First grow in my closet! check it out i'd like some advice


Active Member
Hey guys whattup? I started this grow on May 20th with some bag seed from an afghan strain i believe. I transplanted a week later into what its in now.

I'm just running a couple of cfls in desk lights as u can see and they are not equal in wattage.

For the grow space I partitioned my close using some cardboard and duct tape and hung the lights from a shelf that goes lengthwise in my closet about 160cms up. My overall grow space is 3ft by 2ft by 5ft.

Right now I have one plant about 3.5 weeks into veg in a plastic pot thats 4in x 5in. Its been receiving about 16hours of light each day and gets water when needed. No nutes or anything special just a cheap first grow trial run i guess you could say.

Heres some pics...

pic 1 may 27th...first day potted
pic 2 june 3rd
pic 3 june 6th
pic 4-6 June 13

I'm not sure where to go from here. I was thinking of cloning, for at least sexing maybe even growing more. Also i was thinking of topping but now im leaning towards letting nature take its course. Any opinions from the experienced?

Thanks guys and hopefully this will be a decent yield for my first grow. Id like to share it all with you!


I would say get some more bulbs in there.You can go to the hardware store,lowes,home depot and get some cfls with y splitters and clamps or 2 ft floro tubes.The cost is cheap and will help you out alot.Using just those 2 bulbs will give you close to nothing.


Active Member
how many bulbs are you thinking like 4-6 you think I can get more plants in that kinda space if i do go up in number of lights?


Active Member
Hey guys just an update. sorry i havent posted in a while ive just been busy wrapping up classes and testing and shit. My baby is doing great and i just recently transplanted. I also added a fan to the bottom of my grow facing up to blow on the stem a little.

Here's some pics. Transplant was done 2 days ago and since then I've given it a hefty drink of water. Almost 800mls yesterday and probably half that the day before. I wont be watering it for a few days now.

The leaves have begun to kinda curl upwards. I dont exactly know what that means but I hope its no big deal. I wish some one would subscribe to this I feel like i need some help here and maybe more people to look at this wouldnt be so bad.

Temp ranges from 75 to 85 depending on time of day. I do have the A/C unit in my room running so that keeps it somewhat cool.

Any advice will be appreciated...I am working on getting more lights right now but as I am flat broke it wont be for a while. So far I'm pretty happy with the growth though.



Active Member
I was thinking of starting to flower soon. and I also wanted to clone soon. I picked up some MG bloom booster for when I start flowering and also some shultz rooting hormone.

What node should I look to cut off for a clone? I was thinking either the first one with 5 leaves on it or the off shoot of the last 3 leaved shoot. What do you guys think I'd have the most luck with on that?


Active Member
Damn so theres people lookin just not commentin huh...I did my first clone and I cut the first 5 leaved shoots that I encountered. They look like they will grow into something nice so hopefully they will take root. Ill be posting the pics of them some time tomorrow. I'm also getting ready to start the 12/12 cycle and hit it with the bloom blaster I got. i see most people start with 1/4 strength so I'll probably do that or look more into it tomorrow.

Cheers all.


Active Member
lol by keepin the posts up!!! just takes time....look at mine im just able to roll a joint....plant looks good by the way...good foliage and color! keep it up!


Active Member
well thanks for my first positive comments. i cant wait till im able to roll a joint guess ill just be more active


Active Member
Just an update everyone, its been a little bit but the plants lookin great.

5 Weeks in an i decided to go to the flowering stage after taking some clones. My buddy's holding on to those so im not quite sure how they are doing. So far im at about 20cm. I'm keepin it low cuz i do only have a few shitty cfls right now. When i move in 6 weeks my closet will be well equipped. (hopefully with some hydro)

So its been 2 days of 12/12 so far and its lookin normal. No sign of sexing yet but it looks completely different from my friends who had to kill his male today.

My camera is dead but i do have updated pics. ill post those later on when it gets charged up.

Any input on whether i should just keep it in veg maybe since its small, and young 20 cm and 5 weeks. and also i have to move in 6 weeks so would it be easier to move a vegging plant or a flowering plant.

Thanks guys for checkin this out pics will come soon im pretty bored as shit right now


Active Member
I suggest staying in veg for awhile longer.You should get at least 2 more bulbs.Personally I would say it's easier to move a vegging plant.If she is flowering and you move her she might come in close range with a male.You never know who is growing around you....Plant pictured is growing under cfl's.


Active Member
nice plant man i would sex her now cuase if she turns out to b male ur gonna have to throw all ur clones and plant away but so far so good she looks strong snd sturdy