First Grow(in years) Questions - Not Stupid Unanswerable Questions.

Hello RUI,

This would be my first post and im hoping to get a little informative information from some experienced growers on here.

I used to grow 10+ years ago and have not grown since then. Back then cloning was unheard of and the only grow medium that I ever used was soil.

Within the past few months I have put my hand into the world of hydro. Trying all systems from drip, to aero, to ebb and flow, and DWC. I decided to flower using DWC to see if I could get the same time of growth during flowering as I did vegging.

My explanations and my grow will be detailed with pictures towards the end.

All 8 Plants started off as clones no bigger then 4" tall. I did this expecting a very small yield, but a very big learning curve. To my surprise things have taken a massive turn for the better. I have gotten better results then ever expected and trying to get some info to depict whether this could be classified as "normal".

I started 12/12 cycle with the 4" clones on 11/1/10. As of 11/28/10 the plants are now all between 3-4ft. I have been pinching and bending the tops to maintain an even canopy and reducing height. My light is maxed out in the 7ft tall tent. I have 8 plants in a 20gal DWC setup. They are flowering under a 600w HPS. The tent is 4x8 with an unused 4x4 flood tray on the other side(pending the results from the first grow) I use GH 3 part nutes.

In the beginning 2 plants were male and they got taken out before the pollen sacks busted and one plant died to my ignorance on the original placement of the air stones. The strains consist of 3 Cali Dream, 1 Crimea Blue, 1 LSD. the 3 replacements that came in a week later are Chrystal, Full Moon, and Skunk1 x Platinum Haze.

Looking for feedback, both good and bad. I also know the the footprint is WAY to small. I didn't expect the growth it sits at today.

And Last Question... We know the Grow Medium, We know lights, we know nutrients, we know strains, you see pics. Estimated yield for the plants shown?? I'm not looking for exact, just ballpark range.

Started out in a homemade tent


One spot where I had to pinch/crop/bend the plant to save height

Crimea Budshot(keep in mind all the pics are phone pics)

The Ladies....



Active Member
aim at an oz a plant dry, anything over is a bonus, looks like your doing well;) only one thing, can you not lower your light slightly without burning the tips, looks like there stretching for it a little?
aim at an oz a plant dry, anything over is a bonus, looks like your doing well;) only one thing, can you not lower your light slightly without burning the tips, looks like there stretching for it a little?

I thought the same thing and tried to lower the lights. I started to crisp the tops. The pics are deceiving there is only about 18" between the top and the light. With the thought that the plants were stretching I tried. After looking a little closer, the Cali Dreams and the LSD are leaning towards the sativa roots and growing tall and stringy. The Crimea Blue has stopped growing in height and started putting on more bud weight. (This is my assumptions, I could be incorrect, please correct if wrong.)


Active Member
can you not add a small fan just below the bulbs?
if your crimea has stopped, your right, it will start fattening in no time now
can you not add a small fan just below the bulbs?
if your crimea has stopped, your right, it will start fattening in no time now

yea i will try. I have to box fans blowing them around now. I also have a 550cfm fan filtering through the hood. I will try to drop it and add a clip fan at that height in the corner. Thanks for the advice :D