First Grow how does it look


Well-Known Member
Looks real good. How long this been growing? I notice you got a few plants in that pot. You may wanna get those out ASAP before the roots inter tangle.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
you can go to 12/12 anytime but it looks a little small to start now. you will get a better yeild if you veg. longer.


Active Member
well i have heard from alot of people you can go 12/12 from seed just not very good yields i planted that one over a moth ago so its been awhile im not worried about yield right now i just want to get a routine down and make sure my method works for me like i said its my first grow so im just kinda experimenting


Active Member
but i have not actually started 12/12 yet i was gonna start tomorrow but it has been on a 24 cycle how much longer would you say for that plant before i swith


Well-Known Member
I don't want to seem like I'm nit picking at you but even if it is your first grow and you are experimenting, why experiment for low yields. You are asking for help, so I will answer to help you get the best out of yourself and your plants. If I'm too harsh let me know and others will answer your questions and I'll bow out gracefully.

Here is a few things you need to learn.

First off patience.

Also only plant one seed per pot. To save money get sixteen ounce plastic dixie cups at the supermarket. They are around $3. Drill 5 3/16" holes in the bottom of one cup and fill half way with soil, maybe a little less. Give a good watering in the sink and let it drain for 20 minutes and then get another cup without holes and place the one with soil inside of it. Use what you want but I use an orange wire nut, I press it down in the soil and remove, then I place the seed in the hole and fill the hole with soil by running my finger over it. Then water directly over were you planted the seed ever so slightly, maybe 5 - 10 drops because you don't want to wash the soil out and cause the seed to be on top. Now place this under the lights you wish to use for Veg'ing. You should see sprouts in usually three days, of course you are using ProMix Organic soil and plain normal water, nothing else you will need. The only thing to watch for is sometimes the sprouts take off and grow quickly, then the stem isn't strong enough to hold the upper half, this is no problem for you because you planned ahead, just fill in the cup with soil around the plant as it gets bigger until the soil is almost at the top of the cup. No worries, mate.

While you are waiting, you should get a 2 - 3 gallon pot and a 5 gallon bucket for each plant you wish to grow. The reason is that you will be transplanting each plant right before Veg'ing and right before Flowering.

To transplant fill the bottom of the new pot with soil until the top of the old pot soil level is even with the new pots top. Read it a few times it will make sense. Take the plant, soil ball and all, removed from the old pot and place in the center of the new pot, then fill new soil around the new pot until it is all filled in. As an alternative you may just cut the bottom of the old pot off and then do the same above. I like to reuse what I can and afraid of destroying the roots when cutting off the bottom of the old pot, but experiment and decide for yourself.

Now back to your question, when to start flower. Whenever you want, that is what you decided but if you are trying to do it what I consider the correct way, I would not do it that way. If you are just trying to sex, I'd just cover up a branch. Back to the key word PATIENCE, I just wait for the plant to tell me what it is.

To get best results you should let the plant grow as long as you can, to meet my minimum standards I'd be waiting for 12 - 18 inches before switching. My newest method is to waqit for alternating nodes. If you have alternating nodes, then you'l know the plant is mature. Also mentioned on this board by another poster is to wait until you have 5 nodes on the plant which sounds about right and matches up with the other stuff, depends on how you wish to do it.

Hope this helps you out.


Active Member
no your not coming off to harsh nor nit picking i get what your saying i just really want to know my sex's cause i dont want to be doing all this for nothing i mean i have three other plants going but i guess i will just hold off but i really appreciate all the input thanks


Well-Known Member
Well, they will all show their sex way before you have to worry about ruining everything from accidental pollenation. What are you worried about ruining ?


Active Member
not worried about ruining just the time spent on the project and after just reading your female thread you just posted there was a mishap with the lights so i dont know whats going to happen


Well-Known Member
Well, from what I've read you've only been in 12/12 part of today, correct ? Therefore you are staying in Veg mode and should be OK.

If you did for a week, then you, the easiest way to put I guess, is like you stunt the growth while it switches, the plant really does switch and it takes it about a week to get adjusted so you'll lose about a week of time or so each way, switching one way and back you'd slow the growth down 2 - 3 weeks. Plus if you actually went into Flower and Back out, it usually causes some wierd growth and your plant will look funny, deformed and I'm not sure how much it effects the yield.


Active Member
i started 12/12 when they first started but then switched to 24 up until yesterday for one day then decided to ask but now am going back to 24 will this have an effect on sex?


Well-Known Member
"i started 12/12 when they first started "

I don't understand what that means........... They started what ?

Anyway, I believe in the less you stress the plant the more likely it is to become female, so in my opinion you are stressing it by changing light cycles, and in return could be increasing the chances of your plants becoming male.

There isn't any scientific proof of this and everyon has their own opinion on it and that is just mine.


Well-Known Member
hey sorry to change subject but i am new to this site and i need pointed in the direction of a discussion about hydro nutrient soln strength i use general hydroponic 3 part grow,micro,bloom and i need to know what people here are using i mean like i need to oknow what strentgths for cuttings and veg and such