First Grow Journal - PC Grow Box


Well-Known Member
Hey Wolf,

I finally got my camera back. I only wish it was under better circumstances. I swear before I went away they were looking very promising.

This is what I came home to after leaving them alone for 9 days. The res was bone dry and the roots were also dry. They really must have been thirsty because the last time I left them alone for 5 days and the res hardly went down at all.

I flushed the rockwool out with plain, phed water and mixed them a bloom formula solution of 300 ppm, which they were doing very well with before I left.

Question: Flushing means pouring water through the rockwool, right? The rockwool now seems saturated, but I figured that was better then dry, concentrated salt build up.

They've been on 12/12 for 10 days now and must remain there for better or for worse. I'm moving across the country come the end of October.

Any suggestions from anyone out there would be appriciated. Should I prune the branchs that look dead? And if so where?

Should I fill the res with water only?


Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
I think you got to them in time...

"Flushing" means feeding the girls nothing but ph'ed water..... In hydro it is the same... you change the rez to just ph'ed water and let them sit in that for at least 24 hours...

Clearing out the rockwool is a good idea though.

Mist them with ph'ed water... and keep a humidity dome on them.. they should bounce back in no time..

Great shots by the way... and I'm digging the micro grow =]

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Well-Known Member
As per the Wolfman's recommendation:

Fresh phed water only @ 5.2

Spritzed with the same water

Humidity dome with ample air holes

If this fails I may have to fire the Wolfman as my personal consultant :-P



Well-Known Member
OK, so my first grow I want the prize of: "Most Pathetic Looking Charlie Brown Christmas Tree Pot Plants" ever!!

I still have 3 plants, well, sort of, one looks dead, one looks alive but not growing, and the last I'm seeing some very slow growth.

The one in the middle is the one that doesn't seem alive, but doesn't seem dead either. She is also the eldest at 37 days old from sprout.

The one on the left I believe will not recover. I trimmed all the dead leaves which left it pretty bare. She is about 25 days old from sprout.

The only one that may pull through is the one on the right, also 25 days old from sprout.

All of the roots are turning brown!! Please help, no idea what to do.



Well-Known Member
That is a clear case of root rot.

The only way to fix that is to completely eliminate light from entering the reservoir. Either duct tape that little tupperware thing or get a dark colored rubbermaid tote.

After that get a good helping (2tsp/gallon) of 50% H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) into your reservoir and hope for the best.


Well-Known Member
thanks diggity, the res is lightproof, the container in the pic is just something i used to catch water.

where do i get the h2o2 and will it come with instructions on how to use it?


Well-Known Member
thanks diggity, the res is lightproof, the container in the pic is just something i used to catch water.

where do i get the h2o2 and will it come with instructions on how to use it?
You can get the 50% at a hydro shop in most cases. Get that if you can, it's much cheaper in the long run. With 50% strength you need 10ml (~2tsp) per gallon of reservoir.

If you can only get pharmacy grade (~3-5%) you would need ~150ml per gallon.


Well-Known Member
thanks guys,

I'm assuming i mix the h2o2 with water only, no nutes?

how long do i leave them in the h2o2?

are all those brown roots going to fall off? should i cut them off?


Well-Known Member
thanks guys,

I'm assuming i mix the h2o2 with water only, no nutes?

how long do i leave them in the h2o2?

are all those brown roots going to fall off? should i cut them off?
You assume correctly.

I'd give them a day or two in the H2O2 treated water before doing anything drastic.

And since your tub is light proof, check the water temperature. Anything over 80F is NO GOOD.


Well-Known Member
I can't believe this freak'in plant is still alive!! I came home from work tonight with my bottle of hydrogen peroxide to find new growth on the plant and also new white, healthy roots. My other 2 palnts are not looking as well.

I purchased the hydro peroxide that your mom would pour over an open wound on you when you were a kid. I don't know why no one told me this, here I am looking for some illusive, expert hydro chemical...LOL

It's only 3% so I mixed 150ml (approx 1/3 bottle) into 1 gallon of phed water. Which leads me to my first question: Should the ph be tested before or after the h2o2 is added? Isn't h2o2 highly alkalide, meaning if you ad it to phed water wouldn't it throw it way off? And if you were to adjust it with "ph down", wouldn't this negate the effectiveness of the h2o2? Or am I serioulsly overthinking this thing?

So what exactly is the h2o2 suppossed to do? I mean, the one plant is growing new roots anyway, is the h2o2 going to a) make them grow faster, b) disolve the old brown roots, c) repair the old brown roots, or d) all of the above?

And what should I be watching for? How long is the solution I mixed tonight effective. How long should I let them sit in it? Are the old roots going to disolve, do I need to chage it nightly?

Sorry for all the questions but I should've killed this plant like 90 times and it's again giving me another chance! I really wish I had time to let it veg until it's a good strong plant, but as I'm moving across country come the end of October it must remain on 12/12. Who knows, I may just get a bowl out of my first grow yet!! LOL

I'll post some pics tomorrow!!


Well-Known Member
listen I use hydrogen peroxide straight from walmart and it has drastically helped my plants to grow roots and stay really green . You can use it all the time as it is good for your plants, until the last two weeks before harvest which I beleive the only thing allowable to go till then besides regular water is molasses ??


Well-Known Member
Thanks stoney, how much do you use per gallon of water as a preventative measure?

How do you accomadate for ph?

How do you accomadate for ppm?

How long is the solution effective?


Well-Known Member
Thanks stoney, how much do you use per gallon of water as a preventative measure? 2TBL per gallon

How do you accomadate for ph? will lower ph a lil test for that

How do you accomadate for ppm? I don't use a ppm meter

How long is the solution effective?
About a couple of hours and it wears out but you only need to add every feeding


Well-Known Member
OK, so I got a little creative after reading tons of stuff that others had done. It became clear that 2 out of my 3 plants were dead from root rot. I'm assuming I contracted this nasty little disease from letting my res go bone dry while I was away. I refilled the res and within a day the roots turned beige, and after a few days they were brown and slimy; they never smelled, though.

Even while the roots were browning one of my plants was still showing new life. These pics are taken after 3 days of phed water (no nutes) and 150ml (1/3 bottle) of hydro peroxide per gallon of water. I changed the res every night with fresh hydro peroxide and water.

The new res is something I was lucky to find as I'm so limited in what will fit in my setup. As you can see there's only one plant left. Beleive it or not she's 20 days into flowering. However, I'm sure she's not a good example as she was severely stunted by the dry res, root rot, and an extremely inexperienced grower. Still, tell me if I'm wrong, but it appears to have a flower forming on top of her. Honestly, I never thought I would get this far.



Well-Known Member
Live and learn, bro. Live and learn.

Your lone survivor is gonna make it though. Albeit you're not gonna have much of a harvest so you need to decide whether to start over or wait two months for maybe an eight of bud.

I'd start over. It may seem like you wasted your time with resuscitating that one, but you learned a lot from it.