First grow in ebb and flow and need help with nutrients


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone!

i recently started my first grow and I’m having some major issues with my current nutrient regime. I’m growing in approximately a 12x15 room with an ac and 4 double ended 600 watt mh. I started off using the Lucas method which is 8 micro 16 bloom general hydroponics. The plants are 6 weeks in veg and most of them have tacoed looking leaves which looks like high heat or stress from the light. One person suggested that it is russet mites so I got a high powered microscope and found absolutely nothing. I looked for over 30 minutes at these leaves. A buddy of mine that has the same exact setup but uses different nutrients thinks that it’s a nutrient issue. What is an easy nutrient schedule to follow? I’m about to start up another 24 site room and I need help so that I don’t ruin these! I’m growing in hydroton without clay pebbles. I water 4 times a day for 30 minutes. Please help me succeed!


What is the ppm and ec of your nutrient mix? What is the temp of the water going when feeding? I’m in coco and noticed I have to have my ec at 1.2 and ppm around 600 to feed twice per day. Anything higher the plants weren’t liking it. I use gh flora series too but use 6ml micro and 9ml bloom. I had to back off the micro to about 4ml when flowering bc they started showing excess nitrogen with leaf claw.


Yeah you definitely need a ppm/ec meter and a ph meter for hydro. Are you using RO water? Lucas formula is designed for RO water as well as gh flora series. Have you checked what your roots look like? Those are some symptoms of root rot, and as the other person told you looks like possible broad mites too as they cause the leaf curling and very shiny leaves.

check out:


Could also be ph problems. A lot of variables that’s why it’s best to get ph and ec dialed in so you can eliminate possibilities of what could be wrong as a lot of symptoms mimic one another.


Well-Known Member
I have a ph of 6.1, and yes, I’m using RO water. The roots are white too. I’m using the general hydroponics series for the Lucas formula.


That’s good ph. I keep mine at 5.8. If everything else is fine, temps, ph, light distance, nutes. The Lucas formula is pretty well tried and tested so I don’t think it’s the nutes causing problems. I’d say from researching you have mites. Your pictures and symptoms pretty much match the pictures of the link I shared of mites. The link also includes how to get rid of them id check into it.

for comparison these are my plants from using general hydroponics series also. I use 6/9 though instead of 8/16 Bc I am in coco. I have had none of the problems you are showing through any of the stages which again leads me to believe you have an infestation.



Well-Known Member
Just now saw your message. I used a 250x microscope and it’s definitely not mites. I switched up the formula I was using and they look slightly better. I have 2 huge coco plants that I use 7/10 in (similar to your 6/9) and they look super healthy! I don’t get why i can’t get this hydro thing right :(