First Grow on Rollitup


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The size of your grow container all depends on how long you plan on vegging. How big are you letting these plants get before you flip the lights? 2-3 gallons should be good for medium sized plants. You should test ph of water after adding nutrients.
The two quickgrows should get your hydro plants through...complete balanced diet.
You dont have any P or K in your soil feeding program. The flora micro is good for micro nutrients which is anything other than N P or K. Have you done your research on NPK? The flora micro has good amounts of N but plants will need P and K even in veg. You will need to start thinking of a soil flowering nutrient. Since you already have one bottle of the flora series you may think about getting the other two. Not sure how often you check your ph but it should be checked before every water. Dont assume ph remains at is constantly changing. It is good to let your water sit out a day before using it. Also add an airstone- this will aerate water, and plants roots do need oxygen (hence perlite) Every time i water i fill up a 5 gallon bucket and have it ready (dechlorinated) for next water. Vinegar and baking soda can be used to lower or raise ph.
Ocean forest will give nutrients for about 3 weeks. Fox farm bat guano- is it high Phos bat guano? 0-5-0? If so this is a good source for phosphorus....needed small amounts in veg and large amounts in flower. the earth worm castings should give you some good micronutrients and help plant to fight against pests and diseases.
Ill probably Veg for another Month, then flip the lights, depends on if growth picks up and how heavily if it does. I want to be able to atleast get a few clones from each, more so from Super Lemon Haze, Red Diesel, Bubba Kush, and Acapulco Gold. Id like to pull about 5 clones from each, before flowering. im using mostly 3 gallon grow bags now, but if i need to ill transplant to 5 gallons. I want the best bud possible from what genetics im working with and a few clones to keep it going.
I should of been more specific on my soil mixture. I used.
1.5cu ft FF Ocean Forest
1.5cu ft FF Potting Mix WITH Earthworm Castings and Bat Guano
2cf Perlite
1 cu ft of Premium topsoil
I water with Ozarka drinking water with only a drop of superthrive per 2.5 gallon jug.
Is the other 2 parts of the "Flora" line all im going to need? or is there a better nutrient alternative for my soil mix?
What should the pH of the water be? you said 5.6 for DWC, is this the same for soil?
Being at mid-week # 3, how much nutrients should my water have, around how many ppm's?


Active Member
has anyone ever used "Bud Candy"? if so does it really make ur bud sweeter?
I was going to buy a cool tube with my next check but it looks like its going toward nutrients, so please everyone give me your best suggetions on what nutrients to use with my soil..



Well-Known Member
Ill probably Veg for another Month, then flip the lights, depends on if growth picks up and how heavily if it does. I want to be able to atleast get a few clones from each, more so from Super Lemon Haze, Red Diesel, Bubba Kush, and Acapulco Gold. Id like to pull about 5 clones from each, before flowering. im using mostly 3 gallon grow bags now, but if i need to ill transplant to 5 gallons. I want the best bud possible from what genetics im working with and a few clones to keep it going.
I should of been more specific on my soil mixture. I used.
1.5cu ft FF Ocean Forest
1.5cu ft FF Potting Mix WITH Earthworm Castings and Bat Guano
2cf Perlite
1 cu ft of Premium topsoil
I water with Ozarka drinking water with only a drop of superthrive per 2.5 gallon jug.
Is the other 2 parts of the "Flora" line all im going to need? or is there a better nutrient alternative for my soil mix?
What should the pH of the water be? you said 5.6 for DWC, is this the same for soil?
Being at mid-week # 3, how much nutrients should my water have, around how many ppm's?
I didnt realize you mixed all that into your soil. This should be enough food for 4 weeks or so in veg.. Taking five clones is quiet a lot and a month sounds about right for veg. Just be sure to space out when taking the clones and dont do them all at once. You should build an aero cloner. It is essentially a small 6quart tub with holes bored out in the lid. these holes serve as a resting area for your cloning media (i like the foam plugs) a few 1/4" holes will be drilled in the lid for two airlines with airstones. This DIU will cut back cloning time by a week or two, will also increase chances of survival. With this cloner there is no need to cover or mist clones (although for the first day or two will prove beneficial)

