First Grow, Huge Leaf Isse, Please HELP

Best of luck, hope you figure it out, just a small related issues will never ever ever make the leaf cup down..or up for that matter! Your issue is with watering...soil is too damp, too wet for too long, not enough air/dryness going through! That's why they are cupping downwards..eventually, you will learn from experience;) Good luck!
Alright thanks so much for this so the fan leaves are still cupping and dropping down as shown in the photos, I have a soil ph and water ph tester coming sometime in the next week so I hope that will be able to address the issue of ph and I’ll also check the run off ph as well of the water.

I still think that I don’t water enough I have been using the method where I’ll put my finger into the soil to see if it’s damp of not and it still is so what I’m thinking of doing is just letting the soil dry out and then watering it. I didn’t think that I would encounter the issue of overwatering. I also thought it could of been due to my fan because it was pretty strong blowlging directly onto both plants and so I just moved the fan to face the wall and let that air flow around the plants instead of directly onto the fan.

Would you like a updated photo to see what’s still going on?

Always helps
Alright here’s updates on the plants I know there’s still foil I have been busy but I just took it down now so it’s just white walls around the plant now.
Furthermore I have a PH water and soil tester coming soon so if it’s a ph related issue I’ll be able to know.
I included a photo of the top of the soil just so y’all can have a look, I watered around 24 hours ago and watered very little around half a cup just to finish off the water bottle

Also on my first plant I noticed that the cotyledon first leaf has died or wilted down, I’m not sure if this is something to be concerned about. Please let me know and please anymore advice on the down cupping droopy leaves leave some comments. Ill also be leaving the plant to dry a bit and won’t water for a few days so I will know if it’s me overwatering or not.

Just in case anyone is wondering the seed is a regular special skunk and I’m pretty sure it’s a hybrid seed


Medicated Bonsai

Well-Known Member
Instead of watering little bits at a time, just let the soil dry and water it completely. A lot of people recommend sticking your finger into the soil (Up to the first knuckle / right above your fingernail) but, I personally don't like prodding my fingers into the soil. I just feel the weight and water based on how light it feels. Your plant looks hella dry/thirsty tho. That foil did some work.
Instead of watering little bits at a time, just let the soil dry and water it completely. A lot of people recommend sticking your finger into the soil (Up to the first knuckle / right above your fingernail) but, I personally don't like prodding my fingers into the soil. I just feel the weight and water based on how light it feels. Your plant looks hella dry/thirsty tho. That foil did some work.
Yep for sure I don’t really like the weight method just doesn’t feel 100% to me personally it may be good for others but for me the finger method works best so for sure I’ll just let it dry out for now and then give it a good watering instead of small ones each few days.
Will the fan leaves return to their normal shape? And is this affected because I ha e changed my lights to 12-12 a few days ago

Medicated Bonsai

Well-Known Member
Yep for sure I don’t really like the weight method just doesn’t feel 100% to me personally it may be good for others but for me the finger method works best so for sure I’ll just let it dry out for now and then give it a good watering instead of small ones each few days.
Will the fan leaves return to their normal shape? And is this affected because I ha e changed my lights to 12-12 a few days ago
This is just my opinion but, I think this is a combination of high temps, low humidity, and improper watering. How does she feel to the touch? Dry and leathery?

Edit : She also looks paper thin.


Well-Known Member
"I watered around 24 hours ago and watered very little around half a cup just to finish off the water bottle"
This is what i meant, a watering issue. You don't water plants that size a cup of water! You are just keeping the top soil wet that way and not allowing oxygen to get through..which is the very reason you allow the medium to 'dry out' in the first place. Constantly wet soil, and top soil especially, will leave the root zone in an anaerobic state.
As mentioned, the best way is by judging the weight of containers as the finger method may tell you its dry an inch down, but that could be just maybe drier air in your environment or a fan/breeze drying the top out faster, but down low, its still wet. Ideally, you want your medium well saturated when you water, and that saturation should dry out in max 5 days for best growth, but usually around day 3-4.
This is just my opinion but, I think this is a combination of high temps, low humidity, and improper watering. How does she feel to the touch? Dry and leathery?

