first grow hydro BC sweet tooth


Well-Known Member
i just ordered some fox farm big blume, it shold be here later next week, im not sure if im going to wait for 30 days of veg if they keep growing like they are


Well-Known Member
my 2 small plants still arent catching up, i moved them to the outside so they would have to stretch more for light, im hoping they catch up because i want to flower when the others get to like 9 or ten inches and they are almost there,


Well-Known Member
i just bought a emergeny blanket today, i cant put it up yet because the bitch is home, how do you put it up so thers no air pockets? should i put a peice under the plants? can i just hang a pice of it or dose it have to be on a wall?ill post todays pics tonight or tormorow with tomorows pics


Well-Known Member
i got my internet shut off so i havent posted pics in a while, i forgot what day i was on too, but i just started flowering, i cant tell witch ones are males and femaes yet, there is one that looks different than the rest, hopefuly thats the male and the other 5 are females, heres some pics



Well-Known Member
i just got my tiger bloom in... should i change the res and use it now or should i wait till i get the big bloom???


Active Member
lookin pretty good bro, you should wait for harvest day then tell your girlfriend "you have a surprise for her." then show her your beautiful forest that youve kept hidden for 3 months. that should really blow her away.

looks like you might need some more air, could be the reason those other guys arent growing as fast. and the droopiness


Well-Known Member
thats what my plan is.. im gonna tell her " if you didnt notice that whole time how the fuck wouold anyone elce find out"


Well-Known Member
i finally got all my nutes i used 1 tsp of alaskan fish emulsion pg , 1 tsp of big bloom pg, and 1 of tiger bloom, i want to use molasess but i dont know when the best time is to start usiing it


Elite Rolling Society
Man, I would add the new lights when you go to 12/12. CFLS do great for Vegging, are easy to move, have LOW HEAT, low energy use, and do just fine, and can be as close as two inches away fromt he plants. look at my pics under Grow Room Setup, under R for Roseman. I started with 2 85 watt CFLs and now have 6 total for the Flowering stage.
You need to add two airstones to inside the tank to add oxegen to the water. I've done several experiments with OXEGEN, and air stones and you can not add too many. OXEGEN is not discussed enough as being so important.
I started out draining my tank every 14 days the first month, then went to every 7 days and learned that the draining process allowed more air to get to the roots. Now I drain as often as possible,e ven if I add back teh same water and nutes. Those ten minutes of the roots being dry make a large difference. DO NOT EXPOSE THE ROOTS TO LIGHT.
AND get a spary bottle and add 1/10 the normal amount of nutes to the water and sprayt he heck out of them. remember, naturally they get rained on and wind blown.
You ought to also visit my thread STEALTH HYDRO BUBBLEPONICS here, I assure you that you will learn a lot there..


Elite Rolling Society
don't let those droppy leaf tips worry you. Use less nutes in the sprayer - mister.
did you add airstones?

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
Those lights are fine for now but like Filthy said you will want real lights if you want nice buds. If you plan to bud in that container you can prolly get away with a 400w- 600w hps light. Good luck.