First Grow, Medical Grow - Aurora Indica


Active Member
Ok, very new at this. I have never grown anything before so this is going to be fun.

I'm a Medical User/Personal Grower in the US.

Got 10 Femenzied seeds, and 5 freebies they included.

I'm using a Hydrofarm Jumpstart to start cracked seeds/clones.

Have a 2x4 Ebb/Flow setup under a 400w MH.

Have not yet purchased flowering equipment.

I started 5 AI seeds and 2 of the Kush seeds, 3 of the AI came out ok, I made a n00b mistake with my other cracked seeds and they flopped and died shortly after sprouting: I removed the dome cover and brought the light closer to the sprouts, dumb.

So, starting this at the 10 day mark:

My planter:

And my plants:

I also have 2 Aurora's and 2 Kush's in the jumpstart, I think they'll sprout in a day or two.

I feed my plants basic veg nutrients at 1/2 strength, 3 times a day 8,4,12 and still trying to tweak flood levels/amounts.

Thanks for your attention and in advance for all the advice I'm going to need.




Active Member
Please, feel free to comment/post/flame :)

I'm guessing they look ok but I'm a bit scared for them since it's my first time trying to grow ANYTHING.

Thanks again!


Active Member
Latest pics and info: They seem to be doing well, got one with some yellowing on her first leaves but looks decent.

My 2 AI and 2 Kush sprouts are up, put them into larger cubes and started them on the seedling dose of nutes.

At 14 days here they are:



Active Member
My garden seems to be doing well. I transplanted my seedlings into it 2 days ago and they're liking the food/light.

The big 3 seem to be doing well, noticing some yellowing on their first set of leaves, not sure what to make of it. One of the plants seemed slow for a couple of days but has resumed quick growth.

I am very impressed so far, they really seem to like nutes and Halide.



Active Member
Things are going pretty good. The sprouts are doing fine in the planter and like the light/food they're getting.

My main 3 are growing like weeds, started to see roots showing from the bottoms of these planters, is this going to be cause for concern?

Going to be looking into flowering gear this week.



Well-Known Member
I am growing my first batch of Aurora Indica as well. I am just over three week into flowering and she is the best plant I have ever grown. Her smell alone is intoxicating, I can't wait to harvest! I have grown for a few years outdoor and in so if you have any questions please feel free to ask! I'll be following your grow, Good luck!


Active Member
The big 3 seems to be doing pretty well, had some water issues a couple of nights ago, used too much tap water and I think a couple of them didn't like it.

I'm noticing the bottom/older sets of leaves seem to be getting heavy and a little droopy looking, otherwise they seem very healthy.

These planters I'm using, the roots are coming out of the bottoms, will they hold up the entire grow?

Thanks much, I too look forward to seeing these AI's at maturity.



Well-Known Member
That is one thing I don't know too much about. I never used an Ebb & flow set up before. I have used a Aeroponic/Bubblier tote system, an Aerogarden, and my fav soil. I have seen other people use Ebb & flow set up before, but they had the tray filled with clay pellets and the pots were set into the bed of clay pellets. I think the pellets somewhat cover the roots to keep light away from them, but as I said I don't have any experience with ebb & flow! If i were you I would go to the Journal Forums (here on RIU) and do a search for Ebb & Flow journals. Check out what others are doing! Good luck!


Active Member
Things are going well. Not too worried now about the planters and I'm too paranoid to transplant them into bigger containers, afraid I'd kill them.

Got tap water sitting for the res change on Saturday, will be going full strength nutes for the garden. Think the larger plants could have handled it a week ago but I wanted to wait for the new four to catch up.

The new four are doing great and the big 3 are about 7,6.5 and 5.5 inches tall now with tons of growth going on underneath the top leaves, lots of nodes!

This weekend I'm going to the Hydro Store (Got a great one here in town!) and buying an HPS light, a smaller ebb/flow system, a tent and some fans to prepare the flowering space for the plants, I have a feeling they'll be ready soon.

When do you decide to flower? Just a matter of opinion once they're 12" or so?




Well-Known Member
I like to go a little less than 12 inches, but it is all a matter of preference and space restrictions. Remember after you change your light cycle to flowering your plants will continue to stretch/grow tall for another two weeks before they slow down and start to form buds. I had a friend grow some Aurora Indica and she started to flower at 12 inches and some of her plants grew to over 5 feet. I like to hit my plants with 1.5 ML per gallon of Bushmaster, it will stop vertical growth, and speed up your transition to flowering. All in all I think your plant look great so far. Just don't mix your nutes to full strength, less is more! I never go to full strength, full strength burns plants! Happy growing!


Active Member
Thanks, I was going to mix a tad under what the bottle says, they're Botanicare nutes and supposed to be pretty easy on the plants. Would you suggest instead of 2.5 cups, maybe 2 1/4, or 2 cups?

Good to see someone thinks they look well, having not done this and only looking at other journals, I still worry about my girls.

