First Grow, kosher tangie, and pineapple chunk

here's pineapple chunk from barney. dont know what it is but everything that popped from barney, all taste/smell the same (weird smell), doesnt smoke that great. done chronic thunder, liberty haze, blue cheese and afraid to do critical kush. all organic, raw nutrients and teas. my opinion, dont waste your time with them. blue cheese was hermed on me bad
i've had great luck with dna. make sure to keep clones of those
Yeah I don't I'll be getting any more Barney Farm seeds, one pack was enough for me. I took clones off all the plants I have, hopefully they'll survive, never cloned before but I think they're rooting. Time will tell.
Nice man. Will be sitting in on this. Got a bunch of pineapples sitting in my closet. Gonna be doing them in my next grow.
The girls started flowering but are getting reachy. I think 8 plants may have been to many to scrog with the space I have. 20150415_151143.jpg20150415_151152.jpg 20150415_151159.jpg my clones aren't looking to good, not sure if any of them will make it. I'll post pics if any of them pull through.
Nice stuff man. I picked up some cookies kush and red dragon from Barney's farm. The cookies kush died instantly from low humidity I'm talkin it dried up instantly So now I have the red dragon germing hopefully it goes better. Barney's farms seedlings are very sensitive compared to bc bud depot. Any thoughts on Barney's seedling deaths? Nice bud pics btw they are goin along smoothly try out cream of the crop cash crop it's an auto flower but has high thc and good mold and pest resistance that's why I got it.
Sorry I haven't updated in a couple weeks been busy. Plants are doing pretty good had some ph issues due to my ph booster going bad but order a new one and hopefully It will resolve the issue. But plants are going strong. Also started to trim of the fan leaves to promote bud growth. 20150518_153449.jpg20150518_153455.jpg 20150518_153504.jpg