first grow need help


Well-Known Member
not to be a dick but no. why is there plastic over the plants? and the side of the ligh gives off more light then the top so move those lights on there side. and i would do it more stealthy then that. get a small light proff cab some mylar and some pc fans air moving is good. keep the lights on 24 for a week or two the give them rest time(lights off) for atleast 4hrs a night. and look up as many setups as you can to get a good idea


Active Member
jus built a box for my beauties... notice the fan on the wall pushn air out of my window, n the small fan on the floor to keep air circulatin n also keep heat off the plants... and the fan will make it stronger... and be careful wit tat miracle grow man, i burnt the shit out o my babes when they were jus tiny lil darins. check out my journal, its my first grow also, but ive been through some trial n error situations, might help you out some... ... gotta figure out how to stick tat in my sig

