First grow now flowering need advice.. anyone.. fdd2blk..

Smokin Thunder

Active Member
Hi all, Well Im almost at the end of my first grow and i must admit I've grown adicted to growing. I've had a great time careing and seeing the fruits of my labor almost ready for me and the wife to enjoy:mrgreen:. Now this grow if from some Dank stuff that we found a few seeds and decided to give it a go. As a first time grower me messed up alot with PH way to high wich caused nute lock out, Magnesium dificency, and bad home depot soil. After i transplanted her to Fox Farms OF and she took off from there and now have gotton it and ready for the second grow. My girl has been growing under 6 26 Watt CFL ( Upgrading to new T5 light from HTG for second grow). A few days ago i had to tie some braches down due to the lower buds not getting enough light and to help the top Colas get more light from the CFL. My question is how long do you think I Still have to go before harvest time? Right now she is going on week 6 of 12/12 flowering but I've noticed on the top cola (picture 1 & 6) that only the bottom of the bud fatting up but the tops look almost empty, yet it has pistils on it. is it Normal to develop that way? I've included some pics for your review and if you guys have an input on what strain it may be and or sativa or indica i would really appriciate it. Thanks to all and hope all your grows are going great.

Media : Fox Farms ocean forrest mixed with spagnum moss, and extra perlite
Nutes with every feeding: Jacks classic bloom booster mixed with 2 tbsp of Mollasses per gallon, and worm poop
6 26W CFL 12/12 2700K (Flowering)
and a whole lot of love!



Well-Known Member
hey man, great job!

My opinion at first sight is that you have about 6-7 weeks maybe less. Keep an eye on the pistil color, it all depends on the high you want really. The milky color indicates an uplifting high, while if you let most of them turn amber you will have the ultimate "couch lock"

Bubbuh Kush

Well-Known Member
Keep up the nice work! I'd say about six weeks too it, it looks like it's got some sativa in it. How far are your lights away? Cause if you could get some good placement of your lights and since you got that side light, you could make that thing fatten up quite well. play with your set up if you have some flexibility. But looks str8 to me


Well-Known Member
Yeah agreed about 6-7 weeks left but looking good, a cheep 50$ digital
PH meter solves those problems though :mrgreen: Keep up the good work!

Smokin Thunder

Active Member
Thank you all.... I really appriciate all your help and resaponses. The lights are about 1 inch from the top of the plant and acording to my light meter they are getting a good amount of light and I rotate the side light around the top and bottom every few hours. I tied her down to help light get lower into the canopy and allow the buds that were coverd to grow freely and get more light. My girl is about a 1 1/2 feet right now. What kind of yield from the pics would you think i would get from her. Next grow I'm looking at a 10,000 Lumens T5 setup from HTG for only $99 including shipping wich includes 2 6500K for vegging @ 10,000 lumens and 2 2300K for flowering also at 10,000 Lumens. This setup only alows 2 bulbs at a time so i would have to switch for flowering and vegging. But do to Money being tight right now its all about CFL's :)


Well-Known Member
It's a 300w. I picked it up at lowes for like $18 after tax. I'm prety sure it's 6500K, but I'm not a 100%. It's bright as hell, kinda orange/white. It even has a built in fan.

Awww, haha thanks man!

Bubbuh Kush

Well-Known Member
Thanx KW I had to go with stealth and mobility since I live in an apt, I can break mine down and disconnect all cords and move it into my room closet in a minute! Some how, she does me justice and the canopy of lights running across top is perfect cause it helps keep my stretching down since I dont have as much vertical space as some.

KW that CFL is monstrous!!!

Smokin Thunder

Active Member
Very nice BubuhKush! I have the standard closet grow but im considering a setup like yours to make it clean and easy to move. but what i need is to setup a air filter. I only have 1 plant and it smells like Christmas in my house as soon as i walk in :D


Active Member
That was a 2700k softwhite 300watt cfl homedepot or lowes carry these bulbs really only 65 true watts though 4200 lumens per bulb orange white 2700k blue 6500k


Well-Known Member
i couldn't help myself, sorry if this is considered rude, but just wanted to show off my CFL closets as others are doing here. the 1st pic is my veg closet, and the 2nd pic is my 2nd flower closet. (i have a 400w hps room also.)