Ph of hydro should be 5.5-5.7 and ph of water used for soil plants should be 6.5. Your ppm should be around 400-500 for the hydro. Around 100 if that for soil (being the nutrients are in the soil)

Depending if money is an issue or not, you could either complete the partial nutrient program you already have or go and get a new one. My friend uses the flora series with no problems. A few people around here say it may burn easily, but always go a little less anywayy. Whenever something says 1tbsp per gal. I always mix 3/4 tbsp per gal. Especially if that isnt the only thing you are mixing into your water. I mix a ton of additives and stuff (got grocery bags full of samples at a nutrient expo)


Active Member
i was actually going to try and root them before removing from the plant by picking my cut site and shaving the stem right above that. The using 1x1 rockwool cubes cut in half with rooting hormone sprinkled on them. Hydrate my rockwool/rooting hormone and then "sandwich" the shaved stem with the rockwool and zip tie it in place.The use black drop clothe to cover the rockwool cubes and keep from "infecting" my rockwool or getting light exposure to my clone roots. Then once they have rooted thier selves cut and move to dwc. ill try one or two at a time before clipping up my whole plant. I may build a cloner too, just to compare and see what works best for me.


Active Member
I dont know, im thinking since im using all foxfarm nutrient soils/mixes already, maybe it would be less stressful of on the plants if I use FoxFarm Nutrients to feed too.
I was thinking
FoxFarm Grow Big
FoxFarm Tiger Bloom
Its gonna cost in the same ballpark price as finishing the other 2 of the 3 part Floro nutes, apposed to buying the brand that is working great for this grow already and is only a 2 part system unsteady of 3, simplicity is best, cuz when im stoned i fuck shit up number/measurement wise.
But im still open to opinoins if someone knows a nutrient line that will help give me nice shiny big yields.

Youve got me thinkin hard on the clone situation, i wanna ensure my babies live, no weather away so ill probably follow your method.
So in your clone system u didnt use any water pump? just airstones, relying on the tiny splashes to make your roots want to gow down ward toward the water source..? am i getting this right? Would my T5's work for my clone lights?
After starting these clones in a water system(basically), will it throw them into shock or effect the growth if i were to put them back in soi? and would i have to go back to seedling soil(FF Light Warrior) for clones or could i use my "hot" mix I Veg in??


Well-Known Member
I dont know, im thinking since im using all foxfarm nutrient soils/mixes already, maybe it would be less stressful of on the plants if I use FoxFarm Nutrients to feed too.
I was thinking
FoxFarm Grow Big
FoxFarm Tiger Bloom
Its gonna cost in the same ballpark price as finishing the other 2 of the 3 part Floro nutes, apposed to buying the brand that is working great for this grow already and is only a 2 part system unsteady of 3, simplicity is best, cuz when im stoned i fuck shit up number/measurement wise.
But im still open to opinoins if someone knows a nutrient line that will help give me nice shiny big yields.

Youve got me thinkin hard on the clone situation, i wanna ensure my babies live, no weather away so ill probably follow your method.
So in your clone system u didnt use any water pump? just airstones, relying on the tiny splashes to make your roots want to gow down ward toward the water source..? am i getting this right? Would my T5's work for my clone lights?
After starting these clones in a water system(basically), will it throw them into shock or effect the growth if i were to put them back in soi? and would i have to go back to seedling soil(FF Light Warrior) for clones or could i use my "hot" mix I Veg in??
The thing with the aero cloners is they give a good air to water balance. You wont need to mist or cover the clones either. Clones in rockwool inside of a cloning tray will need to be sprayed for a few weeks...they will also need high humidity. The water below in this system keeps the humidity high. T5s are great for clones. Fox farm is a great nutrient program and I recommend that over GH flora series. You will notice different strains require different amounts of food and at different times. I wouldnt use the hot mix for clones. You could put small rooted rockwool inside of a bigger rockwool to minimize transplant stress. i just take it and shove it in some soil.


