First grow in years


Ok so here I go, what I have is a closet that is 3' 7 1/2" wide x 14' long x 7' 10 1/2" high I wish it was 4' wide but that's what i have to work with. I'm looking for suggestions on how to set up this room for best gain. My wife has a debilitating condition and i want to be able to grow her meds as well as pay for the setup and maintenance of it. Not that I wont be doing some sampling my self lol. I can build most anything just don't do much electrical. I'm going to separate the room for veg and flower probably 1/4 veg 3/4 flower. I'm thinking of a aeroponic setup maybe stadium stile in this space?? I've never done aeroponics but it doesn't seem like rocket science to me but maybe I'm wrong?? One things for sure is I want to scrog. I've seen it done in a U shape but looks like more work that way, although not afraid of work if it pays off. I haven't grown in a long time so lots of new ideas and equipment these days, nice on one hand but confusing on the other lol. I'm going to use co2 but it kinda freaks me out a bit, Don't want to kill anyone with it. Safety is a big concern in my mind when planning this ie fires and so on. I'm going to have someone run 220 to the room and I can exhaust into my attic and have intake from outside or inside but probably inside as it would be easier to control. I'll also have fans running 24/7. As for lighting I'm thinking 2 1000 watt in flower room and t5 in veg. As for nutrients ask 10 people get 10 answers, that seems to be all over the bored. anything from people saying they run 500ppms max to 3000ppms could use some help here. Well I think that's about it for now, I'm looking for suggestions from experienced growers. Any ideas are welcome!