First Grow, nearly ready, getting anxious, advice on when to harvest needed


New Member
LED lights switched now to 10/14, plant is looking really great. This is the sole survivor or 4 plants started from bag seed. The other 3 were boys. How close to harvest do you think I am? The flowers are really looking, smelling, and feeling nice, but I am new at this so I am looking for a little help. Do I have a month? A few weeks?


I am not a patient man, the wait is killing me.....
Wow that is some Eye Candy! please wait she will be worth the time your going to have to trim and dry then cure her why cut early, haha that stuff will take time aswell. amazing first though, I wish my first plant would turn into something like that!:weed::hump:


Well-Known Member
Go at least a week. But 10 or 11 days would be good. But thats just a guess. Go to radio shak and buy a macroscope. Only like $10.


New Member
The idea was to have fun and not spend a lot of money on first grow. I did a lot of reading and came up with this homebuilt setup. Some of it I already had and some was purchased just for the grow. Total cost under 250 easy.

Some details...
LED off ebay 300 watt
new metal trash can for grow container
fiberglass shower board
air circulation fan
usb data logging thermometer(very important)
base heater-old crock pot set up
nutes and soil in pic
bag seed


I wanted to keep the plant(s) small and learn as I went. The temp was a struggle to keep in a good range, until I bought the data logging thermometer. I was able to control temp from about 80-63 using very little additional power and only 3 relays. I cant wait for next winter.......