First Grow - Newbie Questions


Active Member
My friend grew Early Misty a couple years ago it has a nice short flowering time and make very sweet resinous buds. If you are going to start your seedlings outside, you might want to wait as late as June 1st, they'll still have about 2- 3 months to veg and then they should be all set until late September, I would let them stay outside until you see the first signs of mold or you get a couple heavy frosts. Early Misty is a fairly durable strain and should be able to take a couple frosts in the early fall.

It may be a good idea to grow you seedlings under glass jars until they get a little bigger, to protect them from mammals, slugs, and the elements. Essentially you create a mini greenhouse environment.
I really appreciate the good advice here. We got frost the past two nights in a row, and I had to leave the seedlings unprotected. They made it through with flying colors - go Early Misties!


Active Member
Finally took a few pics of the girls. This is one of the gardens, approx. 36 days from seed. 3 more germinated seeds went in 6 days before the pics were taken, and they're more than an inch high already.

3 of the 4 germinated seeds I had were planted, because I dropped one when I opened the paper towel to plant the last 2 and couldn't find it again :cuss:

So one garden has 5 babies, and the other has 4. I had some trouble with shade, as they are both in a wooded area near my house. A couple of the plants were really stretching to find sun. So a few branches were quietly torn down by hand, and a week later they all look pretty healthy.

Sorry for the blurry phone pics. Any feedback is welcome and appreciated.



Active Member
Well, the summer is barely started, but my crop is taking a serious hit. Just checked on my gardens, and one of them has been completely decimated by the storms of this week - flooded out. The other is taking insect damage on 2 of the 3 remaining plants.

Please - any suggestions on how to protect my remaining plants from bugs?

Thanks for reading.