First Grow Malawi Gold, Alaskan Ice, Blue Cheese, Arjans Haze #2, and White Rhino


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First Time Grower, long time smoker, it begins, LOL. This is my first grow please wish me luck.

I started off with 6 Malawi Gold, 5 Alaskan Ice, and 1 G-13 Gigabud all from attitude. I put them in the seed starting tray on the 24th of April. I didn't put them in water or a paper towel, i decided to do it "natural" or old school, whatever you prefer. Last night on the 28th I transplanted them into plastic cups. After I sucessfuly transplanted them, I smoked a bowl and did something stupid. I knocked over the table with the cups on them. I lost 2 babies and now I don't know whitch is witch. But oh well I guess I'll just have to figure it out as they grow; If not oh well.

Right now I have them in my basement no grow room, just a table and 6 32 Watt 6500k CFLs. I plan on putting them outside in my back yard. I have a nice sized backyard and my neighbors don't bother me and I don't bother them. I plan on placing quite a few in different spots. I might even put a couple on my deck in pots. I have no real set plans, I just want to get a nice harvest.

I plan on putting the Blue Cheese in the seed tray tommorow and the White Rhino should be here in the next few days. I'm a war veteran so I use marijuana to medicate myself. I have migrains, nightmares, pain, and sleeping disorder. Needless to say this is all for personal use not commecial. I took so many pills I decided to stop and rely on my favorite girl.

I'm in the process of getting all the supplies needed for indoor grow room of around 10'Lx13'Wx8'H. I'm gonna build a flower bed for the groow room 4'x4' I already have the supplies.

This is gonna start outside and continue indoors when it's cold. My grows will always be 100% organic. For outside I will be using Fox Farm Ocean Forest and my compost that has been in rotation for 5 years. I started a new pile last month and even threw some worm castings in there for good sport. In my garden there will be lavender, Iranian Tobacco, tomatoes, cucumbers, mint, cleom, sunflowers, habenero peppers, sweet peppers, roses, and an assorment of other beautiful and tasty things.

So sit back and relax and take a journey with a Freshman in growing. The pics below is just from the beginning of the journey. I will try to stay on top of my thread but I am a pot head.



Well-Known Member
I wanted to add more pics to the original thread but wasn't allowed to. When my tokens are valid I'll post some more.


Well-Known Member
I have more pics I'd like to post but the site is not letting me. It keeps telling me that a token is missing. I emailed the admin, hopefully this problem will be fixed and I can continue.


Well-Known Member
Ok today I put (2) Barney's Farm Blue Cheese and (2) Arjans Haze #2 into the seed tray. Still can't post pics, so until I can I'll just have to explain what things look like I guess. My White Rhino should be here pretty soon I hope. I'm gonna order some more seeds next Friday. I'm probably gonna get Greenhouse Seeds King's Kush and something else. Maybe someone could give me an idea of what else I'll spend up to $150 for a good batch. Any ideas would be nice. I like Sativas but I'll give a good indica a chance. All Comments are welcome I'm kind of lonely in my thread LOL


Well-Known Member
Ok I can post more pics now. The pics are of my babies, I wish I could tell you witch plants are witch but they got dropped. The last pic is of my sweet peppers, hobenero peppers, Iranian Tobacco, and my Lavender. If the pics are a little fuzzy, I have bad nerves (more issues from the wars) and am trying to find a camera that has more shake compensation.



Well-Known Member
Day 10: Alaskan Ice, Gigabud, and Malawi Gold

Day 3: Blue Cheese and Arjans Haze #2

Ok so I came home from work today and had a surprise. Both of the Blue Cheese seeds sprouted but I'm still wating on the Arjans Haze #2. The brocolli and cucumbers all sprouted as well, but I'm wating for thetomatoes and spearmint to sprout just like The AJ#2.

The first 4 pics are of the new seed tray with my Blue Cheese, cucumber, brocolli, spearmint, Arjans Haze #2, and tomatoes.

The next pic is the tray with Iranian Tobacco, Lavender, habanero peppers, sweet pepers, and onions.

The last 4 are my Alaskan Ice, Gigabud, and Malawi babies. They loook a little stretchy I have them in my window right now. I had a flood in my basement from all the rain lately. Because of this my babies are gonna be in the window until it dries up a little and I can put stuff in the ground outside.

Thanx for following me, please leave comments.