Edit : She also looks paper thin.
Humidity is around 50-55% throughout both day and night, my temps aren’t going above 21 degrees but 100% improper watering, I’ll have to work on this.

It feels dry yes and somewhat leathery yeah
"I watered around 24 hours ago and watered very little around half a cup just to finish off the water bottle"
This is what i meant, a watering issue. You don't water plants that size a cup of water! You are just keeping the top soil wet that way and not allowing oxygen to get through..which is the very reason you allow the medium to 'dry out' in the first place. Constantly wet soil, and top soil especially, will leave the root zone in an anaerobic state.
As mentioned, the best way is by judging the weight of containers as the finger method may tell you its dry an inch down, but that could be just maybe drier air in your environment or a fan/breeze drying the top out faster, but down low, its still wet. Ideally, you want your medium well saturated when you water, and that saturation should dry out in max 5 days for best growth, but usually around day 3-4.
Okay thank you for this much appreciated.
So what do you think I should do then? Should I just slow down with the watering? I was a bit confused aha sorry again about how dumb i seem it’s just I’m trying to learn so I don’t make the same mistakes again. I’ll definitely use the weight method then I’ll have to read about it as well.


Well-Known Member
Humidity is around 50-55% throughout both day and night, my temps aren’t going above 21 degrees but 100% improper watering, I’ll have to work on this.

It feels dry yes and somewhat leathery yeah
When the leaves feel this way, they are not drinking as they should be, hence why they cup down in that manner as they cant maintain their structure without enough water in them. Perhaps the medium is too big for them and taking too long to dry out, and/or the watering habits. It comes in time:)
How big is your container, and how much do you water exactly and how often, and how long have you been using said method in this grow?
When the leaves feel this way, they are not drinking as they should be, hence why they cup down in that manner as they cant maintain their structure without enough water in them. Perhaps the medium is too big for them and taking too long to dry out, and/or the watering habits. It comes in time:)
How big is your container, and how much do you water exactly and how often, and how long have you been using said method in this grow?
I’m not sure specifically how big the container is I just found it outside and thought I’d use it, I can’t check now because it’s in a dark cycle but I have one plant in a big pot as shown in the photo and one plant in a original pot which is much smaller.

I don’t really measure how much I water like I’ll just pour water in until most of the surface of the soil is wet and then I’ll let it go I don’t really know how else to describe the amount of water, if you suggest I could measure the amount in ml the next time I do water (few days from now)
I water when I put my finger a few cm in the soil and I feel it’s dry and not sticky like when it’s wet. I know it’s not the best method I use and I’ll definitely stop this.


Well-Known Member
I’m not sure specifically how big the container is I just found it outside and thought I’d use it, I can’t check now because it’s in a dark cycle but I have one plant in a big pot as shown in the photo and one plant in a original pot which is much smaller.

I don’t really measure how much I water like I’ll just pour water in until most of the surface of the soil is wet and then I’ll let it go I don’t really know how else to describe the amount of water, if you suggest I could measure the amount in ml the next time I do water (few days from now)
I water when I put my finger a few cm in the soil and I feel it’s dry and not sticky like when it’s wet. I know it’s not the best method I use and I’ll definitely stop this.
People generally measure the water out as it makes it easier come feeding time, one knows how much food to add (based on their regimen), if the amount of water is unknown, it's more work to make the same mixture that one is used to. When you water, do you get water running out of the bottom of your container? Again, without knowing some variables, it's a bit harder to say how or what to correct exactly. You added a fertilizer at one point, how do you know how much fertilizer to add if you don't know the amount of water you are adding it to? Also, as was mentioned, the lights you have are very weak to grow a plant, i don't know how you will flower under that light! Those are other issues for now. The ppm/ph meter will help as well!
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People generally measure the water out as it makes it easier come feeding time, one knows how much food to add (based on their regimen), if the amount of water is unknown, it's more work to make the same mixture that one is used to. When you water, do you get water running out of the bottom of your container? Again, without knowing some variables, it's a bit harder to say how or what to correct exactly.
I don’t think so I haven’t checked this yet but I don’t think so but I’m not 100% sure I’ll have to check when I water next and I’ll make sure to fill you in with this information


