First Grow: Jack Herer! How am i doin?


Well-Known Member
I'm wondering why Ph down but no Ph Up? I never use Ph down, I use Ph up all the time. The only time I have ever wanted to have Ph down around was when soaking rockwool to put clones in, since there were no nutes in the water to bring it down & for cloning the ph if i recall should be around 5.5 - 5.8. Anyhow, other than that I need Ph Up for every watering with full strength Nutes but never Ph down. Even if I over estimated how much Ph Up to use & needed the Ph to come back down, I would prolly just throw out that water & start over so the TDS didn't get too hi.


Active Member
ph down because water is always different from town to town. here its crazy high and i have to use a good amount of ph down. just depends on where you live.


Active Member
SO super quick update, i've added two more plants next the the jack, its a white widow/blueberry cross strain, should be interesting to watch them grow next to eachother, will have pics shortly


New Member
no pics man, its like telling your blind friend to look at a naked pic of your girlfriend on your cell phone.