First grow opinions wanted


hey guys im in week 5 of flowering my white widow and just wanted to get some opinions on: flower time, yield, too bushy? I did have a couple of days in week one where my timer left the light on for 16 hrs.

2x4x7ft tent
600w hps
white widow from seed
fox farm complete nutrient schedule
humidity 40-60%
Temp 70-84f
Carbon filter and duct booster

Im concerned that the buds are too close together. I have trimmed off everything below the scrog.

I also have a royal bluematic that i threw in there because it was a free seed. I cant seem to remember how long its been so i would like opinions on how much longer to flower for. I have stopped adding nutes and only top off with tap water. I am waiting on my magnifying glass to see trichomes. but i doubt it will be here in time.


Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
looks really guess on the yield, just too many factors

you have several more weeks to go, hopefully you will have a microscope/loupe by then.....good luck


Active Member
Very nice.
What breeders WW is it?
As King said, a bit longer still but they are nice and dense, and hefty looking.


thanks guys the white widow is from nirvana. i plan on flowering for atleast 9 weeks total. so just over 4 1/2 weeks(or more) to go. I will not harvest until i see lots of milky white trichomes.


Active Member
Bro although pistil are easily damaged ideally they should be white at this stage. I have some brown pistils myself at 4 and abit weeks but ive been moving plants around in close proximity. Also your leaves appear a little burnt. That in conjunction with the pistils makes me think you might have sproblem with your medium or your foliar feeding or watering from the top. Leaves should be kept as pristine as possible. If its just on that plant it should be contained but leaf health equals good smoke.


Bro although pistil are easily damaged ideally they should be white at this stage. I have some brown pistils myself at 4 and abit weeks but ive been moving plants around in close proximity. Also your leaves appear a little burnt. That in conjunction with the pistils makes me think you might have sproblem with your medium or your foliar feeding or watering from the top. Leaves should be kept as pristine as possible. If its just on that plant it should be contained but leaf health equals good smoke.
The royal bluematic is an autoflower and i accidently messed up when foliar feeding. I dont know how long it has left but im most likely going to pull it this week. The other plants are healthy and have no problems.


Active Member
Try not to foliar feed during flower you can get bud rot. Glad it was something thats easily rectified.


Try not to foliar feed during flower you can get bud rot. Glad it was something thats easily rectified.

Yeah it was before the auto flower started budding and was in with the white widow during veg.

those buds look great I hope mine look similar.


Active Member
Bro I didn't actually mean to upload these pics to your page. I suppose thats why I had to upload them twice. Im sure your buds will be fine. Sorry about that.