Is that with or without cooltube? 600watt should be roughly 60cm away (400watt 40cm, 1000watt a meter), you can go a little lower because you have less area to cover but I wouldn't lower them those 6 inches again. I keep mine at roughly 20" (50cm instead of 60cm) and that already gives some heat stress directly below the light. I'm still surprised you can get away with running a 600w in 32x32".
That said, do check the temps and RH because both affect the transpiration a lot. If raising the light caused the temps near the plant to drop it will cause reduced transpiration which in practice means you need to water a little less too.
Hard to say what goes on in their mind (as a matter of speaking
) but remember what I said about not spraying too often to prevent "lazy roots" and possibly backfiring during flowering? It's a bit of a stoner term probably but it's an oldie. If you sprayed two times a day you meddle with the transpiration directly and indirectly (by changing the humidity) and then when you stop the plant will have to re-regulate itself. Just a theory... but yeah I think that could play a role too.