Active Member
Ok im going to they hydroponics store today, Im going to grab up some FF Grow Big and FF Tiger Bloom, a Ph Pen, I may get a Cool Tube too :p Then ill go to walmart and grab a small sterilite for my cloner. Do i need a seedling mat or heating pad for your cloner method?

Anything else i should grab while im out?


Well-Known Member
Do you have ph up and down solution? Or vinegar/ baking powder? What about FF big bloom? That will complete the trio right? Do you have an airpump, airstone and airline? what about cloning gel and a cloning media?? i prefer grow plugs, the foam kind.

a holesaw with a drill makes drilling those holes a breeze. if not a razor will do.

You may plan on getting a treatment for spider mites and start applying want to use stuff like this as a preventative measure, and not wait till its too late.
i like azatrol. get a neem based product. neem isnt the best for a spidermite infestation but it works great to keep them away.


Active Member
Do you have ph up and down solution? Or vinegar/ baking powder? What about FF big bloom? That will complete the trio right? Do you have an airpump, airstone and airline? what about cloning gel and a cloning media?? i prefer grow plugs, the foam kind.

a holesaw with a drill makes drilling those holes a breeze. if not a razor will do.

You may plan on getting a treatment for spider mites and start applying want to use stuff like this as a preventative measure, and not wait till its too late.
i like azatrol. get a neem based product. neem isnt the best for a spidermite infestation but it works great to keep them away.
Yeah i have the General Hydroponics PH up and Down Solutions.
I went ahead and picked up FF Big Bloon along with my FF Tiger Bloom and FF Grow Big.. all 3 are for soil OR hydro, so when i decide to put my DWC system to work i can use this too.
I have 2 airpumps, one single and one dual outlet pumps, I have enough lines, ive also got 2 6in airstones and 1 10in airstone
Ive got 2 cloning supplements, one is Green Light Rooting Powder and a cloning solution call "Dip-N-Grow". I mainly use the greenlight for the topsoil i start my seedlings in. I have yet to test the Dip N Grow, its supposedly really good stuff.
Ive got 1.5x1.5in rockwool cubes, but was thinking Rapid Rooters maybe the way to go, i can get a bag of 50 for 14.99 locally. If you dont mind, tell me why you like the foam plugs?
whats the deal with spider mites? I havent had any pest problems yet(knock on wood)


Well-Known Member
Yeah i have the General Hydroponics PH up and Down Solutions.
I went ahead and picked up FF Big Bloon along with my FF Tiger Bloom and FF Grow Big.. all 3 are for soil OR hydro, so when i decide to put my DWC system to work i can use this too.
I have 2 airpumps, one single and one dual outlet pumps, I have enough lines, ive also got 2 6in airstones and 1 10in airstone
Ive got 2 cloning supplements, one is Green Light Rooting Powder and a cloning solution call "Dip-N-Grow". I mainly use the greenlight for the topsoil i start my seedlings in. I have yet to test the Dip N Grow, its supposedly really good stuff.
Ive got 1.5x1.5in rockwool cubes, but was thinking Rapid Rooters maybe the way to go, i can get a bag of 50 for 14.99 locally. If you dont mind, tell me why you like the foam plugs?
whats the deal with spider mites? I havent had any pest problems yet(knock on wood)
Looks like you are all set.
I like the foam plugs because they stay together better and are more durable. It really isnt that much of a difference, the cone like shape fits better into round holes. They are also pre-moistened and ph balanced.

spider mites are just something you dont want to mess with. it is good to get in the habit of treating for them (and any other insect), this way if one mite comes along he/she will not start a colony of 10,000 mites. i have had mites multiple times in the past and it isnt a fun battle. some people live with them because it is too much work to eradicate. basically start a fungicide/insecticide regime. you dont want to be treating when you are in flower. a well balanced regimen should get the plant going enough to fend for herself in flower.

The dip and grow - is that powder or gel? with any cloning medium you should not dip directly into the bottle. pour some out and dip into that, this will ensure max shelf life and keep any contams out.


