first grow!!! newbie with questions


Well-Known Member
well first off i have 14 little seedlings that have sprouted just bag seeds due to this being my experimentation grow. most of the seedlings are around 2'' its day 9 i was just wondering how much i should be watering them? should i being giving them nutes yet? i have pics check them out and tell me what you think. im using just potting soil and giving them distilled water the lights are 15w cfl, and two 15w cfl (grow bulbs) opinions please!:confused:

well i tried adding attachment pics but it keeps sending me to a log in page and i can go no further. i dont know any advice on this



Well-Known Member
no idea what ur picture problem is, however know u shouldn't be using nutes till about 4 weeks and you have at least 5 strong nodes. you shouldnt be watering them too much, do urself a favour and invest in a moisture meter, only a few bucks and u'll never overwater again


Well-Known Member
i actually do have a moisture meter i try to keep it in the moist area ive also heard that you wanna let them dry for a while so the roots search for the water promoting better root growth. i also have a fan on them now aswell. do they look about the right height for there age?


Well-Known Member
alright thanks that helps i did go out and get one today i should be alright there. another quick question when should i think about transplantting these to bigger pots? should i get more lights?


Active Member
hi, they look ok so far, couple of things though

is that tin foil your using as a covering? if so lose it, it does not reflect that much light and can cause hot spots as well

i would think about repotting soon, not because they are too big, but because the cups are slightly see-through, and roots hate light getting to them

and i would get a couple of more CFL lights in there if you can


Well-Known Member
hey guys just an update i got a ph tester my soil is reading @6.8 i think that is too high but im nt sure any input on how to bring this down i heard vinegar does that work?


Well-Known Member
hey guys just an update i got a ph tester my soil is reading @6.8 i think that is too high but im nt sure any input on how to bring this down i heard vinegar does that work?
Cannabis will tolerate a pH of 5.0-8.0 but 7.0 is idea.

Lowering soil pH : (to make it more acidic)
If your soil needs to be more acidic, sawdust, composted leaves, wood chips, cottonseed meal, leaf mold and especially peat moss, will lower the soil pH.

Raising soil pH : (to make it more alkaline)
It is generally easier to make soil mixes more alkaline than it is to make them more acidic. The addition of dolomite lime, hardwood ash, bone meal, crushed marble, or crushed oyster shells will help to raise the soil pH.

Use the moisture meter to determine when to water. Growers that allow their medium to dry out to the point at which the leaves "droop" are reducing their final yields and quality. The medium contains a certain amount of salts that dramatically increase in concentration as the water dissipates. The roots can be repeatedly stressed going through this technique called "wet/dry cycle". The plant is being deprived of moisture that would be available to fuel additional growth and suffers.

No do not give them nutes yet.

When to transplant?

When the time comes to repot it is good practice to time the repotting with your water cycle. Having the plant root ball moist to semi-dry does make it a lot easier to pop the root ball out of the existing planter. After the repot one should give the plant a thoroughly good watering of PH adjusted water with a drop of B1 (B1 is optional to reduce any stress). This ensures that all the soil has even moisture content with no dry patches thus promoting roots to easily migrate to new soil. If one finds they must repot and the root ball is very damp/wet they should pre-water soil on the bottom and sides of new planter. Then after transplanting a nice but not heavy watering to even out moisture content.

One technique that works well in repotting is to have an empty pot the same size as the one the plant to be repotted is in. Fill new planters up with slightly moistened new soil, insert empty pot and pack new soil around it. Now gently lift out empty pot and place root ball into new soil and water.


Well-Known Member
hey guys just an update i got a ph tester my soil is reading @6.8 i think that is too high but im nt sure any input on how to bring this down i heard vinegar does that work?
A ph of 6.8 is fine for soil, don't waste your time trying to adjust it. Anything between about 6.5 - 7.0 should be fine.

Do those pots they're in have drainage holes? If they don't get them into some that do. You should water them using the 'wet/dry' method - find out what it is and use it - it should be in the FAQ.

Don't feed them any nutrients yet.


Well-Known Member
thanks alot guys that info is very helpful its now day 11 and im ready for an update i took you guys advice and didnt do anything with the ph level. i am planning on transplanting them prolly today. right now i have them on a shelf in my closet, i plan on movin them to bigger pots and puttin them on the floor and putting a big shop light over them with two 48'' florescent bulbs GE daylight 40w 3050 lumens ea. so 6100 lumens total then i'll prolly put a few more cfl's on the side of them. also i have been using the wet/dry method of watering most say thats the way to go but im open to other options if someone has another method. i did go out and buy a bottle of shultz take root today in preperation for the repotting is this stuff the right stuff to use? also one last update one of the leaves on my babies is starting to turn yellow, underwatering? over watering? i have pics!!



Well-Known Member
alright just an up date i repotted about 4 of my plants to 3 gal pots and got a new cfl its a long 48'' shop light check out the pics im gonna put down someting under them so i dont get water and dirt on the carpet. i didnt have rooom to put them all in bigger pots so like 8 of them are still in 16 oz cups i plan on getting another shop light later so i can transfer them and have enough light.



Well-Known Member
ok well first off i watered today they were all pretty dry. i am kind of worried a couple of my plants are starting to yellow on there bottom two leaves *i think they are the leaves that store food. i have narrowed it down to a few things;

1. 2 close to the lights - they are around 1-1 1/2in. away from the cfls. i dont think this is the prob cuz the top leaves are lookin fine and they are closer to the light.

2. under watering - i water @ every 2 days really i just go by the look of the soil and check with my moisture meter and when they are dry i water. (distilled water) no nutes.

3. ph wrong - its @ 6.8-6.9 which should be alright so i dont think thats it.

4. heat - it has been really hot here lately @90 degrees in the grow room its back at @80 now

5. repotting - i thought this might be the problem but the one that is yellowing the worst hasnt even been repotted yet, its still in a 16 oz. cup

im clueless here does anybody have any idea what could be wrong? any help would be greatly appreciated.:mrgreen: also i am pretty sure that they are very undersized for their age. most are @ 2in. and have 2 sets of fan leaves and two more sets of leaves coming in.

thanks :joint: :joint: :peace:

