First Grow (Noob here, I've got some questions)


New Member
Ok, so this is my first grow and I don't exactly have money to buy anything else, so simply answer my questions without referring me to a different product or something. I have two 1000w HPS lights, that I will be using throughout the entire grow (Yes, I realize an MH or Fluorescent would be better, but money's tight). I'll have 20 plants growing under these two lights. One 350cfm bathroom fan serving as an outtake with a carbon filter, and two 70cfm bathroom fans serving as intake. I've also got one oscillating fan, and 3 other smaller fans simply for circulation. I'm using Miracle Grow potting mix (I know, please don't scold lol) and have nutrients such as 'MagPro' and 'Big Bud' that I'll use down the road, as I know MG already has time-release nutes in it, and I don't wanna fry the plants. I also have florakleen (I don't know what it's used for) and a ph tester kit.

Now that you have all that, I've got a few questions.

How can I minimize stretch produced from the HPS lights? (Since I'll be using it in both the veg and flower)
How long should the plants be in veg, and how long should they be in flowering?
Is this intake/outake system going to be effective in the grow?
And finally, when is the right time to add nutes if I'm using MG potting mix?

Remember, I'm a noob when it comes to this, so if there's anything I'm leaving out, or any improvements that can be made, please let me know. I wanna get this done correctly the first time, as I don't have a very large margin for error. Please give me as much helpful responses as possible, thanks! :joint::hump:


Well-Known Member
1) the closer the lights are to the plants, the less stretching in veg will occur
2) the plants will grow 2-3 times their height in the first 21-24 days you put them in flower, so ensure you have the headspace for them, and that they won't be too close to the 1Kw.
3) likely not. for a space that big, you need more throughput. To boot, you don't state whether you're using air-cooled hoods, and those 1000 watters get very, very hot
4) between week 4 and 5


ps. you specifically asked us not to recommend different products, so I didn't ;) Also, I know several people who grow under HPS for veg and flower with great results.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so this is my first grow and I don't exactly have money to buy anything else, so simply answer my questions without referring me to a different product or something. I have two 1000w HPS lights, that I will be using throughout the entire grow (Yes, I realize an MH or Fluorescent would be better, but money's tight). I'll have 20 plants growing under these two lights. One 350cfm bathroom fan serving as an outtake with a carbon filter, and two 70cfm bathroom fans serving as intake. I've also got one oscillating fan, and 3 other smaller fans simply for circulation. I'm using Miracle Grow potting mix (I know, please don't scold lol) and have nutrients such as 'MagPro' and 'Big Bud' that I'll use down the road, as I know MG already has time-release nutes in it, and I don't wanna fry the plants. I also have florakleen (I don't know what it's used for) and a ph tester kit.

Now that you have all that, I've got a few questions.

How can I minimize stretch produced from the HPS lights? (Since I'll be using it in both the veg and flower)
How long should the plants be in veg, and how long should they be in flowering?
Is this intake/outake system going to be effective in the grow?
And finally, when is the right time to add nutes if I'm using MG potting mix?

Remember, I'm a noob when it comes to this, so if there's anything I'm leaving out, or any improvements that can be made, please let me know. I wanna get this done correctly the first time, as I don't have a very large margin for error. Please give me as much helpful responses as possible, thanks! :joint::hump:

When light is close the plant most likely won't stretch unless it's a saliva long in veg is up to you really...just keep in mind they double or triple in size during flowering. I don't think the intake/outtake is enough for 2 1000w lamps but the thermometer will tell you. Since your using mg soil, I wouldn't add anything until you see it's lacking something.


New Member
Glad to see some responses this morning! I am not using air-cooled hoods, as the lights that were given to me didn't come with the glass plate or the ducting. I figured maybe I don't need to cool them with winter coming and all.. My grow room stays at about 80 degrees with no fans or anything on. I've yet to see how hot it gets with the lights but if they get too hot I'm sure I'll have to buy another bathroom fan with the ducting and a glass plate to fit the hood, no?

So I still don't know when I should switch from 18/6 to 12/12? And then how many days until harvest?

Since your using mg soil, I wouldn't add anything until you see it's lacking something.
How do I know if it's lacking something?

Thanks for the responses (more specifically how I'm not being ridiculed about my poor man's grow lmao)


Glad to see some responses this morning! I am not using air-cooled hoods, as the lights that were given to me didn't come with the glass plate or the ducting. I figured maybe I don't need to cool them with winter coming and all.. My grow room stays at about 80 degrees with no fans or anything on. I've yet to see how hot it gets with the lights but if they get too hot I'm sure I'll have to buy another bathroom fan with the ducting and a glass plate to fit the hood, no?

