First grow, need tips. Pics included


This is my first attempt at growing, I started this guy/girl right here with the bare minimum of just about everything until about 2 weeks when I changed from an incandescent to a CFL. Space is an issue so I cant really use an HPS, and still figuring out a way to get more CFL's in there. The plant is around 1 month and 2 weeks old, just entered flowering on May 8th 2009. I've noticed most other peoples plants are bushy with more leaves and such. Will weak lighting such as mine result in how my plant looks at its current state? Or could it be something else that i'm foolishly doing? Also, will I still be able to produce at least a few buds come harvest time?

Lighting: 1 CFL(65w I believe)
Soil: Pro Mix w/ peat moss, pearlite, sea-based compost, limestone, and mycorise.)
Water: Bottled water every other day.
Nutrients: MG 24-8-16, not since starting flowering though.

This is my first grow, just a bag seed from some mids. Any tips or information you could share about my situation would be helpful. If there is something I left out that could help answer these questions, please let me know. Also will include some pictures of my endeavor. Please be nice, share some knowledge. :joint:



Well-Known Member
Your plant is realy stretched out. Needs more light. If you switched it over to flowering then 2700k cfl's is what you will want to get. You are going to need a few of them. You should be able to get some smoke off of it when it is all done.


New Member
Next time you should try to keep the light closer and use some LST if you are limited to lights/space. I use 6x 26watt CFL 6500k in a much smaller space. You need more lights. Bighitter has a great grow journal in this area that helped me place lights in a small space. 1x power strip 3x socket to light socket 3x socket to double socket 6x CFLs.

Awesome for a first grow considering your restrictions.


Your plant is realy stretched out. Needs more light. If you switched it over to flowering then 2700k cfl's is what you will want to get. You are going to need a few of them. You should be able to get some smoke off of it when it is all done.
Thanks for the information. Do you think it's healthy enough in its current state?(Besides the lighting issue)



Next time you should try to keep the light closer and use some LST if you are limited to lights/space. I use 6x 26watt CFL 6500k in a much smaller space. You need more lights. Bighitter has a great grow journal in this area that helped me place lights in a small space. 1x power strip 3x socket to light socket 3x socket to double socket 6x CFLs.

Awesome for a first grow considering your restrictions.
Thanks! This grow was kind of a "learn as I go" type of deal. I figured the lighting was an issue but starting off with an incandescent bulb and getting to where I am now is a victory in itself. I will check out that grow journal and update my grow space and plant itself at the end of the week. By the way, do you have a picture of your grow space?


Well-Known Member
Thanks! This grow was kind of a "learn as I go" type of deal. I figured the lighting was an issue but starting off with an incandescent bulb and getting to where I am now is a victory in itself. I will check out that grow journal and update my grow space and plant itself at the end of the week. By the way, do you have a picture of your grow space?
Photo 1.jpg

I think he is talking about something like this. This set up costed $15.00 and is equivalent to 300 watts.


Well-Known Member
Make sure to put the lights as close to the plant as you can without burning them. I am using a bigger cabinet than you are. I run 150 watt MH and 150 watt HPS for vegging. My cab is 5'L x 2' W x 4'H. I am going to use that cfl set up when flowering. I will put it under the plant for the lower growth.


Make sure to put the lights as close to the plant as you can without burning them. I am using a bigger cabinet than you are. I run 150 watt MH and 150 watt HPS for vegging. My cab is 5'L x 2' W x 4'H. I am going to use that cfl set up when flowering. I will put it under the plant for the lower growth.
I am going out to purchase a power strip and the works today, should I look for warm white CFL's since i'm in flowering? Or mix them up a bit? +Rep for the both of ya if it matters.:joint:


Active Member
first time grower here!!!! and i was about to pull a newb trick and post a questions guide but wow ill just keep up with ur journal...mine have ben going for about a week now...went to lowes picked up some of those little wafers that puff up with water and threw in some bag weed and tossed an aquarium light over the top of them....and now im just letting them go go go....anyways i do have a question for all u ganja gods.....when it comes time to flowering these ladies to see what i have in my crop do i have to get mh or hps lights or can i just get the blue spec CFL's for growin and then the red spec cfl's for budding. im on kindof a budget so i cant drop ass loads on lights and what not....oh and for a cheap nute what can i use for a first timer seeing if he can do this i have a friend that orderd WW and AK and wants a partner to go in with him so here i am practice makes perfect!!! any advise will be greatly appriciated thanks fellas


Well-Known Member
look at post #6 I put up a picture of a cfl set up that is pretty cheap. The set up in the picture is equivilant to 300 watts. I would go with at least 2 of these if that is all you are going to use. Yes use the blue spectrum (6500k) for vegging and red spectrum (2700K) for flowering


Active Member
look at post #6 I put up a picture of a cfl set up that is pretty cheap. The set up in the picture is equivilant to 300 watts. I would go with at least 2 of these if that is all you are going to use. Yes use the blue spectrum (6500k) for vegging and red spectrum (2700K) for flowering

Hey man thank you i appriciate it alot thats what i was going to go for but just had to clarify that!!! thanks once again if ur ever in BOI ull have to come bongsmilie