first grow in pc box


Hi all this is my friends second attemp making a plant grow and wants to make sure it gets done properly this time

so anyways he has a pc box with cfl lights 125w and its a double one can be used to veg and flower 6400k,2700k

he germinated the seed and planted it 2days later its lookin like this now

does he have to leave the cfl light on 24h or 12h ?? and the temp in the box is
(28c 29c) (83f 84f) and how often should i water it ?? and any sujesstions and help appriciated

thanks guys


Active Member
haha 2 of those light would replace the 6 that i have...where did you find it?
nice grow so far...a couple things though.
1- the light can be on 24-0 or 18-6...12-12 is used to flower it and make it produce buds.
2- 83 degrees is too high...they are considered weeds but the best temp is around 75 degrees.
3- water it when the top of the soil is great for me.
hope that helped


hi thanks for your reply buddy so from now i have decided to do the 18-6 how long do i do that before i do a 12-12 sorry if i sound stupid


lol thanks for the reply am really not sure, should i move it to the middle or isit best to leave it ??