First Grow, Indoor, Organic...Flowering?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, thought I would share my crop that has been chilling in veg for about a month. A little history, Germed them in peat pots and transplanted at 5" into 5 gal buckets filled 3/5ths the way with FF ocean forest.

Score so far is 8/10 Satori from see and 2/5 Thai haze/skunk from seed.

Here is Thai Haze 1 at 20"

Haze 2 at 18"

Here are a couple Satori shots, The satoris are noticably stockier, much thicker leaves. The satories range from two runts at 8 and 10" and the rest which are between 12-14in"

They are being vegged under a 1000 watt metal halide. Temps are stable at 80 with highs of 83 and lows of 77. I water once per day.

How do they look?

My big issue is if I can start flowering and determine sex. Do they look big enough? I have not used any ferts, just organic soil and ph'd tap water. I have a HPS bulb and a timer. Am I good to go?


Well-Known Member
they look like they should start showing some sex soon, as far as ready for flowering and nutes, yes for both but personally I'd let them veg a little longer, and I'm diggin the depot bucks. Oh and you should be watering a little less like maybe about once or twice a week a that stage, and you got holes in those buckets right just makin shure.


Well-Known Member
I have holes in them buckets, any other comments? Also, how do I post thumbnails instead of large files? I can hook this up with mad pics of the room with that info.

Pac, how much longer would you wait to flower? Im already worried as the Mandala site recommends flowering at around 10in to a final height of 3ft. Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
You cant sex in the veg stage. If you flower them now they will show sex and grow well. The longer you veg them the bigger they will be(how much room do you have?) In flowering, the will grow a little more too.


Well-Known Member
I would flower VERY soon. With 6.5 feet, you need like 7 inches for the light, which is if the light is up against the ceiling, then around 2 ft clearance between the light and canopy, and subtract out the height of those buckets, which is 13" if I remember correctly, and then the final height of the plant. That only leaves around 16" for the plant to grow, assuming your tallest plant is 18" tall above the rim of the bucket. Since your plants look to be 4-5 inches deep into the bucket, you have around 21" of additional growtn possible. You COULD do a little low stress training, and allow them to veg a lot longer though.


Well-Known Member
Think I need to trim any fan leaves off the plants to open up light to the smaller leaves?
No leave it alone. Those big leafs are taking in most of the co2 and light your plant needs to produce THC. Everytime you hurt a plant, it has to devote resources away from THC production. If you are going to trim a plant do it at the bottom to increase air movment and co2 movment. Sounds like your bottom leafs are turning yellow? This is a nitrogen problem, not light. The more surface area your plant shows the light the better. dont cut big leafs to expose small ones.