First grow, New plant looks unhappy


Well-Known Member
Hi, Here is my xmas tree 2013. Its 8th day since seeding
autoflowering in 21hrs on 3 hrs off, Delicious la Musa

4th day

Growing under 13watt 5500k CFL lamp, 1 inch away
I recently added foil reflector and changed to 19watts cfl 5500k, 1 inch away and added water until a little come out of bottom.

day before yesterday - healthy

yesterday (switched from 13w to 19w) - leafs roll up

today leaves roll up more and leaf tips look yellow dull and are curved.

These all look like symptoms of excess heat/light and possible over watering. I have switched back to 14watt. any ideas ?

Thank you


Well-Known Member
Its getting worse

i have dug small holes and loosened up the soil to let root breathe easy. Increased the off time to 6hrs from 3 hrs. Not sure if it will make it :(

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thank you
6500k mimics natural sunlight better than a 5500k. Take out the 19w 5500k CFL and put at least two 23w 6500k CFLs on it 3-4 inches away. You need more light than a 14w CFL. If it isn't too hot on your hand from where the foliage is, it isn't too hot for your plants. Unless you had your lights less than an inch away from your seedlings I don't think heat from that minimal amount of light is the problem.

Foil doesn't reflect light as well as most people think, try switching to Mylar (the reflective looking camping blankets at Wal-Mart are made of Mylar, these work as well and are just $3. You can cut it off in sections too)

Do you have a fan on your seedlings, excessive wind can cause problems with them.

What is the temperature next to your foliage? 74-80 would be what you want to keep it at.

How often are you watering? How much water do you give them when you water?

I also wouldn't suggest digging around your roots, that's an easy way to cause shock to new seedlings.


Active Member
6500k mimics natural sunlight better than a 5500k. Take out the 19w 5500k CFL and put at least two 23w 6500k CFLs on it 3-4 inches away. You need more light than a 14w CFL. If it isn't too hot on your hand from where the foliage is, it isn't too hot for your plants. Unless you had your lights less than an inch away from your seedlings I don't think heat from that minimal amount of light is the problem.

Foil doesn't reflect light as well as most people think, try switching to Mylar (the reflective looking camping blankets at Wal-Mart are made of Mylar, these work as well and are just $3. You can cut it off in sections too)

Do you have a fan on your seedlings, excessive wind can cause problems with them.

What is the temperature next to your foliage? 74-80 would be what you want to keep it at.

How often are you watering? How much water do you give them when you water?

I also wouldn't suggest digging around your roots, that's an easy way to cause shock to new seedlings.
That is exactly advice from my book....


Active Member
What is ur humidity i had similar probs evrything is else was fine temps and that but my humidity was wrong once that was sorted it was fine humidity should be between 40 - 60 percent hope tht helps


Active Member
What soil your seedling in?
How often are you watering, I say this because in every photo your soil looks pretty wet. You may be over watering your plant. There may not be enough drainage and your soil is staying to wet so its choking the roots of oxygen.


Well-Known Member
Miracle grow, over/under water protection soil
used to spray water twice a day. Have not watered since 2 days
Unable to measure humidity but its indoor, temprature around 73-80 F
Ordered Mylar should take 4 days
No Fan
Will get more powerful CFL but for now its 14W CFL 1.5 inches away and Sunlight from window during day.

Even the new leaves that are coming are half yellow.

Should I have any hope or this plany will die ? :(


Active Member
Are the green pellets time release nutes? If so that soil may be to much for the seedlings. What kind of Miracle grow?


Stop watering it , put it on window sill and leave it for 3 days ( optionally , transplant to dry soil - marijuana plants LOVE dry , aerated soil ). Spray it just a little , the roots will feel motivated to look for moisture downwards. Plants don't like to be bothered too much.


Well-Known Member
From my 1st grow i have learned not to bother my plants. Not Check/water them everyday. No nutes also.

I removed all the time release nutes from around the plant. Have just sprayed a little bit of water today after 3 days and have not bothered them.

Large image at

They are getting more and more yellow. Will they make it and grow once again :(
Any advice would be appreciated.

I will start a new seed soon. How many watts of CFL in reflector and how many inches distance from new seedling do i use for first 2 weeks ?
Also i next time i will remove all nutes from potting mix and all the big/hard stuff so that roots can grow freely.


Well-Known Member
This plant evolved over millions of years but nothing could prepare it from a dumb human who over watered them.
The Miracle Grow soil that used was 0.21% nitrogen. For my next seed i will use less than 0.1% nitrogen. Micracle Grow has too many nutes.
Here is how it looks? Is it dead ?:wall:
I measured Ph of soil 2 inches below. It was 6.5

I will start a new seed soon. How many watts of CFL in reflector and how many inches distance from new seedling do i use for first 2 weeks ?