first grow hemphy and a self water pill bottle

HI all this is my first post and grow. one is a hempy bucket and the other is a self watering pill bottle. both are perlite and vermiculite mix median. the temp stays between 74-81. My humidity is dropping every day. I am using a cfl soft white 2700k,3860 lumens, light is on 19 hours and off for 5 hours. i been watering them every day with bottled water mixed with birth control pills. i haven't used any nutrients. i have other seeds that i germinated planted in a bigger bucket wait for them to sprout.
My questions are how do i tell if they are healthy? do i need more light? well i had more questions too stoned to remember101_0596.jpg101_0597.jpg101_0592.jpg101_0595.jpg101_0593.jpg


Well-Known Member
You are giving them birth control pills?

The one seedling is obviously stretching. Did you recently rotate the vitamin bottle? Usually plants will bend to get closer to the lights. Your seedling shouldn't be more than a few inches from the CFL. Do you have any kind of fan to keep the plants cool? I only ask because I see that the seedling would probably blow over.

I would start with a very light nute solution pretty soon.

Is this your first grow? I would have started out with a simple traditional soil grow to get the feeling of things if i was you instead of trying more advanced techniques if i was you (the birth control pills, small hempy grow). But then again, no better way to learn than to just jump in and try it. good luck.
yes im giving them birth control pills. i heard to rotate the containers as they grow towards the light. i have heater that blows set to 70 and i have a fan but is kinda big. yeah this is my 1st grow i took everything i read over the last month and just started.

what kinda very light nute solution should i use? do i make it myself or order it. should i buy veg and flower kit?


Well-Known Member
Cheers and good luck my friend.

What do you plan on doing when and if your rootball overgrows the pill bottle?

Just out of curiosity why didn't you just try your hand at a simple soil grow?


Well-Known Member
I'm trying hempy for my first grow. It's easy as pie (so far) if you have a reasonable container. Grape juice and a pill bottle? Why not get a couple of slurpy cups from the 7/11 (do those still exist?).

Good luck with your grow.
when it out grows the pill bottle i hope to know how to transplant from perlite. and im going to use two 5 gallon buckets. one to grow in other as the reservoir. can you transplant perlite? and i just took what i had around the house and used it? im working on low income. if i stop the birth control will it hurt my gf noticed today.


Well-Known Member
Subbed...You may end up with a harvest in 90 days and a baby in 9 months...:)

This should be an excellent journal! Do birth control pills keep your plant from having babies?
yeah i just had a baby 6 months ago she might not be to happy. i might have to get the rusty clothes hanger. i wanna try cloning the plants. i got some more grow ideas. i have to keep them small cause of were im living. i tried the shot glass plenty of times but i dont think i had enough exp.
101_0606.jpg101_0604.jpg101_0602.jpg101_0601.jpg101_0605.jpg101_0603.jpgtook this pictures today. how do they look. i moved the one from the juice container to a ice cream bucket. the one in the pill bottle i think is starting to show preflowers. they look like what i think pistillate look like from pictures I've seen. they are a V grow at the base of the first set of true leafs. i still haven't start any nutrients. which leads me to my next question, can u make and nutrients formulas from scratch with household items. i hear you can use molasses to sweeten up the end buds. anything else i can use? does anyone know about the molasses theory does it work? do i add it to the water? has anyone ever used superthrive? it is surpose to add more leafs and flowers in plants.


Active Member
nice, i like your variation of a wick system (self watering pill bottle) im gonna be starting my hempy grow soon as i get my beans, this will be my 2nd grow first was soil. under poor cfl lightning 3 plants. im also using 16oz cups then to rectangle waste baskets.

Hope your grow continues out well. If you feel your being critiqued too much dont worry its a "weed" it will survive alot of stuff you may over worry about.