 2 can compact. The plants have been on 12/12 for about 2 weeks. The plant i have a question about is smaller than the rest. The seeds are from a bag of middies. It has been purplish in color (different from the rest. And looks like it is starting to bud. I also am not sure if I see balls or not. Males cant bloom can they? I couldnt get any pics of the balls because i can barely work my freakin camera. Any help is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow I am growing under 2 4' fls and 2 can compact. The plants have been on 12/12 for about 2 weeks. The plant i have a question about is smaller than the rest. The seeds are from a bag of middies. It has been purplish in color (different from the rest. And looks like it is starting to bud. I also am not sure if I see balls or not. Males cant bloom can they? I couldnt get any pics of the balls because i can barely work my freakin camera. Any help is appreciated.
The difference is pretty obvious. Here's a pic of both. No, males don't bud. But you could get a hermie, wich would have both male and female parts.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Looks like they are flowering, so either you've got females or hermies. Can't tell without good, clear pics of the nodes. A hermie would still grow good bud - but it would pollinate itself or the others, and make it seedy. You can try and stop it, but you have to be pretty vigilant, pulling off any bananas that you find. Again, not saying you have a hermie, just letting you know in case you do.

You might want to get more light on those - even just some 2700k CFL's will help flower them better.


They are to small to get a pic of. I will wait a day or 2 to make a decision. I have lights on the way. I am going to put 2 more 2' fls on the sides