Noticed the Air stone I put in has helped the res water a lot, Ph has moved up very slowly, no need to down it in 2 days!


Well-Known Member
You should be just fine mixing a little less, I use Fox Farm nutes and it will burn plants easy, even when i don't mix to full strength...LOL I just had to flush a few days ago LOL its noticeable. I'll pic up date my journal later!


Active Member
good looking grow. If your going to keep them in those containers you might as well start the flowering cycle soon. Their roots are probably filling up the thing by now. You figure a foot of height for every gallon of soil. if you go hydro you could get away with pots that size for a long time and get some huge monster plants. You should check the maturity of your plants before flowering though. When plants are young they produce leaves in sets of two's so at every node you see two leaves coming out you know the plant is not fully mature. A mature plant will produce leaves at random intervals and not two at a time. Good luck and happy growing.


Active Member
Cool, thats what I was thinking too, maybe another 2 weeks and I'll flower them. The roots are just barely coming out of the bottoms and seem ok and out of the light, perhaps when I flower I will put pellets in the tray around the pots.

Wolf, I saw your 6 week old AI plant and I'm impressed, it looks beautiful. I hope mine continue to that kind of growth, it's a bushy plant.

good looking grow. If your going to keep them in those containers you might as well start the flowering cycle soon. Their roots are probably filling up the thing by now. You figure a foot of height for every gallon of soil. if you go hydro you could get away with pots that size for a long time and get some huge monster plants. You should check the maturity of your plants before flowering though. When plants are young they produce leaves in sets of two's so at every node you see two leaves coming out you know the plant is not fully mature. A mature plant will produce leaves at random intervals and not two at a time. Good luck and happy growing.


Active Member
Got some new pics and some news. Purchased some flowering EQ this weekend; 3x3x7 tent, 400w HPS and a 2x2 ebb/flow garden. Got screwed on the some of the garden's parts and its Easter so I cannot get the replacements until tomorrow.

Going to start flowering my 2 best plants, I have seen pistils showing and all the new nodes are alternating, they're 10" and 8" tall now.

Rest of the Garden is looking good, I germinated the last 3 of my Aurora seeds, they're in cubes waiting to sprout. My newest sprout is coming along fine.

Also, the catnip germinated and sprouted this weekend, got to have some dank for the kitties too.



Active Member
Been one month today since I first cracked my seeds on my 3 main plants.

I have setup some flowering equipment; 3x3x7 tent, 2x2 Ebb/flow, 400w HPS and changed their nutrients. While they were 11", 9", 9" tall, they were getting pretty bushy and I decided to go ahead and get them going, my next veggies will be bigger.

4 other plants doing very well at 3 weeks old, temps are good and for a change, the work/stress has dropped a bit. All about maintaining the water now, which of course is everywhere :)

New pics:



Active Member
Garden is 35 days old, things are going well.

Did a fresh res change on the flowering box, and wow does that thing get dirty. Those nutes look cool when you first pour them in but it gets really dirty in that tray now, grrrr.

Veggie garden plants are 25 days old and I have a mystery seed and some catnip in the planter now.

Also germinated my last 3 Aurora seeds and final Kush, they all cracked and sprouted. Going to tone the nutes down a bit in the veggie garden to handle the new plants.

Pics: The entire garden, the flowering garden, veggie garden and starter station.



Active Member
The garden continues to grow and is presenting a few problems.

1. I think I over-fertilized my flowering res, the lower leaves look horrible, yellow,splotchy and dry/crumbling. The top 2/3 of the plants look good but I worry about the bottoms.

2. One of my vegging plants is leaning over, not sure why. Seems to almost straighten back out at the top of the plant, since it was of decent size I put it in the tent to flower and hopefully straighten out.

I do have buds showing on my plants after 12 days in the tent and their size has almost doubled in height.

Also took some clippings from the bottoms of my vegging plants, they were still standing this morning!

Some updated pics:

Canopy of the flowering tent, showing the sickly leaves.
Leaning Aurora plant.
Veggie Garden.
The whole garden.

Any comments/suggestions would be most welcome, I'm freakin out a little bit.

** puff puff **



Active Member
Things are going pretty well, no problems and my nutrient problems seem to be well behind me, being very careful and res levels and Ph, and it's paying off.
After 18 days in the tent, a couple of my plants are really starting to show their flowers and have more than doubled in height. Had to raise the HPS a couple of times now.
In the Veggie Garden, the rest of my starters are well on their way. I took 2 clippings from each of my larger plants and still waiting for them to root, they're still standing but no roots coming from the cubes just yet.
Looks like my big three will be ready in 5-6 weeks and I'm going to keep trying to grow the remaining Aurora's and clones, I've about reached the limits of my garden's size.
New pics:
Willie's upper/top.
Veggie garden.
Best Veggie plant, Kumar.
Willie in Veggie garden.

