First Grow, Lowryder Need help.


Active Member
Ok, Well this is the first time i am going to be growing. In a townhouse also. And i am thinking of some lowryder strains and i have a box idea. Im thinking a little side table i have. Little bit taller then a pc tower. Well about 2 or 3 ft tall 2 ft deep and about 2 ft wide. Any help with what lights (im thinking cfls) and how to vent and get rid of odour.
Also where to get ryder strains other then just the dwarf one, like purple or diesel ryder. Anyways any help is very appreciated, And i will be keeping everyone updated on when i grow and how my plants do.


Active Member
I am also Wondering how many lights i should use, and just really any help such as pc to wire them. And what the light ratio should be for an auto flowering plants.


Well-Known Member
I have ordered from doc chronic several times w/ no complaints
as for suggestions,I found lowrider plants send a taproot deep,if you start them in a shallow pot, they will not grow as soon as they break soil, I put them in a 10'' pot.