So I still don't know when I should switch from 18/6 to 12/12? And then how many days until harvest?

How do I know if it's lacking something?

Thanks for the responses (more specifically how I'm not being ridiculed about my poor man's grow lmao)
ok you can make an air-cooled hood. if you can go spend 20 dollars and get some glass for your can go to a glass store for windows or what not to get it. Make sure you get tempered glass. ducting is 15 dollars. Winter can be tricky, if you are running 2 1000W lights.... thats alot of fucking heat lol... and how does that get cooled? if your gonna use the air inside your house just be aware its gonna smell later on. The bathroom fans SHOULD WORK, But its not really powerful enough. (speaking from experience) but since that is what your working with it should be fine for now. the fans suck out alot of heat if you have a good fan. Remember that if you cant get heat to leave your room. What everyone else is saying about switching light is this... I would recommend vegging for a very minimum of 4-6 weeks. after that time its all about how "big" you want. Just remember flowering sometimes doubles the plant size. so that means you should do 18/6 for at least 4-6 weeks. after that you can switch to 12-12. But also think about if your paying for all that electricity you are gonna want to veg them a little longer so you can make some money back from the grow on the back side. Unless your trying to run a Sea of Green. Dont worry about "the poor mans grow" either man. Fuck everyone else ha. end of the day everyone had to start somewhere and even the best growers probably started with a styrofoam cup and a bag of seeds ha. Hope this helps


New Member
Where I'm setup now is about as temporary as it gets lol, so I can't really do sea of green.. although I would if this location were more permanent. I'm thinking about doing 6 full weeks of veg and then when I switch the light cycle I'm hoping that it takes no longer than 2 months and 2 weeks to the harvest (again hoping). I'm thinking about maybe finding a cheap window unit to cool the room, because the room it's in has no vents (though that's a good thing for the rest of my house). As for the diy air-cooled hood I can definitely do that. Where can I find tempered glass at? Lowes? Home Depot? I'll also have to invest in another bathroom fan though. I'm thinking about buying Mylar too, I just feel like white walls aren't enough. Money's tight but this shit's necessary. Thanks for the response, it did help!


I would say that to minimize stretch keep the lights 8-12 inches away from the plants as long as you can (I know its hard once they get bigger). you can really veg as long as you want and you'll know when the flowering is done because all hairs turn amber. I do 18/6 light cycle for veg and 12/12 obviously for flower. Mine babies only gained about 4 inches of height throughout the whole flowering process so you should be good. as far as nutes, dont start until they are atleast 3 weeks old. and read what the package says on how much to put in. remember, better safe than sorry. you can ween them slowly onto more nutes


Well-Known Member
I grow hps from seed and clones all the time. Heat is going to fuck you in the ass if you dont get a better outtake fan. your probably going to need a much bigger one. 20 plants per light is super ambitious for a first grow but good luck. if it where me id use one light and 6 plants 18/6 for 30 days then 12/12 for a few months to get the first grow out the way and get experience.


Active Member
Remember that if you use a window unit or any kind of air conditioning that it will suck the humidity out of the air. You may want to suply some if it gets too dry or the stomatas on the leaves will close and that will slow growth and what not, just know it's not a good thing lol.. And as far as your exhaust and what not, try this idea: turn all of your fans that your using for intake and reverse them to out take.. If your room is sealed, than add a hole, you don't nessisarily need fans for intake as the exhaust fans will create a vaccine and it will suck air into that hole.. Just imagine your being a pipe.. Your mouth (the exhaust) sucks on one hole and air comes into the pipe from the other hole.. If you close that hole, than no air flow.. But it's not like you need anything pushing air in from the bowl, because you have enough power on the mouthpiece from you..


Well-Known Member
20 plants with a 6 week veg in a 10x10 room with 2 1000 watt lights and a bathroom fan hooked up to a carbon filter and the room is 80 with no lights on? Not possible. An 80 degree room is going to get REALLY hot with 2000 watts of light on. Bathroom fans are made to free flow, not pulling thru a carbon filter so ur going to have very little exhaust. A 1000 watt light wont cover a 5x10 area for shit. Time release soil will release nutes really quick in a hot room. A 6 week veg under a hps light will make a tall plant and you have open hoods with no exhaust and 8' ceilings and 1000 watt lights. Not tryin to burst anybodys bubble but this isnt going to work. Just sayin