First grow help


Active Member
This is my first grow taking all comments/suggestions running two 68watt cfls and one 23 watt on the using seasol power feed and typical garden potting mix.(She is fimmed btw~in second pic) i also recently added more soil so shes really short. First fan leaves are going yellow nothing else and dying off have tried adding extra nitrogen last few days I don't think its a deficiency can't be sure. Bottom leaf mutated into two and looks really green around the tips and glossy, did a ph test of my tap water came out as high 10-12 but soil ph is fine around 6-7. Should I stop feeding her nitrogen now so I can take clones before I flower ? Or wait a bit longer and tips appreciated on what i should do.



Active Member
Well, first of all she looks good and healthy. Bottom leaves color should not bother you much, if new grown leaves look nice - as it shows that whatever problem you had has passed. The yellow ones you can just trim. About your water PH - you should stop using it. The runoff water is 6-7 just because it came neutral and every time you water with PH=10 you ruin your soil a bit, so stop and go for bottled water. I have very little growing expirience, and only autos for now, so I don't know much about cloning. From what I read you want to cut the clones - let them sprout some roots, veg 'em a bit and then flower them, leaving the original plant for the next batch of clones.
Good luck!

ps - by bottled water I mean distilled or mineral. I used mineral and it worked just fine - in a 1"*1"*1" stealth growbox pulled half an ounce dry ;)


Active Member
She looks ok now, don't rush for chemicals, man. I say - just switch the water from here on out and all should be fine. Unless someone with more expirience says othervise ;P


Well-Known Member
You need to control the PH of what goes in. Get a PH tester and some Up and Down to get whatever you are feeding to right around 6.5. Tap should be fine.

They have too much N if anything