First grow- just letting nature take it's course.


Girls 003.jpgHere's a pic of my girls. This is my first attempt. They look kind of sparse but they are healthy. The one on the left is beginning to flower. It looks to me that they are two different strains. The one on the right lost all her leaves about a month into growing but I let it stay in the pot and she came back to life. I haven't done anything special to them. I simply put the seeds in potting soil (bag seed from my girlfriends stash) and let nature take it's course. I let them stay outside in the sun for 12 hours and then I bring them in and put them in a spare room for total dark for the next 12 hours. I've only been giving them liquid nutes from Wal-Mart and the are doing great. We'll see what happens after they mature and I harvest them. Thanks to everyone who responded to earlier posts. Great website!


Well-Known Member
Man if they are just starting to flower outdoors you wont have enough time to finish them unless you get some lights.


They are about two months or so. Next time I will write down the dates of every thing. I've got lights ready to go when the cold weather gets here. We've been having nothing but sunny days so I put them outside in the sun. At night they go in a spare room in total darkness. Never dreamed that the one on the right would survive she lost all her leaves at about a month old. Dang if she didn't start growing new ones and now is very healthy. This is my first grow since I was a teenager. Just retired from the Navy after 24 years. Thanks for your inputs.


Active Member
Be careful moving them so much - may draw attention. Good luck to you - one on left looks like it could produce some good bud