Well-Known Member
I don’t think so I haven’t checked this yet but I don’t think so but I’m not 100% sure I’ll have to check when I water next and I’ll make sure to fill you in with this information
Do take note of how much water it took for you to pour in before it was dripping out the bottom...water slowly so that the runoff isn't simply water running off the edge of your container, but mixing with your medium.
Do take note of how much water it took for you to pour in before it was dripping out the bottom...water slowly so that the runoff isn't simply water running off the edge of your container, but mixing with your medium.
Alright will do, I may water in 2 days or maybe 3 just to really make sure everything drys out and then I’ll measure the amount of water (hopefully my ph meter will arrive by then) and I’ll do it in ml and do it slowly and then have something under the plant to collect the water. Thanks for this really can’t tell you how much I appreciate it and i hope my plant gets back to normal!
Hi so it’s been a few days and yet to water I may wait till Monday to water as my PH meter arrives then so that’s 2 days away so it will be a total of 4 or 5 days without watering surly that’s been enough time and somewhat preventing it from overwatering.

My question is, seeing my plants are in 12-12, how long will it take till I can determine the sex of my plant? I have included a photo to show what it looks like so any advice would be fantastic. Thanks


Medicated Bonsai

Well-Known Member
Tbh, you should've waited to flip her..atleast until you get all the problems wrinkled out. Now you've entered a whole new cycle that you haven't experienced yet with pre-existing issues. Also, it's hard to tell but the stems look kinda thin. She might have troubles holding her buds if she's too skinny. If there's a benefit to this, then its this. Learn from this plant and take preventative measures on the next run.

As far as sexing, I'm thinking a couple weeks yet.


Well-Known Member
I don't know how to post on here, but I have a problem with 1st time dwc grow. They are in a 5 gallon dwc using flora micro 7ml bloom 5ml and grow 10ml. In 3.5 gallons of water, 24 inches under 630w cmh running at 480w. I'm not adding cal mag, using tap water through a filter, water temp, is 65 to 68, room temp is 73 to 85, ph 6.2. ppm is 536 total, (83 out of the tap.) I can't tell if it's a deficiency or toxicity. Any help would be great.


Medicated Bonsai

Well-Known Member
I don't know how to post on here, but I have a problem with 1st time dwc grow. They are in a 5 gallon dwc using flora micro 7ml bloom 5ml and grow 10ml. In 3.5 gallons of water, 24 inches under 630w cmh running at 480w. I'm not adding cal mag, using tap water through a filter, water temp, is 65 to 68, room temp is 73 to 85, ph 6.2. ppm is 536 total, (83 out of the tap.) I can't tell if it's a deficiency or toxicity. Any help would be great.
You should open a new thread (in the hydroponics/dwc section). People with more experience there and the OP might not appreciate this on his thread haha. To navigate to this page click :
Homepage > Hydroponics/Aeroponics > DWC/bubbleponics > Pencil Icon at the top right of page.

I have no knowledge/experience in Hydroponics / DWC so I don't want to feed you false information.


Well-Known Member
You should open a new thread (in the hydroponics/dwc section). People with more experience there and the OP might not appreciate this on his thread haha. To navigate to this page click :
Homepage > Hydroponics/Aeroponics > DWC/bubbleponics > Pencil Icon at the top right of page.

I have no knowledge/experience in Hydroponics / DWC so I don't want to feed you false information.
Thanks, yeah I tried to open a new thread, but couldn't figure it out. I'll try again the way you explained. Apologies to op.