First Grow Opinions Needed!!!!


New Member
I'm starting my first grow in 2 weeks and i have been reading an hour a day on how to grow. My plan is to grow 1 plant in my closet. I ordered 3 auto flowering seeds called Green-O-Matics. they are supposed to be done in 60days Here is the breakdown

  • fox farms ocean forest 12 quart $19View attachment 2968036
  • Veg stage nutes Dyna-Gro Gro 8oz $10K7348-dyna-gro.jpg
  • Flower stage nutes Dyna-gro Bloom 8oz $8DynaGro-Bloom-16oz-300.jpg
I plan to not transplant at all. I'm using a 3 gallon pot. I will put one seed in a glass of water for 12 hours. then i will plant it in the soil a half inch down with the pointy tip facing down. The soil will be moist when the seed goes in and i will lift the plant to tell when the soil is moist. if it feels light i will water. I plan to not feed any nutes for the first 2 weeks. Then i plan to give Dyna-Gro Gro every other watering for 2 weeks 1/4 strength and then Dyna-Gro Bloom 1/4 strength every other watering for 3 weeks. By that time i will be 49 days in. I plan to then only give water for the remaining life of the plant as a flushing period.I am using distilled water. Now for lighting

  • 4 pack of 23w Cfls soft white 2700k 1600lumins $8
  • Amico Flexable light extension 60 cm $8
  • 8.5 inch clamp reflector $9
  • 4 socket adapter $8
I plan to set up the bulbs about 10 cm away from the top of the plant at all times.I will use a 24/0 light cycle. I will screw thisdc-e2714.jpg into this275099126_621.jpg and then screw both those into that View attachment 2968021. I will then have 4 working bulbs with an overall of 92 watts, 6400 lumins.
To get rid of the smell i have
  • Fabreze free air freshner spray 27 oz $5FR_FebrezeFree_L.png
  • Damp rid odor genie odor eliminator $451WsPEYx1TL._SY300_.jpg
  • Fresh wave crystal gel 8oz $6 84399.jpg
i plan to put the freshwave in the closet with the plant after the plant is 30 days old because the gel only lasts 30 days. I will spray the fabreze whenever and i will open the damp rid and keep it next to the door of my room for the duration of the grow. Miscelaneous

  • 4 pack of mylar emergency blankets $4 1389390_20130519112310.jpg
  • Ph soil test kit $6 1601.jpg
  • A tiny fan had it already
I will use the blankets to line the walls, i will test ph with the strips and i will run the fan 24/7 aiming at the top of the plant and the lights.

Is there anything i left out or am i doing anything wrong?

Project total $95


Well-Known Member
Well it looks decent.

I wouldn't suggest feeding until the plant ask for it though. Ocean forest has a lot of nutrients from the outset and you aren't going to have explosive growth with 96 watts of CFL's. I've had plants in 2 gallons smart pots not ask for nutes for well over a month. Just keep a eye out for yellowing on the mature leaves and feed as needed. Please take my advice on this. I don't want to see you posting a thread about why your plant looks like shit because you fed them too early. The plant will let you know when it requires food.

Also your smell reduction scheme isn't going to work very well. The plant will easily overpower febreeze or any passive odor reduction product in a month. If you have been reading up i'm sure you know all the alternatives.


New Member
Well it looks decent.

I wouldn't suggest feeding until the plant ask for it though. Ocean forest has a lot of nutrients from the outset and you aren't going to have explosive growth with 96 watts of CFL's. I've had plants in 2 gallons smart pots not ask for nutes for well over a month. Just keep a eye out for yellowing on the mature leaves and feed as needed. Please take my advice on this. I don't want to see you posting a thread about why your plant looks like shit because you fed them too early. The plant will let you know when it requires food.

Also your smell reduction scheme isn't going to work very well. The plant will easily overpower febreeze or any passive odor reduction product in a month. If you have been reading up i'm sure you know all the alternatives.
I've decided to add 2 more 27 watt bulbs for the sides of the plant and I have a air purifier I can use in the closet. I know the purifiers aren't that good but im just trying to mask the smell a little bit. The closet is in my room so as long as the smell doesnt leave my room I will be good.


Well-Known Member
Should have gone with just the flower nutes as FFof soil has sufficient nutes to bring it through veg on it own