First grow outside! What do you think so far?


New Member
I am growing what I was told was White Widow. I'm on day 39 and was wondering what you all thought. Suggestions maybe? It is in Fox Farms soil, I have been using r/o water, and adding a little Cal Mag and veggie nutes. I have been trying to keep it simple while also experimenting with different tips I've come across. The days are getting longer and hopefully I can get some more growth before we start going backwards. This forum has been a huuuge help by the way. Thanks to all the posters.

One question. It will be getting up to 115 degrees F in the next 6 weeks. Should I shade the plant during peak sun or do you think it can handle it? Thanks again.

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I think they are doing good honestly especially the first pic.

any temperature over 95 degrees F is bad news according to

Shading might help, I'm very sure the need for watering will increase as the soil tend to dry up quicker.

here's a related topic;

I noticed a white device(?) on top of the soil on the first picture, is that one of those self-watering pots?


Well-Known Member
Looks good r u super croppin or topin it as for the heat I live in Australia we get some hot days here id bring it inside during the hottest hours of the day just put inside in good sun and use a fan or air con if u realky worried shading it could make it start to bud earlier then u want


Well-Known Member
For your next grow, check out Mandala's seeds. Their strains are supposed to be bred to withstand really high temps and that was one of the reasons I decided to go with their Fruitylicious this year. The temps here can get over a 100 degrees in July. Good luck!


New Member
Wow, i was ill and didnt come back to this post. Thanks for the responses! Yeah that one image is misleading. Makes it look very spindly. Thank you so much for the advice. I was unable to keep it in veg. so it's in an area of my space that gets almost exactly 12 hours of direct sun. I just thinned out the bottom and got rid of some shading fan leaves. Just used a "pruning for profit" vid on youtube as a guide. I'll post some more images. When the time comes for the drying/curing process, it's going to be a logistical nightmare for me I'm afraid. :) Oh, and the white device is just a thermometer. Actually here is an image from a couple days ago before I pruned. Thanks again. "" Edit: it was topped about a month ago.