First Grow Outdoor UK


Well-Known Member
Looking healthy :)

The one time I tried growing outdoors, rippers climbed into my garden and tore them to shreds a couple of weeks into flowering :(


Well-Known Member
Hi WormSlayer, thanks for dropping by. Bad luck on getting your plants ripped, hope that doesn't happen to me. I have them completely invisible to outside, so hopefully no-one is ever going to know I have them. Haven't told anyone either, and that's the way it's gotta stay.


Well-Known Member
Hey kulan hunter, not doing bad thanks. Sorry I've been waylaid (drunk - no weed) for the last six or seven hours. Intended to get some new pics today and put them up, but couldn't get around to it for some reason LOL. Anyway, will def do it tomorrow.

Might as well make this a wee update. Plants are great, although today was an absolute scorcher here, and I mean a scorcher! Had accidentally over-watered them one night during the week after watching one of these videos on the web (you know the ones where they're pouring literally gallons of water onto them) and then it pissed down on them during the night, so they went all droopy. They were fine the next day, but this morning the soil was still quite damp, so I thought no probs, they will be fine until tonight. Got pissed, forgot all about them until about 21:00 hrs. They were droopy as f..k again after all the sun, so got a good watering and should be fine by tomorrow (I hope).

As I said I'll def post some pics tomorrow, and will maybe start another grow journal for my new (I'm a daddy again) four little Purple Power seedlings.

How's things going for you? I see you fear you may have a few probs. Don't worry too much, it will be OK. Will post on your journal tomorrow and try to cheer you up LOL.

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kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
i am glad to hear most thing are going well, i imagine that growing outside can be a git in this weather not knowing if its going to rain or be sunny, but that the uk for you.

i am not too bothered about my grow there is not much i can do now that i am flushing for harvest,thanks for your empathy,
good luck i will check in tomorrow

have fun


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

Sorry I have been slow to update but I've been busy last few days. So here are my plants at 22 days and they are still growing LOL:

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

You can see from Pic 3 that new leaves are now starting to grow at the nodes, so the plants are hopefully going to bush out a lot more over the next couple of weeks.

However, I have a problem. It appears that the newest leaves, and to a lesser extent the last set before the most recent two nodes, are showing signs of trouble. Although the leaves are dark green at the tips, the main part of the leaves are pale green and mottled. I know I've seen this mentioned somewhere, ie only newer leaves affected and still dark at the tips, but can't find it now.


Does anyone have a clue what this means? Could it be Sulphur deficiency? Or anything else? I haven't been able to check ph of water or soil, but am just about to order a meter. And I haven't fed them at all as yet. Am also going to post a pic in the Plant Problems forum as it will hopefully get wider coverage. I would have posted before but only realised how bad the problem is when I saw the photo. Would be grateful for any advice thanks.



Well-Known Member
Plants are looking good mate! Keep it up! As for the problem check this link Kulan Hunter gave me, may be helpful for diagnosis: Marijuana Plant Abuse

These girls been outside the whole time or are you bringing them in at night etc?

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
it could be Mn deficiency , this could be caused by high ph this is only a guess, but when you get your meter if your ph is high then it is Mn deficiency due to ph lockout.

urban gardener did an artical on the water quality in england and the north west has the best water and its ph is about 7-7.5 so if you have not checked ph it is probably a bit high hope this helps.

have fun and i hope it is Mn as its quite easy to sort out
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Well-Known Member
Hi GigglePimp.

Thanks for the link, am having a read at it. It's so difficult to find the answer to these things as I'm sure you know - could be more than one factor at work for example - and I'm also getting conflicting information depending on what guide etc I look at.

They are outside all the time for over a week now, although I do set them against the house at night to protect them, at least a bit, if there should be a heavy downpour.

Thanks again for the link - will keep on reading ....


Well-Known Member
Dont thank me thank Kulan Hunter lol :) Good luck with it man i hope it sorts itself out. Im having problems with one of my plants at the moment as well it sucks.


Well-Known Member
Hi Kulan Hunter,

Thanks for the input. It could well be Mn - I went to a local garden centre today to get a ph meter, but the only one they had was for checking soil ph, and to do it you have to soak the soil with enough water to "turn it into mud" LOL. And no mention of using it to check water. Stacks of use that is ...

Will try to get one asap as new leaves are sprouting left right and centre so I want to get it sorted sooner rather than later. Thanks again and I'll let you know.

Got your PM btw, look forward to the next one ;-)


kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
B&Q do a liquid ph test kit and its only a few quid so that might be an option for you if you have one near. could you collect rainwater for watering them it might be better for them till you get a meter, just this min went outside and checked the ph of some rain water and found it to be 7.4 so maybe not but it could be worse.

birmingham has an average ph of 8.49.
sheffield 7.86 av
aberystwyth 8.0183 av
livingston 7.8 av
fraserburgh 7.88 av
tottenham 7.7 av
plymouth 8.2 av

hope you live near one of these it might give you an idea of your ph


Well-Known Member
My tap water tends to PH at around 7.1. When i add my nutes it seems to bring it down to about 6.4/5 which is perfect. Although i wont be adding nutes for a while so a bit of PH down will work easy.


Well-Known Member
B&Q do a liquid ph test kit and its only a few quid so that might be an option for you if you have one near. could you collect rainwater for watering them it might be better for them till you get a meter, just this min went outside and checked the ph of some rain water and found it to be 7.4 so maybe not but it could be worse.

birmingham has an average ph of 8.49.
sheffield 7.86 av
aberystwyth 8.0183 av
livingston 7.8 av
fraserburgh 7.88 av
tottenham 7.7 av
plymouth 8.2 av

hope you live near one of these it might give you an idea of your ph
Wow, those are pretty high. I'm in Northern Ireland though, and I've no idea what our water ph is. like. Am heading out now and will try to pick up soething. Actually fdd2blk has responded to my post in the Plant Problems forum:

and has suggested the damage is most likely caused by "sun burn" LOL. He could well be correct as we had a really hot day on Satuday just as these leaves were sprouting. Will let you know later if I can check my water.

