Getting started with organic "supersoil" takes time, money, or both. I have a little small batch soil recipe that should be considered organic, though technically it isn't because of rock dust, but it is all natural. Organic is such a misleading word, honestly, but the organic forum here is very helpful. You probably needed to start cooking your soil and making compost tea weeks ago if you want to walk the inexpensive organic path. Here's my soil recipe made from stuff you can get from the garden store or Amazon, just because I haven't posted it before.
Mike Huntherz’s small batch ÜberSoil
Everything here available as “organic” products
except Azomite which is rock dust from Utah
- 4 Cubic Feet (2 large bags) of Fox Farm Happy Frog or other minimally fertilized organic potting soil
- 10 lbs of worm castings
- 1.25 lbs steamed bone meal
- 1.25 lbs bloom bat guano
- 1.25 lbs blood meal
- 1 cup kelp meal
- 1 cup oyster meal
- 2 cups alfalfa meal
- .75 lbs rock phosphate
- 3 tbsp Epsom salts
- 2 tbsp sweet lime (dolomite)
- 2 tbsp azomite (trace elements)
- ½ tbsp powdered humic acid
- .33 cup crab meal
- .33 cup charcoal
Mix thoroughly in a very large plastic bin, wait for a couple of months stirring it a bit every week or so.
Usage Guide:
1) Plant your well-established starts, not seedlings or cuttings.
2) Water it.
3) The end.