Ya know guys I'm thinking I jumped the gun. I had just subbed to peoples journal yesterday a few hours before chez came and to be honest I have no idea what had transpired before that so I am taking back what I said. I shouldn't be sticking my nose in other peeps biz and soz if I ruffled any feathers : !)Way to come in and just ruin a guys thread chedder. Peoples has himself a nice grow that he's documenting and it has good karma written all over it then you come in and take a shit right in the middle of it.
The right thing to do would be to apologize and move on.
Puff puff pass to the tokers subbed>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DOG![]()
Yo hc apology accepted im by no means a dick and wantin to fuck up peeps journal but wen a lad comes into ya journal spoutin shit they know fuck all about u can see were i had to put it right ill help were i can wen i can im not selfish and far from the best grower goin it just happens mr peeps grows in the same system i do and he has big flaws in it ive seen your work and enjoy readin ya journal lad its just pissed me off that people jump the gun before actually readin and researchin more. I hope this can be dropped now take my advise which is right or leave as u are its no bother to me as i said before its obvious flowa has more time on his hands than i do and does nt know how to run in cocco hence the fillin the 50litres of cocco with a mass of roots with 4wks veg lmao anyway enough from me crack on in sure you ll learnin in the long run !!Ya know guys I'm thinking I jumped the gun. I had just subbed to peoples journal yesterday a few hours before chez came and to be honest I have no idea what had transpired before that so I am taking back what I said. I shouldn't be sticking my nose in other peeps biz and soz if I ruffled any feathers : !)
Just about to post a pic of one of the Whiteberry before they come down, check it out if you want mate.
lol, airpots...... i'm sorry guys, but they are a gimmick. yeah they give good oxygen ratio, but same roots in a smaller system!? get the fuk outta here. The roots want more oxygen and room for growth, they don't want to be restricted and reach a point where there is no where to go but in and around the pot creating a solid mass of roots which can lead to all sorts of issues. You think the guy that taught me has been doing it wrong for 25 years? with all the trial and error he has done i trust him 100% compared to you. You know what he says with airpots and coco!? HUH!!! LOL thats what. Air pruning roots. What a load of shit. The reason they grow trees in these is so it slows growth so they can be moved around to shop to shop and can be easily transplanted. The dude that thought of these airpots for hydro is all talk. You find me 1 system that grows even close to the same pace as mine, and gives even close the same yield, and i may..... just may think... hm thats interesting. But you won't. Fact is I wanted the fastest system to grow erb in, and i got it. I don't use coco as it's crap, inconsistent and almost always has bug issues. Not to mention doesn't compare to the cleanliness and ease of flushing that i get with Perlite.Yo hc apology accepted im by no means a dick and wantin to fuck up peeps journal but wen a lad comes into ya journal spoutin shit they know fuck all about u can see were i had to put it right ill help were i can wen i can im not selfish and far from the best grower goin it just happens mr peeps grows in the same system i do and he has big flaws in it ive seen your work and enjoy readin ya journal lad its just pissed me off that people jump the gun before actually readin and researchin more. I hope this can be dropped now take my advise which is right or leave as u are its no bother to me as i said before its obvious flowa has more time on his hands than i do and does nt know how to run in cocco hence the fillin the 50litres of cocco with a mass of roots with 4wks veg lmao anyway enough from me crack on in sure you ll learnin in the long run !!
Pukka read further back bro you ll find he is arguin with his self the fool ive said my piece job done let him make a fool of his self further haha cocco inconsistant lmfao u know thay is total gash there lad lolThere good for soil or coco, if your in perlite why is chedz even discussing it with you? how do you water, is it a constants drip feed? cos if it is then fuck yeah you'l full the 50L pot with roots you'd full what ever size you put it in, dwc has mental roots, an that explains the roots comin outta the pot at the bottom, did you sit it in another pot?
All im sayin is a lot of these 25+ years growers know there shit but also arnt always open to new ways and usaully think they are always right, why diss the airpots have you tried them?, all peeps i no have loved them an have reduced the size of there pots by half an still get the same results or better, all are in soil or coco tho, not perlite so my advice was to mrpeoples as he's in coco an ive got experience in coco, with standed pots verse airpots and you can reduce the size of the pots that was my only point that he would get the same results in a pot half the size or smaller using coco, i seen you guys discussing pot size an thought id give my 2 pence to the discusion wernt tryin to say my ways best, just tryin to help not into bashin peeps in there threads.
Ive gone from usin 11L standed pots to 6L Airpots, my roots look a lot healthier when i chop and my plants are bigger, had the best yields so fare and there a lot smaller so can fit more pots in my small space.
Do a little research, the reason they grow trees in airpots is cos the tree can grow its hole life in 1 with no stump in growth an no dying of like what happens in huge standed pots after so long, a tree in a airpot grows as it it was planted in the straight in the dirt like in nature.
Also with coco in airpots your plants roots get loads of air thanks to the holes in them, only thing with them if usin coco is they dry very quick due to the excellent air flow threw the pot, so will have to water more often, but in coco this is good cos its kinda hydro, an waterin more often gets better yields.
Im not gettin into it chedz an aint arguing all i was tryin to get across is with coco you can get the same results with smaller airpots or smart pots an save your self shit loads in nutes, thats all i was sayin tryin to help really.Pukka read further back bro you ll find he is arguin with his self the fool ive said my piece job done let him make a fool of his self further haha cocco inconsistant lmfao u know thay is total gash there lad lol
those things look sick, ill buy those for my next grow for sure!!! perfect for indoor growIm not sayin you wont fill the 50L pot with roots, no doubt after your veg time an all flower when you crack it open it will be packed with roots, and i agree more roots means bigger plant an more buds, but what im gettin at is you could get the same amount of roots an same size plants in a 10L Airpot, then instead of usin 9L(should take more for 50L to get propa run off but hey) of juice a day to water your pot you could use 3L an still yield the same or even better.
Thats the hole point of the airpots, everytime a root hits the wall of the pot its guided down the funnel shape to a hole where it gets air pruned sendin a signal to the plant to send another root out, so in a very short time you end up with thousands of new healthy roots filling the pot in no time, so you end up with a healthy huge root system in no time atall in 5 x as small pot as you would in a 50L standed pot. Yes you will have a lot of roots but will be the same few circled round the pot loads of time with airpots every root you see is a new fresh root.
They was designed to grow tree's in, usually trees would die once to a certain size in standed pots in airpot they can grow for years.
This is what a cuttin looks like after 10 days veg in a 1L airpot
Blue cheese, 4 week veg in 10L airpots, 1 yielded 5oz the other 6oz
Honestly get a 10L airpot there pretty cheap an compare on your next grow, to your 50L, ill put my money you do just as good or even better in them.
Id say get 1 an see how you like um mate, an go for half the size you would use for a normal standard pot you will do just as good or go for same size an i bet you do better lolthose things look sick, ill buy those for my next grow for sure!!! perfect for indoor grow
G13 haze in a standard 11L pot......yield just over 9ozsomeone please show me a plant as big as one of mine in a 11 litre airpot after 4 1/2 weeks of veg and i'll shut my mouth