Thanks again,


Well-Known Member
An update - I eventually bought the ph meter in the garden center - it's a probe type and is designed for measuring soil ph. However, as the soil has to be pretty wet for it to work, I reckoned (rightly or wrongly) that it would work for straight water also. I then took a pot full of the soil mix I am using for my plants, gave it a good soaking and used the meter on that. So here are the results:

Water (from tap, as used on plants): ph 6.8
Soil Mix (soaked with tap water): ph 6.4

Note: The relatively low reading on the tap water is consistent with where I live in that we have a lot of peaty soil here, which is quite acidic (local regulations require a minimum ph of 6.5).

So if those tests have worked correctly, then I reckon all is well on that score. Could be sun burn right enough (see my previous post and

However, I did notice one thing a few minutes ago. There are a few roots emerging from the holes in the bottom of my pots. These pots were an intermediate step and unfortunately aren't very deep. Could be I need to repot. I have some 2.5 gallon pots which were to be the final ones, but do you think that will be big enough? If not I can change them for bigger ones tomorrow.

Thanks again for all your help everyone,

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
yes i would go with what fdd2blk says from what i have read of his he is petty clued up.

i would transplant them into the new pots within the next week

yes if i am right 2.5g is 10 litres that should be fine but i grow indoors so if ant outdoor growers know any different then listen to them.


Well-Known Member
Hi kulan hunter, thanks for the comments. You're spot on, 2.5 gallons = about 10 litres. They look big enough to me too. If what fdd2blk is correct, and looking closely at the leaves tonight I think more and more that he is, then it's because I've had them literally baking in direct sunlight almost every day for the last two weeks. If the sun moves, I move the plants so they get no relief at all. What's more, they're in black pots at the moment so it could be the roots are suffering which wouldn't help the plants to feed properly.

I have a spot in the back which used to have a herb garden and I cleared it out recently. It gets "direct" sunlight for only half the day, and for the rest it is either partly shaded by a palm tree or totally shaded by the house. If this weather contiues I think it may be better to set them there in the meantime to give them a chance to recover. However rain is forecast for the rest of the week, so could be the end of our Summer which will, of course, give me more problems LOL. Also I now have four Purple Power seedlings on the go and, believe it or not, who developed them say they respond to low light levels so can be grown in the shade (they were specially developed to grow in colder, wetter climates), so I was reserving the herb garden spot for them.

Am even considering setting up a growroom in the shed, which would be perfect for it, but money is an issue and no electricity so I'd have to bring my cousin (a spark) into my confidence. He's definitely trustworthy, but it's something I'd rather not have to do. The house is out of the question though, and I'd also kinda feel I was giving up if you know what I mean.

Anyway, I have my babies in the house tonight under a florescent light just to keep a close eye on them while I consider what to do next. The smell is pretty strong LOL, although they still have a fresh mint sort of aroma, so not too "dangerous" just yet.

Sorry for such a long post, just worried about them I think ...

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kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
if your bigger pots are black you could spray the outside white.

as for placement of your plants i would not have a clue as to what is best for them that why i grow inside i control the weather and my plants needs, if they live or die, in my room i am GOD lol (delusions of grandeur)

a shed grow not a bad idea if it secure.

don't worry things will work out


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

Just another update following my little panic yesterday. Things are looking better, although I admit straight up that I may have "over-reacted" and jumped too soon with my (pre-existing) plans, but more of that later. First some new pics of my plants.

Pic 1

This one is funny - the dog is one we are minding for friends. Apparently it used to work as a "professional" sniffer dog in our local airport. I wonder why it got the sack LOL?

Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4

Pic 5

The following images show the stress caused, I believe (thanks to fdd2blk), to sun burn:

Damage Yesterday

Damage Today

Although the lighting conditions of the two photographs are very different (yesterday's was taken in bright sunlight whereas today's was taken under cloud - the brighter it is the more the damage shows), I think myself that there is a very definite recovery going on. There is some permanent damage (the brown spots) but hopefully it won't have too much of a detrimental effect.

OK, back to my over-reaction. The discerning among you will have noticed that I've re-potted. May not have been wise to do it so soon given that the plants are already trying to recover from some stress, but yesterday I noticed roots emerging from the bottom of my black, and very shallow, pots and they were in pretty bad condition, ie they basically fell apart on the slightest touch. I think that the exceptionally hot weather here this last few weeks combined with the black pots may have resulted in some root death, which would obviously cause problems re watering and feeding new growth etc. Taken together with the blazing sun on the new shoots, it's no wonder they were drying up. I simply wasn't prepared to leave them in those pots any longer and took the plunge. The next few days will tell me whether or not it was a wise move.

Would be ever so grateful if you'd let me know if you see as much improvement as I do, or if it's just wishful thinking on my part. You all know how worrying it is, and how hard it is to think straight at all, when things aren't going well.

Thanks as always and successful growing,


Well-Known Member
Good looking grow man. Ive just got my grow tent and the whole setup (almost) need ph meter, nutes, etc, i will be keeping an eye on this grow as at the moment i am living in a galway city, ireland, but my mother has a good bit of non visable land with a few out houses down the country which would be perfect for a large outdoor grow. Would love if i could manage it. you never hear of many people in ireland growing outside. For obvious reasons but you never know!! p.s. Northern Ireland is not in the UK. hence the name Northern IRELAND. No offence intended.