First Grow - Indoors/Outdoors - 1000 watt mh light - Input Please

Maine Outdoors

New Member
This is my first grow and I'm just gonna post some pictures, If there is anything that I can do to benefit my grow please tell me and tell me how you think its going right now. This is my indoor phase and i'm gonna move outside with a couple pretty soon. I have no idea what kind of strain i'm growing, i'm using bag seed but it was pretty good bud so we'll just see how this is gonna work out... Thanks everyone! Happy Smoking :joint: Sorry for not much info, if you wanna know some more just ask.

Plant 1:
Plant 2:
Plant 3:
Plant 4:
Plant 5:
Fan I've been using
1000 Watt Mh Light
My Setup

For Soil, I've been using a mix that was made by a local fisherman and all the local growers go to him


nice man, i'm not really an expert and it's prolly OK but I have never seen a plant structure like that before... or maybe i'm just high... but either way nice job and I would kinda move the seedlings into the light before they start to stretch and get to long on ya. and deff. transplant plant #2 into a bigger pot.

Maine Outdoors

New Member
Thanks, I'll move #2 into a bigger pot asap

If anyone can also tell me how my humidity and temperature is that'd be awesome!

I also got a few more plants already outside in fish trays, i'll go out later and take a few pics of them...


Thanks, I'll move #2 into a bigger pot asap

If anyone can also tell me how my humidity and temperature is that'd be awesome!

I also got a few more plants already outside in fish trays, i'll go out later and take a few pics of them...
I think they're perfect... that's around where I keep mine as well. But is it correct? Idk, but it works for me. :-o keep it up bro!