First Grow OMG Problems Help--- yellow leaves


Well-Known Member
Those gals r primmed for topping go for it and like md says they should have plenty time to recover before u put them in their final resting place nice one mate ...


So I FIM ed the 00kush today and I am going to top the white widow in a day or so. I wanted to compare the results of each method. Hope I FIM ed her correctly. Based on everyones comments It looks like I wont be ready to chop in mid Sept so Im thinking ill veg one more month and flip her mid Sept.

I am worried about the smell when they begin to flower if Im not around. I have a DYI charcoal filter with a 190 CFM in line fan. I just set it up yesterday because the girls are startinng just a bit of skunk smell after 7 weeks vegging from seed. Im thinking if I dont flip to flower until mid Sept when I leave it will take them a bit of time to start and when im back in 5 days the smell shouldnt be too strong. Is this just wishful thinking or will it work?


Well-Known Member
So I FIM ed the 00kush today and I am going to top the white widow in a day or so. I wanted to compare the results of each method. Hope I FIM ed her correctly. Based on everyones comments It looks like I wont be ready to chop in mid Sept so Im thinking ill veg one more month and flip her mid Sept.

I am worried about the smell when they begin to flower if Im not around. I have a DYI charcoal filter with a 190 CFM in line fan. I just set it up yesterday because the girls are startinng just a bit of skunk smell after 7 weeks vegging from seed. Im thinking if I dont flip to flower until mid Sept when I leave it will take them a bit of time to start and when im back in 5 days the smell shouldnt be too strong. Is this just wishful thinking or will it work?
If your filter is working for you before you leave...5 days will be fine. But you may want to consider investing in a better one, my white widow was STINKY!!!! :shock:


Well-Known Member
Yea I totally agree I've done the home made filter thing and it's ok at the late to early stages of veg and flower but once those plants start kicking out some trichs ur gonna b in bother.Invest in a mid range carbon filter doesn't have to cost the world but imo worth their weight in gold massive diff with a REAL filter...


Well I figured for the odor I would add an ozone generator in the exhaust flow. My 190 cfm fan pulls tent air into my carbon filter. that gets exhausted into a large rubbermaid tote. I set 4 cardboard baffles up spaced out one at top of tote with2" space at the bottom and the next at the bottom of the tote with 2" space at the top. The generator sits at the end where the exhaust enters the tote. Because of the baffles the exhaust gets mixed in with ozone (im familiar with its cautions) to deodorize it. The Girls arnt very stinky yet but I hope this will eliminate the odor, particularly at harvest and drying which I plan to do in the tent. Any additional design suggestions are appreciated.


So my yellow leaves are back. Here's the story. 10 weeks old from seed. a white widow and 00Kush. The Kush started out small and the ww was 30% bigger. After repotting the Kush took off and now is bigger and doing better than my ww. The re pot really helped them initially. I assume it was the neuts from the new soil. I was feeding 1/8 strength FF Grow Big 6-4-4. Now both plants are having difficulties. The first set of pics is the ww. Her leaves are yellow at the bottom and edges and tips as you get higher on the plant. One leaf also has a brown spot on it and the leaves look dry. The 00 Kush is doing much better but has lower yellow leaves. I FIM ed her and the new growth at the FIM is starting to twist their leaves. I just watered yesterday and increased the FF to 1/2 strength.with a PH of 7. the soil was pretty dry. Im making sure I dont over water.

I am thinking I might want to move them to their final 3 gl pot as it helped alot last time.

I tried to top the ww but not sure I got the correct parts.

They are starting to smell slightly skunky mmmmmm. What can I do to help them?

Thank you all for getting me this far!!

White Widow


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Well-Known Member
Still no advice for a newb Am I posting this properly?
I'm so sorry!! I'm slacking :shock:
YES!! Transplant again...make sure you add some lime to your new soil...the brown spots and dry feeling leaves could be from calcium def

I also see some very purple stems...need phosphorus too...and when you flip phosphorus is very important!

If you ever find yourself needing help and not getting any response in the future...send a private message...I feel bad that I haven't checked my "watched threads" lately :???:
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Thanks for the response. I have been using Fox Farm Big Grow 6-4-4. I am surprised it dosent include cal and phosphorus. What are some good sources. I will probably re pot this week. and probably flip her in a week or two. I was going to changeover to Fox Farm Big Bloom with 1-3-7 when I flip. Should I add Cal and phosporus to that as well?

thanks for the advice


Well-Known Member

Thanks for the response. I have been using Fox Farm Big Grow 6-4-4. I am surprised it dosent include cal and phosphorus. What are some good sources. I will probably re pot this week. and probably flip her in a week or two. I was going to changeover to Fox Farm Big Bloom with 1-3-7 when I flip. Should I add Cal and phosporus to that as well?

thanks for the advice
You need the lime in your soil...I use about a tablespoon per gallon of soil. I would suggest you get some Jamaican guarno...some earthworm castings and the happy frog fruit and bloom fertilizer (in a bag)
Transplant...topdress with a little of the happy frog about a teaspoon of the Jamaican and castings.


Well I didnt have worm castings or lime. Their growth seemed to slow down when the yellow set it. I was using distilled water and the problem was depleted soil and cal mag. Sooo I just repoted them to their final 3 gal pot with more organic soil with worm castings and peat. That should really give em a lift.

I added rot rid which is calcium to the FF Grow Big solution @ 1/4 tsp/ gal and added to the soil. For the Mag I mixed a solution of 4 tbl sp of Epsom Salt per gal of water and sprayed the leaves to run off.

Im thinking about flipping them at the beginning of Sept because I will be traveling for about a week mid Sept and Im worried about leaving the Girls alone because of the smell but dont have a babysitter. I expect they can last if I water them just before leaving. Its a closet grow in a tent with a carbon filter which works well right now. I dont want any qurious smells while im away, live in an apt bldg so Im adding an ozone generator after the filter to be sure to kill the smell.

Im growing white widow and 00Kush. How long into flower before they really begin to stink?

