first my closet!

whats up everyone, I'm a brand new member and started a little closet grow. I had two seeds from a decent bag of bud. The high was dazed and slow to speak your thoughts. hopefully more so indica? I germinated the seeds w/ paper towels and tap water.... :eyesmoke: but they sprouted so i ran to home depot. Its been 4 and 5 days since they were planted. Not sure what type of bud it is but one plant seems too have pointy leaves, the other is more round.

There are a 120W, a 100W, and two 75W cfl's above them. not much for reflecting yet.. but a little fan and homemade ventilation straight out the window. Also a space heater because its freeeezing around here. any thoughts or suggestions?



Well-Known Member
Is this your first time growing and if so I would do some researh on the way your growing cause it sucks to loose plants to a problem that could of been sovled with a lil reseach and other then that what's your temps at and what nutes do you use
I'm not too worried about loosing them, it's just a little first try man. But my temp is about 75 degrees and I have some 24-8-16 indoors plant nutrients.
and yeah im a first timer, hence the "first grow." and yeah i need some help, hence the "any suggestions?' not looking to be very serious, thought maybe one plant would grow and I would have some for personal use.

Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
Have fun , thats all that matters! get some light reflection going on to maximize the lumens and direct them . stress and worry will fuck up even the best grow ....So don't!!
and yeah im a first timer, hence the "first grow." and yeah i need some help, hence the "any suggestions?' not looking to be very serious, thought maybe one plant would grow and I would have some for personal use.
How you man?Just finished my first grow,a single plant..worked out ok and took some cuttings so will see how that works out!
The only simole advice i can give you is dont over water and feed it nutes every other watering and get a good soil mix,any sign of white fly..get it sorted with straight away.
Soon as they start flowering give them 12/12 light,i used a 600w hps,it worked good.
Best of luck:)
hey thanks for the advice guys! I transplanted them today because the beginning pots were only about an inch to two inches deep, they are in 8 inch pots now. I watered them right after moving them. Will those be good until the plants mature? i only want them to be about 2-3 ft tall..