First Grow-Looking good?? Pics!!


Active Member
i thought we had covered that already......
by keeping a fan blowing you wont get sun spots!!!
like i said i have never had a sunspot problem


Active Member
just make sure the plant sways a little it will promote stem stregenth. and foliage feeding is perfect and if you have the fan blowing on them the water will fall off because of the "gentle" breeze so yeah.


Active Member
Well after 2 weeks vacation im home to my babys

And they are looking ok i guess little bit of nute burn on fan leaves :(
And the 2nd from the right is unbelivebly streched:evil:

i Tryed fimmin one before i left and that turned out GREAT!!

Hoping to get them into flowering after 2 weeks or so



Well-Known Member
im not too sure, maybe someone can back me up on this...but i saw in one of your pics there was water on the leaves...i used to spray my plants in veg and they got "sun spots" (from fluoros?) and it caused yellow spots and half the leaves dies...just lookin out
Were you spraying when the lights were on for a while? Maybe your water source was a little acidic as well.