Well-Known Member
Day 11: Alaskan Ice, Gigabud, and Malawi Gold

Day 4: Blue Cheese and Arjans Haze #2

Quick update for today. I came home today and got a beautiful package from attiude. My White Rhino is in the mail and I plan on putting them in the seed tray tommorow. So far I haven't placed any of my seeds in water or a paper towel and they have all germinated sucessfully, well except 1 seed (11-12). Today is watering day so I'll be watering my babies. I hope and pray that it will stop raining soon so I can do some work outside. I'd like to put them outside and get some frsh air.

Thanx for following me, please leave comments.



Well-Known Member
Hello everyone it's been a while since I posted. Very busy lately haven't even had the chance to take care of my babies. The 4 plants are 2 malawi gold and 2 alaskan ice. They took a beating but they are trying to hold up. I lost a lot of plants this year so next year I'll do it better. I don't know which one is which because they got spilled over. I believe the ones with the skinnier leaves are the malawis and the bushier ones are alaskan. The 3 smaller plants are king's kush, malawi, and alaskan ice. I have the 4 biggest ones in 5 gallon buckets. They are in my own compost that has been in rotation for 5 years, egg shells, corn cobs, worm castings, and fox farm ocean forest soil. I'm going to start feeding them molassis next week.



Well-Known Member
wow, quite an attempt for a first try. i am really looking forward to seeing the malawi gold. i have always wanted to try an african landrace strain. (not sure if it is a pure landrace, but close enough).

so far so good, i was gonna say that those seedlings look way stretched, but it looks like you solved that. good to see someone else into regular gardening as well. if possible could you post more pics of your tobacco plants when they are bigger? thanks and good luck


Well-Known Member
wow, quite an attempt for a first try. i am really looking forward to seeing the malawi gold. i have always wanted to try an african landrace strain. (not sure if it is a pure landrace, but close enough).

so far so good, i was gonna say that those seedlings look way stretched, but it looks like you solved that. good to see someone else into regular gardening as well. if possible could you post more pics of your tobacco plants when they are bigger? thanks and good luck
It was a bad grow season for me man. It rained 23 out of 30 days and couldn't stay on top of things outside. I had some personal things happen as well. Needless to say how bad things went for my garden. But I do have sweet peppers, habenero peppers, brocolli, and tomatoes growing well though. I'll be in the yard this weekend cleaning up. I'll post pics of everything when I'm done.


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear that man, that is some brutal weather. cant say it was much better here in the pacific northwest, but damn.

how does brocolli grow for ya? do you have pest problem with it? haha this is turning into a general gardening thread. i have a large garden in my yard with many peppers, veggies and fruits. never have attempted brocolli but would like to next year.

also i see that you live pretty far north, i am concerned that your sativa genetics will not finish in time outdoors. i am sure that they will grow into november and by that time it will be frosty at nights and rainy. so bud rot is a concern and also dying from the cold. what do you think?


Well-Known Member
Climate Change or Global Warming, whatever you want to call it has made it very warm in the winter lately. That is my only saving grace if not maybe I'll have to throw a blanket atound them or something lol.


Well-Known Member
If you've followed my thread you know my days are off so I'll just give a guess of how old they are. I finally learned how to make macro shots, so enjoy the pics.

The 4 taller plants (2 Malawi Gold & 2 Alaskan Ice) are 82 days old

The 3 smaller plants I ouldn't tell you how old they are. I forgot to keep time and date. I do know that they are Alaskan Ice, Malawi Gold, and Kings Kush.

I'm having some issues with bugs but oh well I'm growing natural and outside. Lastly I have know idea when they are going to flower or if they are starting to flower. The 4 taller plants look like they have pistols forming. If anyone can look @ my plants and tell me what the hell is going on I'd greatly appreciate it.



Well-Known Member
I would have liked to put the rest of my pics up but I'm missing tokens. I can't put anymore pics on the site I'm sorry.


Well-Known Member
your plants should be showing some pistils, or balls pretty soon if they havent already. I cant really see anything in the pics. i think that your plants are old enough to show preflowers. they should be entering full flowering in the next few weeks or so. are you giving them any nutes? if not i would suggest thinking about investing in some flowering nutes.

overall they look extremely healthy. dont know what else to say. keep them pics goin later on, i got my eye on them at least.


Well-Known Member
your plants should be showing some pistils, or balls pretty soon if they havent already. I cant really see anything in the pics. i think that your plants are old enough to show preflowers. they should be entering full flowering in the next few weeks or so. are you giving them any nutes? if not i would suggest thinking about investing in some flowering nutes.

overall they look extremely healthy. dont know what else to say. keep them pics goin later on, i got my eye on them at least.
Thanks man I have a lot of pics and I'd love to post them. No nutes man I put a lot of good stuff in the soil. I have started using molassis though. Thanks for keeping up with my thread.