First Grow Killerskunk, White Widow x Big Bud

Hi everyone. After a year of reading and planning, I've gotten everything together to start my first grow. My grow space is a mylar lined tent I got on ebay; dimensions are 4'X4'X6'. I'm vegging with a 400w MH, and will flower with an HPS. The tent is exhausted using a 170cfm inline duct fan. All exhaust is being pulled through a carbon filter as well, so smell shouldn't be too much of an issue. I'm starting off with 4 killerskunk seeds from underground originals and 1 white widow x big bud seed from female seeds. I also have one tropic thunder bag seed in there, just to experiment.

I am starting the seeds in Fox Farm Light Warrior. When I transplant, I will put them into ocean forest. I have been told that to start I should use a mix of the seed starter and the ocean forest, does this make a significant difference? For nutes I will be using iguana juice grow and bloom from advanced nutrients and maybe a little overdrive towards the end of flowering. I want to keep it as simple as possible.

Also, I am using RO water. While I can't be exact, the pH is somewhere around 6.5. I know this is ok now, but when feeding am I going to have to use something to bring the pH up a bit? I'm new to this so I'm not sure how much the fert will bring the pH down. Thanks for any feedback, check back within the next few days and I will post pics of my setup.
Seeds were all popped today, got them into the light warrior in 16oz cups. I was surprised to find out that the ww x bb fem seed had 2 tap roots coming out of it! This usually means twins right? Anyone have any suggestions as to how i should handle this? I don't want to try to separate them and mess anything up as it's the only fem seed I used, but I also don't want to wait too long and have their roots tangles up. Any advice is appreciated. Will have pics of setup very soon.
Here are some pics of my setup. Right now seedlings are in a small box with 4 13w daylight cfls just to get them started. How much do they need to mature before I put them under the mh? Also, any tent grower on here had problems with hermies from light leaks? This tent is decent but the passive intake flaps let the smallest amount of light in, although it is minimal.



Well-Known Member
I don't know about the twins thing, but it sounds really cool! Digging your setup. Keeping it nice and simple starting out is the way to go. As far as soil, I've put seedlings in Ocean Forest before and they've done fine, but light warrior is a good route as well. I would probably wait until they show they're first true set of leaves before putting them under the HID, and when you do keep the light 3' above them for a while till they get established. I've never grown in a tent, but as far as the light leaks go make sure to get that taken care of before you switch to flowering. As far as hermies go, every batch of seeds I have ever started have had 1 or more pheno's with hermaphroditic tendencies. I've grown Nirvana, TGA, BC Bud Depot, and a few other companies seeds, and hermies have been a problem with all these. I've had differnt setups, and no light leaks whatsoever, and hermies have still poped up. Keep a close EYE all through flowering to make sure no male parts grow on your (soon to be) beautiful females.

Good luck and Happy Growing
Thanks for the input, Tex. My plan is to just put some velcro on the flaps that cover the intakes, that should make the tent like 99% lightproof. The only thing I need to figure out is how i'm going to make sure they're closed when the lights go off, as I will not always be around because of work. I have plenty of time before flowering though so I'm sure I'll get it figured out. How often should I water early on, should I still just wait until the top 2 inches of soil are dry like usual? Humidity is pretty low right now and I'm paranoid about seedlings drying up before they get established.
Bit of bad news, knocked over containers and lost 2 of the ks seedlings yesterday. Luckily I still had 6 more on hand so I just germinated 2 more. Out of the 6 I've germed so far, they have all popped within 12-24 hours using paper towel method. Will post pics when I have something worth sharing. For now, time to smoke and waitbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Yea, just keep the soil moist at the top and they'll be fine. I think seedlings are a lot hardier than we think. We just have to let them grow and be patient. All good things come with time!

Sounds like you know what your doing. Rep+
Smaller of the 2 twins died. The bigger one sprouted much faster and pulled the little one out and it dried up. A little sad, but not surprising. Picked up some nice strains today to smoke while I wait. AK47 and sweet dreams, both awesome smokes. Check back soon, peace and happy smoking!


Well-Known Member
That sucks about the seedlings dyeing, but its still early enough where you can start some more seeds right? Be careful this time. haha
Yeah. I have 4 more seeds, I'm thinking about just doing them all and then taking clones off of the best females. I don't really have the space for a mother, but I have a space big enough to keep some clones for awhile. What I'm wondering now is in a small space, will the clones be able to get big enough for me to in turn pull clones off of them to keep the strain alive without a mom? That way when I'm done flowering, I have a new batch ready to go.
Of the 6 I started with, 3 didn't make it. I'm left with a tropic thunder and killerskunk both off to a nice start. WW X BB is stunted probably because it was a twin, but finally opened up. One of the cotyledon leaves is pretty much dead, but the true leaves have already started and the other coty. leaf is fine, so she should be fine right? Going to start 4 more seeds tonight to have in the ground by the weekend. Also I moved the 2 that have actual leaves to the tent about 3ft below the MH and they seems to be loving it, I can see visible change every few hours. Pics of the 3 that made it today.
Sorry about the lack of pics guys, having a little camera trouble so I have a friend who's gonna help me with that soon. There are four new killerskunk plants that just broke the soil two days ago, they are under cfls with a sweet dream bagseed I came across recently (still waiting for that one to break the soil it took a day longer to germinate). All is looking good so far, looks like I have 2 different KS phenos, two of the new seedlings are very purple while the others are entirely green. Will have pics hopefully tomorrow! Peace