First Grow..Hempy/Double Screen Scrog/Tent/400W HPS Cool Tube...Comments/Advise?


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Well-Known Member
Interesting... unless you have crazy heavy buds i see the double scrog being more cumbersome then beneficial but shouldn't matter :P

What strains are you running?


Active Member
strain is unknown...but is extremely hearty..basically bag seed that spawned an entire grow setup...haha...and now that Im later into the grow i believe you are right second screen is creating more work and tighter work is giving me two layers of decent growth...later into flower I believe I might have a slightly better yield than most on my lower nodes...


Well-Known Member
Mhmmm, you should do a double harvest. Harvest tops then wait another week or so and harvest tops on second screen.

Also what nutes are you using and how did you start them in the hempy?


Well-Known Member
Mhmmm, you should do a double harvest. Harvest tops then wait another week or so and harvest tops on second screen.

Also what nutes are you using and how did you start them in the hempy?
I second this suggestion. It looks to me like the growth is too tightly packed together & the popcorn won't have as much of a chance to fill out. Very nice looking plants tho, + rep!


Active Member
Haha...awesome never even occured to me to do double harvest...great call!!!

Starting in Hempy..hmmm...people told me I was crazy..but I germinated about a 1/2 inch sprout and then put it straight into 650g yogurt container with hole drilled and hempy mix inside!! and 2 days later sprouted 4 leaves!! super hearty strain whatever it is...not sure if this will work for all strains but im gonna try it again...also I have spliced off two clones(one from each) and am attempting to root a budding clone to produce one main cola no more than 10 inch tall..just a experiment i found in this forum..with the heartiness of this plant i think it might work..been 3 days and cuttings seem to be super new growth but things arent dying!! so thats a good sign...

as for nutes just using run of the mill cheap nutes found at any garden center... Plant Prod 10-52-10 starter and 15-30-15 giving 5ml per 1 litre water right of now each plant is taking 2L of water/nute substance every two days...


I'd say twenty more days give or take five. No serious burn or moisture stress looks like smooth sailing till chop. Nice job!


Well-Known Member
Mhmmm, you should do a double harvest. Harvest tops then wait another week or so and harvest tops on second screen.

Also what nutes are you using and how did you start them in the hempy?
This is what I would do, Give the bottom a little more time, setup looks nice man, you should enjoy your yeild in the end.


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ya i'm quiet proud of myself...think I did pretty good...and i think I am gonna try double harvest..i'll post pics and info on how well it works..thanks for the support team!!


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Updates!!! Ok Ive been 12/12 for 46 days... I think i'm about 14 days from cuttin time?!? Any comments? suggestions?

Also if you look at the pictures we can see new sprouts/clusters of white hairs...can anyone explain whats going on here?!?



Well-Known Member
Sup element. Crop looks killer! The little white hairs on your bud is new growth. Some strains will still be growing even when the trichomes say it's chop time. They're basically still swelling up on you and the last 2 weeks is when they put on their weight. You have some huge colas now so this time next week they'll be falling over I'd say ;) Take some pics with the light off and you can see the color WAY better. That HPS light will play tricks on ya


Active Member
Pic # 4 Blew my mind. keep these going as long as you can! 2 weeks will definitly fatten these up big time!


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I got em in a screen and have already tied 2 of the big mains to the screen for support, I can tie more up if i have to..