Active Member
the dip n grow is a liquid rooting concentrate, it has all the instructions and a vile to delute the solution, says its good for rooting up to 1000 plants, for $10 i figured id try it.

Im about to update with pics.


Active Member
Everything except Diesel Ryder is 27 days from seed, Diesel Ryder Is 13 days from Seed

Red Diesel
Bubba Kush
Diesel Ryder
Acapulco Gold
Super Lemon Haze
Speedy Gonzales- I started LST on her, She seems to be doing well
Speedy Branching out really nicely, about 15 bud sites ive counted, thats alot more sites than i expected for a 60 day plant
Some Close ups of Speedy
More Speedy
The Afghan Kush Trio
Group Shot!
Then all alone and cold under 1 cfl is Santa, developing more and more balls, he should be a fair canidate to breed Speedy with, if Diesel Ryder isnt male..


Active Member
I bought Foxfarm
Grow Big - 6-4-4 Says to use through vegatative growth
Tiger Bloom- 2-8-4 Says to use at first signs of flowering
Big Bloom- .01-.3-.7 Says it can be used through all stages of growth
I know that my Super lemon haze, Red Diesel, Apaculco Gold, and Bubba kush will get Grow Big, should I add big bloom too? Say 250ppm?

I really dont think the afghan trio is ready for any feeding, Ill wait a few weeks to start them.

What mix of what should i use for my Speedy? at what PPM? I dont want to to burn or stunt her since she has such a short life span and i plan on breeding her.
and what about Santa? Do i need to give him any nutes? i want him to be strong so i can have his pollen...
Any other advice or additives i need plz fill me in.

I grabbed some rapid rooters, so im going to try and use those, if they dont work Ill try Foam wedges.

Im also in the workings of taking care of all my pest problems(as a preventative measure), Im getting a small green frog from Petsmart, my grow room happens to be perfect habitat for this little fellow, all i need is a small tub of water for him to bathe in, they say that they dont release any toxins or posions, orally or from the pores on thier skin. I stole the idea off of another post on here, search "Check out My Guard Frog". I seen that and had to have one so i told the lady at petsmart that i needed a reptile that would eat any tiny bugs that would get into my grandmothers indoor rose garden, sh/e seemed pretty knowledgable on the the subject so I took her advice and had her order some, next week when they call me with the frogs in, ill get the species name and post some info here about em.

I figure if i dont get any pests, then i can just take him out for daily feedings..


Well-Known Member
give the grow big and big bloom at half dose to all plants you think are hungry. see how they react in the next few days...if good, feed full strength after a dose of plain water.

make sure the frog will eat spider mites.


Active Member
They said it would eat fleas so i figured that is pretty damn small, never seen a spider mite though. If all else fails ill have another pet and go get some preventative measures for pests..


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You guys think i would benifit from a cooltube? I found a 1000 Switchable Ballast with MH and HPS dual arc Bulb, 6x20 cooltube with 25' of ducting. only 300 hours on the HPS none on the MH, all for $200, think i should jump on it?


Active Member
ah the a hole sold it before i got there, so i went and bought a new 6in cooltube for 90$. They ordered me a 265cfm Squerrell cage fan with and intake adapter that will fit my 6in ducting, and a 6x6 exit that ill finish cutting the hole in the floor for, then run ducting under the house to keep excaping odor, if it doesnt do the full job, ill have to get a small carbon filter too cuz right now my house smells dank as fuck.. maybe i should of thought more about deodorizing more but i really needed to cool my room down first.


Well-Known Member
ah the a hole sold it before i got there, so i went and bought a new 6in cooltube for 90$. They ordered me a 265cfm Squerrell cage fan with and intake adapter that will fit my 6in ducting, and a 6x6 exit that ill finish cutting the hole in the floor for, then run ducting under the house to keep excaping odor, if it doesnt do the full job, ill have to get a small carbon filter too cuz right now my house smells dank as fuck.. maybe i should of thought more about deodorizing more but i really needed to cool my room down first.
i pump everything up to the attic, no carbon filter....never have any smell problems, only slightly during the last weeks of flower.