First grow lineup down under 2012-13!


Active Member
Just placed an order on attitude for a few seeds and turns out due to the xmas bash I (like a lot of you i guess) am receiving a tonne of freebies.
My first grow, doing it in the forest guerilla style will comprise of:
- Green House Seeds Train Wreck
- Green House Seeds Kalashnikova
- Nirvana Seeds Papaya
- Nirvana Seeds Master Kush
- FEMINIZED UFO #1 Ch9 Female Seeds Vintage 2006
- FEMINIZED UFO #2 Positronic Seeds Cum Laude
- Cali Connection Boss Hogg 2 REG
- TH Seeds Critical HOG
- Delta 9 Labs Sativa House Mix 5 REG
- Dinafem Seeds White Widow AUTO
- G13 Labs Gigabud

At first I just wanted to plant the first 4 that I actually paid for, got 2 of each.
Might keep the rest for next season :3
Any good stories about the train wreck? I hear its a monster.
Got the Papaya for it's good yield and the master kush because I needed to spend like $7 more for the freebies!
I'm liking the look of the Dinafem White Widow Auto, heard autos dont yield that much though, still looks good :)

Will update and post pictures of everything throughout the grow.
Also, how do we pay for seeds without using a credit card or money order?
I've found this prepaid mastercard thing in the shops, gonna have to call Attitude and see if they accept it though.
Happy grow everybody :weed:

Update #1
Ordered the seeds, used the prepaid mastercard from woolworths.
Should be 10 business days!
Now it's time to go and cultivate my area and get the pots ready.
I'm so motivated for this op :)
Update #2
Just saw that my order has arrived in my state and is being processed for delivery! Pretty excited, can't wait to start this op.
Most if not all prepaid cards cannot purchase things internationally. I am really excited about the Boss Hogg. Sounds legit.
Where do you get those? I heard of them but can never find them anywhedre.

Check this thread out, I made it a few days ago.
Anyway Update #3
Got my seeds today, they look delicious.
I resisted the urge to eat them and I've started germination on Trainwreck, Papaya, White Widow Auto and Northern Lights x Skunk.
That was at 6:00pm so I'll be checking them early tomorrow morning and hopefully transplanting them tomorrow evening!

For the auto i will be transplanting it directly into the ground, for the rest I will be transplanting them into small seedling pots!
I read somewhere the autos need to be handled as little as possible because they start flowering after 3 weeks.
The others I want to veg for about 5 weeks.
It looks like your freebies are better than the strains you ordered.

Yeah actually, I like the freebies a lot!
The strains I picked out were based on smell and grow tendencies I guess. The Papaya grows out more than it grows up so it's good for guerilla ops.
Trainwreck just sounded all round good, the plant looks nice too
Kalishnakova just for the name and master kush because I am the master.
The freebies were the reason why I decided to buy from Attitude.
White widow was too good to pass up :dunce:
Update #4!
Trainwreck and Northern Lights x Skunk have germinated and I've planted them into two pots with soil from my current tomato patch. Then I sprayed them with water and chucked them in what remains of the sun today (It's 7pm, sun goes down around 9)
Still waiting for White widow and Papaya.
I germinated them by putting them inbetween two moist paper towels, covered with a bowl and placed on top of a dvd player that is currently running to heat them up. Not sure if it actually got too hot though because when I took the plate off the first time, some water was actually evaporated.
But I guess it was ok because as I said, two of them have successfully germinated.
Cant wait to see the little green stems :D
I just did GHS trainwreck, it goes on the list of BAD strains ive grown.

Its not that good a strain as tendancy to herm.
The smell of trainwreck is horible, like something you find in a butchers bin
How was the smoke up though?
Heard it's unbelievable.

Hah! Well, the Arcata Trainwreck clone, and almost any strain bred with it, is potent as fuck. Also quite tasty. But the odds of GHS having a strain that bares any resemblance to the wreck other than being a big mess to grow are, well, slim to none.
Hah! Well, the Arcata Trainwreck clone, and almost any strain bred with it, is potent as fuck. Also quite tasty. But the odds of GHS having a strain that bares any resemblance to the wreck other than being a big mess to grow are, well, slim to none.

Man, I thought GHS were decent. I liked the look of most of their stuff.
Well, what about Nirvana? I've heard a few good things about them. Just waiting for the Papaya to germinate.
White Widow is in by the way. Just planted it!
Man, I thought GHS were decent. I liked the look of most of their stuff.
Well, what about Nirvana? I've heard a few good things about them. Just waiting for the Papaya to germinate.
White Widow is in by the way. Just planted it!

You'll find very few Greenhouse Seed fans on here. Nirvana seeds is of divided opinion though, very much like Barneys Farm. I personally would recommend going to G13 Labs, Reserva Privada, DNA Genetics and Female Seeds. That is of course if you want feminized seeds.
You'll find very few Greenhouse Seed fans on here. Nirvana seeds is of divided opinion though, very much like Barneys Farm. I personally would recommend going to G13 Labs, Reserva Privada, DNA Genetics and Female Seeds. That is of course if you want feminized seeds.

I very much like the look of G13 Labs, and not just because I got an awesome G13 Labs tshirt with my order from attitude.
They seem very professional, but I guess thats what I thought of GHS too.
Well, I've got 2 GHS, 1 nirvana and 1 Dinafem plant for this off season's grow. I'll deffinitely write up what I think about GHS's quality and maybe I can change a few people's minds.
Anyway, I've read that sprouting happens 3-5 days after planting?
How watered should I keep my plants? I've just been keeping the soil moist so far and drying out every while to promote root growth.
Are you veging them under lights before going outside? The longest day of the year for Oz is next week so plants will start to flower mid january...doesnt leave them long to veg is all im saying!
Theyre vegging outside, I do not really care about the results of this grow. It's my first. Next season I will be more prepared!
In two years I want to have a big grow tent for about 30 plants that I can keep inside.
I like this plant. I haven't had anything to do with it since early this year, and I am already in love with it. I don't know what it is about it, but it's a beautiful piece of nature.

Update #5
Some birds, fucking pests. They mustve stood on two of my pots and the soil is all messed up. I only just found the seed and tap root and was able to replant them, but I dont know how much stress this caused the plant especially because it was still just a seed with a long taproot.
I'm pissed, gonna take them inside every night now.

#6 Holy shit. My friend is such a dick. He poisoned my plants. Game over.
See you next season.

#7 Hahahaha, no. Twas a joke. I got so angry he burst out laughing and told me it was just a joke.
I swear I would have poisoned him with cyanide.
He did however mess my soil up while moving them so I'm still a little worried.
Update #8
Phew. Well I've set up a little vegging room to supplement the outside light and keep the plants on an 18/6 schedule until atleast mid Jan.
Here's how it looks.
View attachment 2453741

And here's the trainwreck sprout under the lights 8)
trainwreck sprout.jpg
Merry Christmas! :joint:
Hey what the heck? How come everyone is knocking GHS Trainwreck? I got one right now with a powerful lemon kush odor. It was a slow started compared to the Raspberry Cough, and the Chocolate Chunk though.
Slightly slower to flower than Kandy Kush, and Exodus Kush. I got a Martian Kush which is a tiny bit behind. And MK Ultra is about the same. 9-10 week flower for the Trainwreck genes I have at the moment.

The trainwreck is a keeper though, very pungent smell and nice structure to the plant, maybe a little bit too high leave to flower ratio.